The argument that ‘in three lines you can understand the whole truth’
1. I am not this body and the active principle within this body, the soul, is all-attractive.
2. There is similarly a living force in this big cosmic gigantic manifestation and that active
principle is Krishna, Krishna means All-attractive.
3. He is great; I am small and the small’s business is to serve the great.
The argument that we see that everything has a maker, a creator,
and we can conclude that this great cosmic manifestation also has a creator.
We cannot understand God through sense experience,
but through our reason we can understand that there is God.
1.a. We can reason, "I have my father, and my father also has a father, who has a father, and so on. Therefore there must be a Supreme Father." God is the supreme and original Father, and by reasoning we can understand that He exists.
1.b. Similarly, we can also understand by reasoning that God is the creator. We see that everything has a maker, a creator, and we can conclude that this great cosmic manifestation also has a creator. This is reasoning.
1.c. But rascals speculate that in the beginning there was a big chunk of matter and an explosion, or whatever, that started the universe. But if there were an explosion, there must have been some explosive, and if there were some explosive, there must have been some worker to set it off. Otherwise, how did the chunk of matter explode? Through our reason we can perceive that everything has some creator or cause.
1.d. We stated: “Everything has a maker, a creator.” See around you. Your computer, e-reader, cup and bottle for water, the windows, house, floor, chair, mosquitonet, books on bookshelf, bookshelf, pencil, paper for writing, clothes you wear, prayer beads, pot wih peanut butter, tablebulb of the lamp, electricity wire, doorknob, bed, sheets, pillow. You may have more in your vision.
1.e. The universe, as a whole, with all in it, is also 1 thing, an object, as the things around you. It also has a creator.
2. All the objects we see around us have a function, as given by the creator in a manuel. From this we can understand the creator and the creation.
3. The material world (stretching from the first point of emanation till the end of the expanse from it), as a cloud of dust/water, in the infinite beyond, is a place of suffering in the form of kala, tri-klesa, guna, karma, janma mrtyu jara vyadhi. We are souls, imprisoned in the (micro prison) cell of the material body, in the greater cosmic, macro prison house.
4. A King, head of state, ruler, sovereign, monarch, supreme ruler, crowned head, majesty, Crown, royal personage, emperor, Prince president, minister, potentate, overlord, lord, leader, chief, who are creating prisons, live beyond the prison walls, in a palace, holiday resort, royal/official residence, castle, mansion residence, stately home, manor, manor house, country house, villa, castle, fairyland, seventh heaven, heaven on earth, a celestial city, bungalow.
5. God lives in Heaven, beyond matter.
The argument that because the accidental is not,
God or the Absolute, is
1. Atheist. The universe is a mechanism operating according to impersonal mathematical laws.
No personal god can form part of a world model that has only become accessible at the cost of removing everything personal from it.
2. Theist. Any mechanism is Generated, Operated and Destroyed - G-O-D, by a person, a small or big g-o-d. Mechanisms as the electricity generator, oven, cooker, computer, refrigerator, telephone and the wires and telephone company, radio, television are from human or small g-o-ds.
Similarly, nature’s mechanisms as the human body, blade of grass, tree, creeper, ant, fly, bird also have g-o-ds generating, maintaining and destroying them. Similarly, the mechanism of the universe is Generated, Governed, Operated and Destroyed by God, the Supreme Person, the Supreme Personality of GODHEAD.
Person means (dictionary) : individual, man// woman, someone, being, living soul, soul, personage, character, life form, living entity, living thing, spirit, psyche, self, ego, animating principle, life force, vital force, identity.
someone conscious = thinking, feeling, desiring, aware of, alert to, sensitive to, cognizant of, mindful of, responsive, sentient. a being that has certain capacities or attributes such as reason, morality, consciousness or self-consciousness (a being that “can conceive itself as itself”), rights, privileges, responsibilities, and legal liability. an individual substance of a rational nature. (end definition)
Some mechanisms have the g-o-d living *in* it, as eg the human body, blade of grass, tree, creeper, ant, fly, bird. And sometimes the g-o-d is outside of it, as eg the pc, tv.
The G-O-D of the mechanism of the universe lives in (immanent) *and* outside of it (transcendental), since it is a prison house. As a king lives outside the prison, and in it by his representative.
There is a personal God, a supreme designer and controller, who makes and winds up the mechanism or clock of the universe. He makes the laws of the universe, and executes them.
3. Atheist. The universe began a finite time ago. However the actual point of creation, the singularity, is outside the scope of presently known laws of physics.
4. Theist. To predict the distribution of matter we observe within the universe, the initial state has to be fine tuned to an incredible degree.
Dictionary. Fine tuned. a fine-tuned machine: refined, precisely adjusted for the highest level of performance, efficiency, or effectiveness. fixed up, organized, modeled. (end definition)
Thus the first point (“singularity”) of emanation or inflation (“Big Bang”) is something so tuned that 10^23 planets, suns, moons circling and spinning come.
And the earth planet with all its flora and fauna.
By the effect we can see the nature of the cause.
The cause, singularity must have been a person, as we see persons produce, emanate or expel perspiration, excrement, gasses, carbon monoxide etc, and when this mixes in sewage tanks etc we get a dirty world, with insects, microbes, viruses etc.
Similarly, God expanded this inferior world.
5. Atheist. There was a superheated expanding condition necessary for the inflation to take place
Within a rapidly expanding, superheated region of the universe a tiny section cools off and then begins to expand much more violently, just as super cooled water rapidly expands when it freezes.
We must assume an initial condition of random chaos, in which some regions would be hot, others cold, some expanding, some contracting. The inflation would begin in an area that was superheated and expanding.
6. Theist. But Guth, the inventor, originator, creator, innovator, designer, deviser, developer, maker, planner, framer, producer, author, pioneer, mastermind, father, prime mover, god, discoverer, boffin, neoteric, expert, specialist, authority, genius, mastermind, researcher, egghead, intellectual, intellect, thinker, cultivated, academic, educated, studious, well read, widely read, well informed, sophisticated, erudite, learned, brainy, lettered, don, thinker, brain, scholar, sage, bookworm, bookish person, highbrow, expert, genius, Einstein, polymath, mastermind, brains, bright spark, whizz, wizard, brainbox, alpha geek, clever clogs, brainiac of this creation, design, formation, forming, modelling, putting together, setting up, making, construction, constructing, fabrication, fabricating, fashioning, building, production, generation, origination, devising, invention, inception, shaping, hatching, bringing into the world, bringing into being, bringing into existence, fathering, siring, spawning, giving birth to, genesis, procreation, birthing, begetting, admits there is no explanation for the origin of the imagined primordial random chaos.
7. Atheist . There was a sea of particles, atomic fragments that almost exist. From time to time some of these subatomic particles pop out into material reality.
Such occurrences are called fluctuations.
A particle and antiparticle appear without cause from the nearly vacuum and almost instantaneously negate each other and disappear. Guth and his colleagues postulate that instead of just a tiny particle, the entire universe popped out of this vacuum. And instead of instantaneously disappearing, our universe has somehow persisted for billions of years.
8. Theist. There is of course a large extrapolation in the assumption that the physical laws one determines in the laboratory should apply to other points of space-time where conditions may be different.
A uniform super dense, superheated gas will expand and cool, but there is no reason to suppose that it will ever become more than a cloud of uniformly distributed gas, some expanding uniform ball of gas.
To get anything else requires special modifications of the initial conditions of the universe, and such modifications are difficult to justify. Then there must be fine tuning, pointing to a creator.
The theory of the formation of galaxies is one of the great outstanding problems in astrophysics, a problem that today seems far from solution. That planets have condensed from clouds of cosmic dust and gas—is on very shaky ground because the equations for the interactions of the gas clouds have never been satisfactorily solved. The problem of the origin of the solar system is perhaps the most notable of all unsolved problems in astronomy.
There must have been a trans-universal being who can guide and observe the origin of many universes and compute statistics about them, thus rendering statements about the origin of the universes, written in the Veda, the manual, meaningful.
9. The atheist may challenge: “You theists say there is some Big Personality, Engineer, hanging or standing in the sky, far beyond the clouds. How you know this.”
10. Theist: “Your singularity dot is assumed to be fixed out there somewhere, and from this emanates the substances of the universe. Within this fiery point is a fine tuned creator mechanism so that the solar systems, grasses, millions of ants, mosquitos, romancing and fighting humans manifest. What is the difference.”
11. Atheist. Blind natural forces originally organized molecules into elaborately functioning systems.
12. Theist. Please explain the exact principles and step-by-step processes involved to get simple self-replicating systems. You should be able to specify what exactly would be selected and why, to get this.
At the center of the problem is the process of the self-organization of matter and attributing mystical potencies for self-organization to the basic subatoms.
Thus the complex biochemical forms of living organisms are of a primary and irreducible type of natural order, on the same level as your laws of nature, which have many pages of complex mathematical formulas, which govern the transitions of subatoms into humans.
This “by chance” is in essence no different than simply saying “it happened”’ or “there it is.”
The Grand Unified Theory (GUT), (in indo– arian language, gut = good) is GOD, the existence of an absolute complex form, who invents the laws of nature and the mathematics. And emanates the subatoms.
13. Atheist. Sir Miller gathered gases thought to comprise the ancient atmosphere, and by passing a spark through this mixture he produced a brown, tarry substance on the walls of the container. This tarry substance included amino acids, the constituents of protein molecules.
14. Theist. Amino acids are relatively simple molecules, serving merely as the building blocks of the far more complex protein molecules found in cells .
It has yet to be demonstrated that such a simple process can produce complex cellular components and mechanisms. It’s quite a step to go from unorganized building blocks to a house.
Who as Sir Miller here, in nature, made the container or the area of the process, put the gasses in, created the spark/ lightning, and passed it through.
15. Atheist. Sir Fox heated dry amino acids to 280 degrees Fahrenheit and dropping them into water, he produced small drops of protein, which he optimistically labeled “protocells.”
16. Theist. Fox’s protocells, however, were not overly impressive. Structurally, they were nothing more than hollow little globs of jelly, and they were incapable of metabolizing molecules from the environment. They showed no signs of evolving into even slightly more complex forms, what to speak of cells. On top of all this, Fox has no reasonable suggestion as to how they could have emerged from a prebiotic chemical soup.
Getting dry amino acids heated to 280 degrees in nature requires quite a bit of imagination.
Who, as Mr Fox in his experiments, but in nature, heated the amino acids to 280 degrees Fahrenheit and dropped them etc.
17. Atheist. Sir Eigen: Several kinds of RNA molecules would replicate individually in the primordial soup. For instance, type A would replicate RNA of type A, and type B would replicate more RNA of type B. These cycles would go on independently of each other. But then somehow, according to Eigen, the A-type RNA cycle would begin to produce an enzyme E-B that would catalyze the replication of the B-type RNA. And also the B-type RNA would begin to produce an enzyme E-A that would catalyze the replication of the A-type RNA. With the production of these enzymes, the A-B-A-B-A-B cycle would continue. This is called a hypercycle, and Eigen proposes that the hypercycles could gradually become more and more complex until they approached the level of living cells.
18. Theist. There are, however, major problems with hypercycles. First, the model requires a mechanism for producing complicated proteins (in the form of enzymes) from information coded in RNA. Eigen has not been able to suggest a workable mechanism of this kind.
And, needed for such a mechanism is an operator, manager, or deity, so the method or machinery is created and works.
And, given a functioning hypercycle, there is no certainty it would evolve….unless the hypercycle were enclosed within a compartment resembling a cell wall, its different parts would compete with each other. This would make it impossible for the hypercycle as a whole to evolve by mutation and natural selection…..and account for the apparatus by which it could replicate itself during reproduction.
Sir Smith says, “Clearly, these papers [of Eigen and his coworkers] raise more problems than they solve.”
Hypercycles are much different than cells, which have a unified genetic system and complicated molecular mechanisms. To go from a hypercycle to a cell would take thousands of intermediate steps….Each change would have to result in an improved and functioning mechanism—a possibility that at present defies imagination. In his appeal to natural selection, Eigen does not define the exact steps that would lead from his hypercycles to living cells.
19. Atheist . Proteins carry out many of the vital functions of the cell. Proteins are formed in a highly complex process that can be compared to a factory assembly line, where raw materials are organized with the help of specialized machines. The elaborate protein macromolecules contain an average of 300 amino acid molecules linked in a chain, and within even the simplest E. coli bacteria there are approximately 2,000 different types of proteins. (In mammals there are 800 times as many: 1.600.000 types) The formation of these different protein molecules is controlled by the cell’s genetic material.
20. Theist. Sirs Hoyle and Wickramasinghe calculated: There are 2,000 different proteins necessary for the single-celled E. coli bacteria, and these proteins average 300 amino-acid units in length. The function of a particular protein depends upon the sequential order of its 300 or so amino-acid units, just as the meaning of a paragraph depends on the order of its words. Since there are 20 amino-acid types to choose from, the odds of forming any particular protein sequence is 20 to the power of 300 to 1.
There is some latitude for variation in the exact sequence of the 300 amino acid units without disrupting the protein’s performance. Therefore Hoyle and Wickramasinghe generously adjusted the 20 to the power of 300 to 1 probability to 10 to the power of 20 to 1—a tremendous reduction in the odds. Then, since the simplest cell requires 2,000 different proteins to operate, they combined these two figures (10 to the power of 20 and 2,000) and arrived at a mathematical probability of 10 to the power of 40,000 to 1 that random interaction could provide the necessary molecules for constructing even the simplest self-reproducing system. These odds are so incredibly great that no one could reasonably expect such an event to occur in the relatively brief few billion years that scientists allow for the phenomenon.
An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.
And . Who or what force or genius loci is causing “ random interaction “.
21. Atheist. There was a random combination of chemicals in a primordial soup.
22. Theist. Let us imagine that this soup covered the entire surface of the earth to a depth of one mile. We shall divide this volume into tiny cubes measuring one angstrom unit on each side. (An angstrom unit is about the size of a single hydrogen atom.) Let’s also assume that the soup is extremely concentrated, so that reactions are taking place within each of the cubes within the soup.
Now, in the expectation of obtaining the simplest possible self-reproducing organism, let the reactions take place a billion times per second in each cube. And let’s further assume that the reactions have been going on for 4.5 billion years, the estimated age of the earth.
Sirs Hoyle and Wickramasinghe have estimated that the chance of obtaining the simplest self-reproducing system by random combination of molecules is at best somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 in 10 to the power of 40,000 attempts. But if out of extreme generosity we reduce the required number of proteins from 2,000 to only 100, then the probability is still 1 in 10 to the power of 2,000.
Now, if you add up all the possible attempted billion-per-second combinations in our hypothetical primordial soup, you wind up with only 10 to the power of 74 throws of the chemical dice. That means the odds of getting the required self-reproducing system out of our soup would be 1 in 10 to the power of 1,926. We wouldn’t expect that to happen in the entire course of the earth’s history!
On this planet, you can only have a maximum of 10 to the power of 74 trials. the trials can be taking place in primordial soups on as many planets as there are atoms in the entire universe—about 10 to the power of 80 . Then you get a grand total of 10 to the power of 154 trials—still an infinitesimal number compared to 10 to the power of 2000.
And. Which prevailing character or deity of the primordial atmosphere or place did the throwing of the chemical dices or subatomic particles?
23. Atheist. “I can see no difficulty in a race of bears being rendered, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their habits, with larger and larger mouths, till a creature was produced as monstrous as a whale.” And, “… what special difficulty is there in believing that it might profit the modified descendants of the penguin, first to become enabled to flap along the surface of the sea like the logger-headed duck, and ultimately to rise from its surface and glide through the air?”
24. Theist. There should be a hierarchy of biological forms and a sequence of fossils arranged in an ascending order of development in the strata of the earth. But the record is extremely incomplete. Only a fraction of the species thought to have ever existed are represented. David M. Raup, curator of Chicago’s Field Museum, and Steven Stanley, a paleontologist at Johns Hopkins University, number about 130,000 fossil species in the collections of the world’s museums, compared to an estimated 1.5 million living species. They calculate that 1 billion species have lived since the Cambrian, and of these more than 99.9% did not leave fossils.
And. Which genius remodeled the primitive types to a higher evolute, as many engineers worked on the development of the first automobile, till the modern types.
25. Theist. Darwin said: To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.
26. Theist At his time he could see the eye was very complicated, a few centuries later, we know every part of a living body is that complex– thus Darwin’s theory has become absurd in the highest degree.
Another example. The human body containing hundreds of billions of cells organized into such complex structures as the brain starts from a single cell in the womb. How, therefore, does the genetic information within the fertilized human egg guide this complex development? At present there are ongoing, but unsuccessful, attempts to come up with mathematical models to explain the process, which remains one of the most significant unsolved problems of modern science.
Another. To go from an ape brain to a human brain is not as easy as blowing up a balloon. It would mean increasing the number of neurons and rewiring them so as to enable the brain to generate such complex human functions as speech. A human child, at a very early age, is able to spontaneously assimilate the symbolic structures and communication processes of a spoken language. Apes can’t do this. This has led experts in linguistics, such as Naom Chomsky, to posit that the brain has a kind of grammatical software programmed into it.
Carrying the computer analogy a little bit further, we can understand that doubling the size of a computer memory and giving it a 16-bit processor instead of an 8-bit processor is not enough to increase its usefulness to the user. What’s really required is new and more advanced software, programs that will let the user take advantage of the extra capacity. The same is true of the human brain—it may be bigger than the ape’s, but the real difference is the more complicated programming it is able to run. The big question is how the new programs come into being.
The evolutionists have no step-by-step explanation for the origin of new features. They can only assert that it happened by a kind of evolutionary magic.
27. Because the accidental is not, God or the Absolute, Krishna, is. God exists.