Argument from dark
source or the argument of the origin of the world being a blackish personality
of Godhead, human-size named Krishna instead of a finite black hole singularity
1. Atheists think
the universe or atoms ‘somehow’ self-organized life.
science proposes as the cause of the universe a singularity ‘somehow’ expanding
or exploding.
2. The Vedas teach
that an eternal blackish personality of Godhead, human-size named Krishna is
the cause. This is credible, as all processes of expanding, exploding, coming
into being, creating order and harmony, movement etc are done by consciousness,
individuals, persons. The Vedic scriptural statement of a conscious origin of
the world is consistent in that it gives a reasonable explanation for the incredible
order and harmony in our world.
3. Fantastic is the
scientific assumption that the world came into being by a huge explosion from
an infinitely compact dark point. The origin of this explosion we know nothing
about. This theory has never been shown in an experiment.
4. Material science
claims that gravitation and the nuclear electrical magnetic forces emanating
from the original singularity ‘somehow’ create and maintain the cosmic order.
5. ‘Somehow’ means:
a. we do not know,
b. denial of the law
of cause and effect, which is the only way by which creation and maintenance
are going on.
6. Forces and
energies are created and maintained by an engineer. The web of forces which
created and maintains the universe comes from a Supreme Person. This is the
definition of God. That is the description of the vedic scripture of the
eternal blackish personality of Godhead, human-size, named Krishna, who
descended– called avatara– and walked on Earth 5000 years ago.
7. God, Krishna, the
origin of the world, exists. He is in heaven, beyond the creation as the
engineer works outside home, but enjoys at home, away from the factory.
God is brilliantly
divine blackish because of being the source of all colors. He is called Krishna, meaning All-attractive,
Perfect, being the source of everything. You can’t give what you don’t have.
8. God exists and He
is called Krishna.
Argument from
1. Theist: Matter
itself is very simple by nature, but life, the living entity is in a living
body, thus the matter of that living body is very complex because it is
associated with life. But matter, per se, on its own, is a very simple
2. Atheist : How can
you say, though, that the soul has a complex form?
3. Theist: We get
information from Vedic scripture that in the spiritual world, it is full of
variegatedness. It is not just one variety. It is full of varieties. So we take
that as proof of the complex nature of life.
But we also see that so long the life is
there in the material body, he has got varieties of thoughts, willing and
feeling. That is the proof that life is full of varieties. As soon as the life
is not there, no more varieties, only one variety—dead body, all varieties finished. And as long as the
life is there, he has got so many ideas, so many arts, so many philosophies, so
many... That is the proof that life is full of varieties. As soon as the life
is off, there is no variety. So what do you want more proof that life is full
of variety and the cause of the variety in matter?
4. Atheist: This
variegatedness, in connection with life, can you take it as some sort of
complex structure, arisen due to life?
5a. Theist: You can
and must, because modern, atheistic scientists cannot understand, except in
terms of physics and chemistry, what is life. But they do not understand life,
by the laws in modern chemistry and physics, so therefore the definition by
negation is there: “It is not physical, not chemical. It is something beyond.”
But by practical experience we can see that when there is life, a living man
wants varieties. Varieties is a fact.. Otherwise, why we disagree? I have got
some varieties, you have got some varieties. So the conclusion should be that
it is tested that living condition, or life, is full of varieties; therefore
the kingdom of life, the spiritual kingdom, the nonmaterial dimension, must be
full of varieties.
b. Let's take a
crystal of diamond ; it is built in very simple structures. It's a hexagon. Six
carbon atoms, one after another, forms a very simple structure. But on the
other hand, when life is in association with matter, if we take a simple cell,
the cell is composed of so many big, big molecules like proteins and DNA’s and
all these giant molecules. And they are wonderfully complex.
So study a dead man, his molecules. When a
man is dead, what is the condition of the molecules?
The molecules will deteriorate to simple
molecules. It will degrade from big, big molecules to small molecules. In other
words, it tends to be simple. When the living entity is out of the material
body, the body itself becomes very simple, no varieties.
So complexity is there because the spirit
soul is complex.
6. Atheist: We have
the "molecule to man" theory. The molecules are in a primordial
chemical soup. These chemicals are supposed to be formed from simple, reduced
substances like water, ammonia, carbon and hydrogen compounds. They are called
hydro-carbons. These somehow, under the action of ultra-violet radiation or
cosmic force, they combine together and form these amino acids. These amino
acids, in due course of time, form the polymers called proteins. And similarly,
several polymeric compounds develop and, given a long period of time, by chance
then it's going to bring life, it's going to give life. That is the fundamental
background of the scientific study of origin of life. This is what we propose.
These molecules somehow will combine, given enough length of time, billions of
years as the time period, and then it's bound to happen. We say, given enough
length of time...
7a. Theist: a.
Provided you and your successors live billions of years. But you are finished
within fifty years, and your followers somewhat longer. And your theory
remains. Who will see after billions of years?
7b. So more time
means when the situation will be favorable the life will come from outside.
8. Atheist: “Suppose
you throw a protein together at chance…”
9a. Theist: “Who is
playing the dice?
9b.1 Mathematically
there's a thing called information theory, and you can show that the chance of
getting an organized structure with a high level of information goes down
exponentially, so that for an amount of information higher than that of the
laws that cause these things to move, the chance goes down practically to zero.
So it wouldn't happen. This gets kind of complicated, but there's a basic point
behind it: namely it indicates that the natural laws that are causing things,
like that list of those laws, must already have in them, built into them,
whatever is going to be manifested. That is, if some given structure can be
manifested in the material world, that means the laws that are causing things
must already have at least that much built into them. But their understanding
of natural laws, these laws are too simple, too short to have that kind of
thing built into them.
9b.2. We’ll give an
example of the kind of structures you find even in simple organisms, as for
example a bacterium. When scientists look at it under a microscope, they can
see that this bacterium has a reversible motor built into it, and this motor
spins a spiral flagellum, and by spinning it, it propels the bacterium through
the water, just like a submarine. This very sophisticated motor is built into
the wall of the bacterium. That shows the kind of structures for which designs
would have to be there. Actually, the scientific explanation, the way that they
explain how this comes about, is completely impossible, because they would say
that either by chance it came about all at once—and the chances are way too
small, so that would never happen—or else it would have to come by small stages
somehow. But what would be a small stage in the formation of a workable motor?
We can't even think of how that would work. So it doesn't make much sense.
Thus, what we wanted to argue was that these living structures are very highly
complex, they have a very great amount of information needed to specify them,
and then mathematically it follows that this evolution process can't happen,
because the probability is way down, it's something impossible.
9b.3. To compare some
structures. A chemist's idea of what the structure of diamond or graphite looks
like is based on very simple repeating patterns. It's reasonable, perhaps, that
chemical pushes and pulls could produce a simple design like this just by
pulling the molecules together.
9b.4. One still
needs a thrower of the dices, or someone bringing into action the ultra-violet
radiation or cosmic forces.
9b.5. But also these
requires a very large amount of information to specify these things, and so the
simple natural laws couldn't account for this. According to the theory of
evolution you have very simple natural laws, and you start out with simple
physical states, but somehow these natural laws produce a progressive increase
in order . But simple natural laws don't have the power to do that, if you just
had simple natural laws, they would keep shoving things around on a simple
level but never produce anything complex. If you had natural laws with a high
order of complexity and an operator of these laws, then they could manifest
physical situations with a high order of complexity also, depending on how much
was built into the laws. This also indicates a higher then this higher order of
natural laws namely consciousness which is not a physical phenomenon. You have
to have higher-ordered laws to cause complex forms and these things are going
on, on account of the superior direction of Spirit.
10, Therefore, the
Universal Soul or God exists.
Argument from incredulity (II)
1. How could God NOT
exist? You have created an airplane 747. All right, take credit. But you cannot
make a mosquito, with a pilot. Can you?" "No." So how can you
defy the Supreme Creator? We are taking it thus that there is a Supreme
2. Atheist: That
basic point I find it hard to understand.
3. Theist: Because
you are blind. It is common sense, that you have created the 747. But you
couldn’t create the pilot. So somebody must have created this small insect, the
bodily machine and the pilot. This is common sense. You cannot see Him; that is
your bad fortune. But somebody has done it.
4. Atheist : we
don't need the idea of God to explain what sparked the creation of the
It is not necessary to invoke God to light
the blue touch paper and set the universe going.
Instead, the laws of science alone can
explain why the universe began. Our modern understanding of time suggests that
it is just another dimension, like space. Thus it doesn't have a beginning.
Because there is a law such as gravity, the
universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the
reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we
5. Theist: ''you do
it,'' proof it in your office/ collider/research institute; mimic that process,
show practically how it is done. Science means observation / theory and
experiment; we demand experiment.
And *if* you can visibly show the
steps- I give you a blob of nothing, now start molding, manufacturing:
Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen , planets,
amino-acids, proteins, flora, fauna, humans then you have proven gods have done
or do it in nature.
6. Systems of management in human society
always have a leader. The leader of all the gods, managing the universe, is the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna.
7. Therefore, God,
Krishna exists.
The argument by
genetics and ability
1. Genes are said to
be the containers of man’s qualities.
2. As we can experience, genes get qualified by
external causes or are they little gods/souls and self sufficient? No! If you
leave a child/baby uncared for, the genes will not mature it. Abilities are
given at birth from the body of the parents or by education (this is the gene
of others) or by inspiration.
3. Thus the material
ability must come from an external cause.
4. But is it enough
just to have good genes for making great discoveries?
5. If we say yes
that would mean genes by means of the scientists are the knowers of the past,
present and future.
6. Since this is not
the case, there must be another cause of man’s ability.
7. If the ultimate
cause of ability is not the material genes, we know nothing else material that
could be the cause. The superior cause must be beyond matter or immaterial.
This is what is called spiritual.
8. The ultimate
cause of ability (what is known as instinct in animals; an ability many times
not learned from their parents) can be only God.
9. He is ultimately
the treasure house of all the abilities for all people and animals.
10. Therefore, God
Argument from hidden logic
(i) or the argument of the existence of the one Supreme Almighty God proven by
the existence of gods, deities, presiding over the powers of nature
1. Atheists can only see the appearances of planets circling, clouds coming and raining, wind blowing, tornados, the sun shining, growth– and can’t make sense of it. “These somehow happen.”
2. Theists see these and logically reason that these are comparable to respectively planetariums in action, factory fumes, fans running, sun-lamps, the building up of factory-products on an assembly line, which are all done by personalities. As only persons are causing these. There is no other known cause. These clouds are masterpieces of art; the gods make all kind of forms, as messages or decoration.
1. Atheists can only see the appearances of planets circling, clouds coming and raining, wind blowing, tornados, the sun shining, growth– and can’t make sense of it. “These somehow happen.”
2. Theists see these and logically reason that these are comparable to respectively planetariums in action, factory fumes, fans running, sun-lamps, the building up of factory-products on an assembly line, which are all done by personalities. As only persons are causing these. There is no other known cause. These clouds are masterpieces of art; the gods make all kind of forms, as messages or decoration.
3. Huge masses of matter
float and they don’t fall down and they are circling in fixed orbits without
clash. Some are big lamps; lamps are made and operated by engineers. On ground
level we see flora and fauna made by gods. Our toys and artificial grass and
flowers are also made by persons superior to us (we can’t make these).
4 Then, the food we eat,
the water we drink, the air we breathe. All aggregates of the atoms which were
in disorder after the last implosion or withdrawal into the body of the first
person. When He emanates, Big Bangs, all these atoms again are positioned into
the structures of the universe by subordinate controllers. We make food. Nature
also cooks, supremely: mangos, fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, grains. And the
best liquids: fruit juices in nature’s cans (coconut and peels) milk. We make
bottles of oxygen. Nature’s scientists also produce oxygen.
5. That there exists
planets and clouds forming, drafts, taps or showers running, lamps shining,
assembly lines devoid of consciousness (soul), meaning: thinking, feeling,
willing is refuted on the ground that of a thing of this kind we have
absolutely no knowledge or experience. All these processes are relative.
6. As state – officers and citizens harmonize to have an ideal world, so gods cooperate to make the prison-house of the material world to work as it is to be. We are souls imprisoned in the jail of the material body. Beyond the prison-cells and – house is the palace, the King and the Queen and their family and associates.
7. Therefore, God and His Goddess exist.
6. As state – officers and citizens harmonize to have an ideal world, so gods cooperate to make the prison-house of the material world to work as it is to be. We are souls imprisoned in the jail of the material body. Beyond the prison-cells and – house is the palace, the King and the Queen and their family and associates.
7. Therefore, God and His Goddess exist.
The argument of the life
of the body and the universe
1. God exists. Just see
the minute fibers on the flower. Can anyone manufacture this? So small fibers.
And how brilliant it is. And see all its other parts. If you study only one
flower, you become God conscious. There is a machine which we call nature. From
that machine, everything is coming. But how this machine is perfect? And who
has invented this machine?
The butterflies and
flowers are painted and God paints them with thought.
How you can expect without
painting it has come so beautiful? This is foolishness, "nature."
What is this nature? Everything is being done by the machine of God.
2. [Atheist's
3. Yes, he does it. Here is an airplane, a mosquito, everything
complete with a pilot. Create the same by your scientific brain. Rascal, you
are so proud of your scientific abilities.
The mosquito's body is so
perfect that although with one slap it's finished, still it has a syringe so
strong that it immediately, upon landing on the skin, it can penetrate and extract
Immediately, just see. And
if you allow one second, he'll fill the whole body up by sucking the blood Just
see what is that nozzle, and how quickly they can arrange their food.
4. [Atheist's
5. Yes, he does it! Why do
you say that life is chance combination of only chemicals? You take this blood,
urine and stool, bone and muscle and air, and produce another man.
6. [Atheist's
7. Yes, there is
consciousness! You analyze. Just like you take breathing. Breathing is taken as
the life. When the breathing is stopped, then there is no life. So analyze this
breathing. What is this breathing? It is air. So when breathing is stopped,
then you can take air. By some machine you can put within the chest. Let the
air go on passing. But that is not possible. Therefore immediately the air is
rejected as being life. Then take the bone, muscle. Everything will be
rejected. There is no life. So this is analytical study. And then what remains?
That soul. Very common thing.
Neti neti. "This is
not soul, this is not soul, this is not soul." Then still, there is the
soul, living force. Avinasi tu tad viddhi yena sarvam idam tatam [Bg. 2.17].
Immediately come to the conclusion. They have analytical laboratory, but they
have no brain how to analyze. They are thinking that because the blood has
become white, therefore life has been lost. So is it very difficult to make the
secretion within the body red?
Medical man: No, we can
make it red.
Theist: Krishna
immediately says, "This you are analyzing, but transcendental to these
material things—apareyam itas tu viddhi me prakritim para [Bg. 7.5]. There is
another thing.". What is that? Jiva-bhuta. The living entity, the
soul After analyzing all this material
of the kunape tri-dhatuke; meaning this body is a bag of this transformation of
kapha pitta vayu, tri-dhatuke. So this is not life. That is different. Krishna
says, apareyam itas tu viddhi me. Very minutely analyze this material in the
body. What is there? The air is there, the blood is there, the muscle is there,
the veins are there, the bone is there, the stool is there, the urine is
there—a combination of all these, is that life?
Medical man: No, it is
kunape tri-dhatuke, kunape.
Theist : Krishna says,
dehino 'smin. In this hodgepodge combination of matter there is the soul.
Dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram... [Bg. 2.13]. On account of this, this body
is changing. Kaumaram yauvanam jara, tatha dehantara praptih.
Similarly, the universe
has 1. breathing– the wind, 2. blood and veins – the rain, rivers, oceans. 3.
digestion system – flora, fauna, humans give excrement or die, disintegrate,
and on the compost plants, trees grow, etc and the bio– and eco cycles turn. 4.
brain, nerve system – the creation and operation of the planetary movements,
evolution-processes, flora-fauna-humans is directed by a genius. 5. soul – The
All-pervading Universal Soul energizing and giving life to the universe.
8. [Atheist gives up and
goes home.]
9. Therefore, the soul and
God exist.
Argument from creation interpretation
1. God’s exceptional
opulence is:
(a) The feeling you have when you look
at a newborn baby.
(b) The love of a mother for her child.
(c) That little still voice in your
(d) Humankind's potential to overcome
their difficulties.
(e) How I feel when I look at a sunset.
(f) The taste of water on a hot day.
2a. God says: ”I am the
taste of water, the light of the sun and the moon, the syllable om in the Vedic
mantras; I am the sound in ether and ability in man.”
This explains how the Lord
is all-pervasive by His diverse material and spiritual energies. The Supreme
Lord can be preliminarily perceived by His different energies, and in this way
He is realized impersonally. As the demigod in the sun is a person and is
perceived by his all-pervading energy, the sunshine, so the Lord, although in
His eternal abode, is perceived by His all-pervading diffusive energies. The
taste of water is the active principle of water. No one likes to drink sea
water, because the pure taste of water is mixed with salt. Attraction for water
depends on the purity of the taste, and this pure taste is one of the energies
of the Lord. The impersonalist perceives the presence of the Lord in water by
its taste, and the personalist also glorifies the Lord for His kindly supplying
tasty water to quench man's thirst. That is the way of perceiving the Supreme.
Practically speaking, there is no conflict between personalism and
impersonalism. One who knows God knows that the impersonal conception and
personal conception are simultaneously present in everything and that there is
no contradiction. Therefore Lord Caitanya established His sublime doctrine:
acintya bheda-and-abheda-tattva—simultaneous oneness and difference.
2b. The light of the sun
and the moon is also originally emanating from the brahma-jyoti, which is the
impersonal effulgence of the Lord. And pranava, or the omkara transcendental
sound in the beginning of every Vedic hymn, addresses the Supreme Lord. Because
the impersonalists are very much afraid of addressing the Supreme Lord Krishna
by His innumerable names, they prefer to vibrate the transcendental sound
omkara. But they do not realize that omkara is the sound representation of
Krishna. The jurisdiction of Krishna consciousness extends everywhere, and one
who knows Krishna consciousness is blessed. Those who do not know Krishna are
in illusion, and so knowledge of Krishna is liberation, and ignorance of Him is
3. “I am the original fragrance of the earth, and
I am the heat in fire. I am the life of all that lives, and I am the penances
of all ascetics.”
Punya means that which is
not decomposed; punya is original. Everything in the material world has a
certain flavor or fragrance, as the flavor and fragrance in a flower, or in the
earth, in water, in fire, in air, etc. The uncontaminated flavor, the original
flavor, which permeates everything, is Krishna. Similarly, everything has a
particular original taste, and this taste can be changed by the mixture of chemicals.
So everything original has some smell, some fragrance, and some taste.
Vibhavasu means fire. Without fire we cannot run factories, we cannot cook,
etc., and that fire is Krishna. The heat in the fire is Krishna. According to
Vedic medicine, indigestion is due to a low temperature in the belly. So even
for digestion fire is needed. In Krishna consciousness we become aware that
earth, water, fire, air and every active principle, all chemicals and all
material elements are due to Krishna. The duration of man's life is also due to
Krishna. Therefore by the grace of Krishna, man can prolong his life or
diminish it. So Krishna consciousness is active in every sphere.
4. “know that I am the
original seed of all existences, the intelligence of the intelligent, and the
prowess of all powerful men.”
Bijam means seed; Krishna
is the seed of everything. There are various living entities, movable and
inert. Birds, beasts, men and many other living creatures are moving living
entities; trees and plants, however, are inert—they cannot move, but only
stand. Every entity is contained within the scope of 8,400,000 species of life;
some of them are moving and some of them are inert. In all cases, however, the
seed of their life is Krishna. As stated in the Vedic literature (Taittiriya
Upanishad 3.1), yato va imani bhutani jayante: "Brahman, or the Supreme
Absolute Truth, is that from which everything is emanating." Krishna is
Parabrahman, the Supreme Spirit. Brahman is impersonal and Parabrahman is
personal. Impersonal Brahman is situated in the personal aspect—that is stated
in Bhagavad-gita (14.27): brahmano hi pratishthaham. Therefore, originally,
Krishna is the source of everything. He is the root. As the root of a tree
maintains the whole tree, Krishna, being the original root of all things,
maintains everything in this material manifestation. This is also confirmed in
the Vedic literature (Katha Upanishad 2.2.13):
nityo nityanam cetanas
eko bahunam yo vidadhati
He is the prime eternal
among all eternals. He is the supreme living entity of all living entities, and
He alone is maintaining all life. One cannot do anything without intelligence,
and Krishna also says that He is the root of all intelligence. Unless a person
is intelligent he cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
5. “I am the strength of
the strong, devoid of passion and desire. I am sex life which is not contrary
to religious principles.”
The strong man's strength
should be applied to protect the weak, not for personal aggression.
6. “Know that all states
of being—be they of goodness, passion or ignorance—are manifested by My energy.
I am, in one sense, everything, but I am independent. I am not under the modes
of material nature, for they, on the contrary, are within Me.”
All material activities in
the world are being conducted under the three modes of material nature.
Although these material modes of nature are emanations from the Supreme Lord,
Krishna, He is not subject to them. For instance, under the state laws one may
be punished, but the king, the lawmaker, is not subject to that law. Similarly,
all the modes of material nature—goodness, passion and ignorance—are emanations
from the Supreme Lord, Krishna, but Krishna is not subject to material nature.
Therefore He is nirguna, which means that these gunas, or modes, although
issuing from Him, do not affect Him. That is one of the special characteristics
of Bhagavan, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
7. “I am the Supersoul
seated in the hearts of all living entities. I am the beginning, the middle and
the end of all beings.” Krishna first informs Arjuna that He is the soul of the
entire cosmic manifestation by dint of His primary expansion. Before the
material creation, the Supreme Lord, by His plenary expansion, accepts the
purusha incarnations, and from Him everything begins. Therefore He is atma, the
soul of the mahat-tattva, the universal elements. The total material energy is
not the cause of the creation; actually Maha-vishnu enters into the
mahat-tattva, the total material energy. He is the soul. When Maha-vishnu
enters into the manifested universes, He again manifests Himself as the
Supersoul in each and every entity. We have experience that the personal body
of the living entity exists due to the presence of the spiritual spark. Without
the existence of the spiritual spark, the body cannot develop. Similarly, the
material manifestation cannot develop unless the Supreme Soul, Krishna, enters.
As stated in the Subala Upanishad, prakrity-adi-sarva-bhutantar-yami
sarva-seshi ca narayanah: "The Supreme Personality of Godhead is existing
as the Supersoul in all manifested universes."
The three purusha-avataras
are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam. They are also described in the
Narada-pancaratra, one of the Satvata-tantras. Vishnos tu trini rupani
purushakhyany atho viduh: the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifests three
features—as Karanodakasayi Vishnu, Garbhodakasayi Vishnu and Kshirodakasayi
Vishnu—in this material manifestation. The Maha-vishnu, or Karanodakasayi
Vishnu, is described in the Brahma-samhita (5.47). Yah karanarnava-jale bhajati
sma yoga-nidram: the Supreme Lord, Krishna, the cause of all causes, lies down
in the cosmic ocean as Maha-vishnu. Therefore the Supreme Personality of
Godhead is the beginning of this universe, the maintainer of the universal
manifestations, and the end of all energy.
8. “Of the Adityas I am
Vishnu, of lights I am the radiant sun, of the Maruts I am Marici, and among
the stars I am the moon”.
There are twelve Adityas,
of which Krishna is the principal. Among all the luminaries shining in the sky,
the sun is the chief, and in the Brahma-samhita the sun is accepted as the
glowing eye of the Supreme Lord. There are fifty varieties of wind blowing in
space, and of these winds the controlling deity, Marici, represents Krishna.
9. “Of the Vedas I am the
Sama Veda; of the demigods I am Indra, the king of heaven; of the senses I am
the mind; and in living beings I am the living force [consciousness].”
The difference between
matter and spirit is that matter has no consciousness like the living entity;
therefore this consciousness is supreme and eternal. Consciousness cannot be
produced by a combination of matter
10. “Of all the Rudras I
am Lord Siva, of the Yakshas and Rakshasas I am the Lord of wealth [Kuvera], of
the Vasus I am fire [Agni], and of mountains I am Meru. Of priests, know Me to be the chief, Brihaspati. Of
generals I am Kartikeya, and of bodies of water I am the ocean.” These representations
of Krishna only give hints of His greatness.
11. “Of the great sages I
am Bhrigu; of vibrations I am the transcendental om. Of sacrifices I am the
chanting of the holy names [japa], and of immovable things I am the Himalayas.”
Of all sacrifices, the chanting of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna,
Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the purest
representation of Krishna. Sometimes animal sacrifices are recommended, but in
the sacrifice of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, there is no question of violence.
It is the simplest and the purest. Whatever is sublime in the worlds is a
representation of Krishna. Therefore the Himalayas, the greatest mountains in
the world, also represent Him.
12. “Of all trees I am the
banyan tree, and of the sages among the demigods I am Narada. Of the Gandharvas
I am Citraratha, and among perfected beings I am the sage Kapila. Of horses
know Me to be Uccaihsrava, produced during the churning of the ocean for
nectar. Of lordly elephants I am Airavata, and among men I am the monarch.” Amongst
the human beings, the king is the representative of Krishna because Krishna is
the maintainer of the universe, and the kings, who are appointed on account of
their godly qualifications, are maintainers of their kingdoms. Kings like
Maharaja Yudhishthira, Maharaja Parikshit and Lord Rama were all highly
righteous kings who always thought of the citizens' welfare. In Vedic
literature, the king is considered to be the representative of God. In this
age, however, with the corruption of the principles of religion, monarchy
decayed and is now finally abolished. It is to be understood that in the past,
however, people were more happy under righteous kings.
13. “Of weapons I am the
thunderbolt; among cows I am the surabhi. Of causes for procreation I am Kandarpa,
the god of love, and of serpents I am Vasuki.”
The thunderbolt, indeed a
mighty weapon, represents Krishna's power. In Krishnaloka in the spiritual sky
there are cows which can be milked at any time, and they give as much milk as
one likes. Of course such cows do not exist in this material world, but there
is mention of them in Krishnaloka. The Lord keeps many such cows, which are
called surabhi. It is stated that the Lord is engaged in herding the surabhi
14. “Of the many-hooded
Nagas I am Ananta, and among the aquatics I am the demigod Varuna. Of departed
ancestors I am Aryama, and among the dispensers of law I am Yama, the lord of
death.” There are many living entities who give punishment to the miscreants,
and among them Yama is the chief. Yama is situated in a planet near this
earthly planet. After death those who are very sinful are taken there, and Yama
arranges different kinds of punishments for them.
15. “Among the Daitya
demons I am the devoted Prahlada, among subduers I am time, among beasts I am
the lion, and among birds I am Garuda.” There are many subduing principles, but
time wears down all things in the material universe and so represents Krishna.
16. “Of purifiers I am the
wind, of the wielders of weapons I am Rama, of fishes I am the shark, and of
flowing rivers I am the Ganges.”
Of all the aquatics the
shark is one of the biggest and is certainly the most dangerous to man. Thus
the shark represents Krishna
17. “Of all creations I am
the beginning and the end and also the middle. Of all sciences I am the
spiritual science of the self, and among logicians I am the conclusive truth.”
Among the created
manifestations, the first is the creation of the total material elements. As
explained before, the cosmic manifestation is created and conducted by
Maha-vishnu, Garbhodakasayi Vishnu and Kshirodakasayi Vishnu, and then again it
is annihilated by Lord Siva. Brahma is a secondary creator. All these agents of
creation, maintenance and annihilation are incarnations of the material qualities
of the Supreme Lord. Therefore He is the beginning, the middle and the end of
all creation. For advanced education there are various kinds of books of
knowledge, such as the four Vedas, their six supplements, the Vedanta-sutra,
books of logic, books of religiosity and the Puranas. So all together there are
fourteen divisions of books of education. Of these, the book which presents
adhyatma-vidya, spiritual knowledge—in particular, the Vedanta-sutra—represents
Among logicians there are
different kinds of argument. Supporting one's argument with evidence that also
supports the opposing side is called jalpa. Merely trying to defeat one's
opponent is called vitanda. But the actual conclusion is called vada. This
conclusive truth is a representation of Krishna.
18. “Of letters I am the
letter A, and among compound words I am the dual compound. I am also
inexhaustible time, and of creators I am Brahma.” Among all kinds of killers,
time is the ultimate because time kills everything. Time is the representative
of Krishna because in due course of time there will be a great fire and
everything will be annihilated.
19. “I am all-devouring
death, and I am the generating principle of all that is yet to be. Among women
I am fame, fortune, fine speech, memory, intelligence, steadfastness and
As soon as a man is born,
he dies at every moment. Thus death is devouring every living entity at every
moment, but the last stroke is called death itself. That death is Krishna. As
for future development, all living entities undergo six basic changes. They are
born, they grow, they remain for some time, they reproduce, they dwindle, and
finally they vanish. Of these changes, the first is deliverance from the womb,
and that is Krishna. The first generation is the beginning of all future
20. “Of the hymns in the
Sama Veda I am the Brihat-sama, and of poetry I am the Gayatri. Of months I am
Margasirsha [November-December], and of seasons I am flower-bearing spring.” “I
am also the gambling of cheats, and of the splendid I am the splendor. I am
victory, I am adventure, and I am the strength of the strong.”
There are many kinds of
cheaters all over the universe. Of all cheating processes, gambling stands
supreme and therefore represents Krishna. As the Supreme, Krishna can be more
deceitful than any mere man. The unfortunate commentator who wants to cheat
Krishna and the public by saying that there is something greater than Krishna
is cheated by Krishna, and the commentator cannot understand Krishna after any
length of time. If Krishna chooses to deceive a person, no one can surpass Him
in His deceit. His greatness is not simply one-sided-it is all-sided.
Among the victorious, He
is victory. He is the splendor of the splendid. Among the enterprising and
industrious, He is the most enterprising, the most industrious. Among
adventurers He is the most adventurous, and among the strong He is the
strongest. When Krishna was present on earth, no one could surpass Him in
strength. Even in His childhood He lifted Govardhana Hill. No one can surpass
Him in cheating, no one can surpass Him in splendor, no one can surpass Him in
victory, no one can surpass Him in enterprise, and no one can surpass Him in
21. “Of the descendants of
Vrishni I am Vasudeva, and of the Pandavas I am Arjuna. Of the sages I am
Vyasa, and among great thinkers I am Usana.” “Among all means of suppressing
lawlessness I am punishment, and of those who seek victory I am morality. Of
secret things I am silence, and of the wise I am the wisdom.”
There are many suppressing
agents, of which the most important are those that cut down miscreants. When
miscreants are punished, the agency of chastisement represents Krishna. Among
those who are trying to be victorious in some field of activity, the most
victorious element is morality.
22. “Furthermore, I am the
generating seed of all existences. There is no being—moving or nonmoving—that
can exist without Me.”
Everything has a cause,
and that cause or seed of manifestation is Krishna. Without Krishna's energy,
nothing can exist; therefore He is called omnipotent. Without His potency,
neither the movable nor the immovable can exist. Whatever existence is not
founded on the energy of Krishna is called maya, "that which is not.”
23. There is no end to My
divine manifestations. What I have spoken to you is but a mere indication of My
infinite opulences.”
As stated in the Vedic
literature, although the opulences and energies of the Supreme are understood
in various ways, there is no limit to such opulences; therefore not all the
opulences and energies can be explained.
24. “Know that all
opulent, beautiful and glorious creations spring from but a spark of My
splendor.”” With a single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this entire
The Supreme Lord is
represented throughout the entire material universes by His entering into all
things as the Supersoul. The Lord here tells Arjuna that there is no point in
understanding how things exist in their separate opulence and grandeur. He
should know that all things are existing due to Krishna's entering them as
Supersoul. From Brahma, the most gigantic entity, on down to the smallest ant,
all are existing because the Lord has entered each and all and is sustaining
25. Therefore, God exists.
Argument from absolute
moral standards
1. If there are absolute
moral standards, then God exists.
2. Atheists say that there
are no absolute moral standards.
3. But that's because they
are fearful because Krishna says: “Those who are envious and mischievous, who
are the lowest among men, I perpetually cast into the ocean of material
existence, into various demoniac species of life.”
4. The demoniac person may
not agree to accept the supremacy of the Lord, and it is a fact that he may act
according to his own whims, but his next birth will depend upon the decision of
the Supreme Personality of Godhead and not on himself. In the
Srimad-Bhagavatam, Third Canto, it is stated that an individual soul, after his
death, is put into the womb of a mother where he gets a particular type of body
under the supervision of superior power. Therefore in the material existence we
find so many species of life—animals, insects, men, and so on. All are arranged
by the superior power. They are not accidental. As for the demoniac, it is clearly
said here that they are perpetually put into the wombs of demons, and thus they
continue to be envious, the lowest of mankind. Such demoniac species of men are
held to be always full of lust, always violent and hateful and always unclean.
The many kinds of hunters in the jungle are considered to belong to the
demoniac species of life.
5. “Attaining repeated
birth amongst the species of demoniac life, such persons can never approach Me.
Gradually they sink down to the most abominable type of existence.”
6. It is known that God is
all-merciful, but here we find that God is never merciful to the demoniac. It
is clearly stated that the demoniac people, life after life, are put into the
wombs of similar demons, and, not achieving the mercy of the Supreme Lord, they
go down and down, so that at last they achieve bodies like those of cats, dogs
and hogs. It is clearly stated that such demons have practically no chance of
receiving the mercy of God at any stage of later life. In the Vedas also it is
stated that such persons gradually sink to become dogs and hogs. It may be then
argued in this connection that God should not be advertised as all-merciful if
He is not merciful to such demons. In answer to this question, in the
Vedanta-sutra we find that the Supreme Lord has no hatred for anyone. The
placing of the asuras, the demons, in the lowest status of life is simply
another feature of His mercy. Sometimes the asuras are killed by the Supreme
Lord, but this killing is also good for them, for in Vedic literature we find
that anyone who is killed by the Supreme Lord becomes liberated. There are
instances in history of many asuras -Ravana, Kamsa, Hiranyakasipu—to whom the
Lord appeared in various incarnations just to kill them. Therefore God's mercy
is shown to the asuras if they are fortunate enough to be killed by Him. And
this punishment will clean them, as a criminal after punishment in jail,
becomes a happy citizen. ” There are three gates leading to this hell—lust,
anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the
degradation of the soul.”
The beginning of demoniac
life is described herein. One tries to satisfy his lust, and when he cannot,
anger and greed arise. A sane man who does not want to glide down to the
species of demoniac life must try to give up these three enemies, which can
kill the self to such an extent that there will be no possibility of liberation
from this material entanglement. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu made this process
very easy: He asked people simply to chant and dance on the Maha-mantra Hare
Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama
Rama, Hare Hare and to engage in the devotional service of the Lord and eat the
remnants of foodstuff offered to the Deity– chant, dance and feast– heaven on
7. Therefore, there are
absolute moral standards. Laws in society means there is government. Laws in
the universe means the Universal Government of the nations, under the Supreme
President, God.
8. Therefore, God exists.
Argument from human
1. Atheists say that they
don't need God.
2. But see what a mess
they make of the world without God’s book, the Bhagavad-Gita.
b. He says e.g.: “All
living bodies subsist on food grains, which are produced from rains. Rains are
produced by performance of yajna [sacrifice], and yajna is born of prescribed
duties.” Human beings who are accustomed to eating meat and flesh must also
depend on the production of vegetation in order to eat the animals. Therefore,
ultimately, we have to depend on the production of the field and not on the
production of big factories. The field production is due to sufficient rain
from the sky, and such rains are controlled by demigods like Indra, sun, moon,
etc., and they are all servants of the Lord. The Lord can be satisfied by
sacrifices; therefore, one who cannot perform them will find himself in
scarcity—that is the law of nature. Yajna, specifically the sankirtana-yajna
prescribed for this age, must therefore be performed to save us at least from
scarcity of food supply. But humanity today can’t even properly feed
c. And He says: “A person
in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all
sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and
the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the
pangs of material miseries.”
Nowadays, we see wars
everywhere between so-called religionists– not reading the Gita (=song) of God,
Bhagavad-Gita-, between nations, social groups etc. and in the homes of the
The conditioned souls
within the clutches of the illusory energy are all anxious to attain peace in
the material world. But they do not know the formula for peace, which is
explained in this part of the Bhagavad-gita. The greatest peace formula is
simply this: Lord Krishna is the beneficiary in all human activities. Men
should offer everything to the transcendental service of the Lord because He is
the proprietor of all planets and the demigods thereon. No one is greater than
He. He is greater than the greatest of the demigods, Lord Siva and Lord Brahma.
In the Vedas (Svetasvatara Upanishad 6.7) the Supreme Lord is described as tam
isvaranam paramam mahesvaram. Under the spell of illusion, living entities are
trying to be lords of all they survey, but actually they are dominated by the
material energy of the Lord. The Lord is the master of material nature, and the
conditioned souls are under the stringent rules of material nature. Unless one
understands these bare facts, it is not possible to achieve peace in the world
either individually or collectively. This is the sense of Krishna
consciousness: Lord Krishna is the supreme predominator, and all living
entities, including the great demigods, are His subordinates. One can attain perfect
peace only in complete Krishna consciousness.
3. Which just goes to show
that they need God.
4. Therefore, God exists.
Argument from devolution
and the banyan tree
1. Atheists say that God
doesn't exist.
2a. E.g. one fruit of the
banyan tree has hundreds of seeds. Each seed contains one banyan tree with many
hundreds of fig fruits.
2b. If we try to paint one
complete picture or statue of a banyan tree, it will take so much energy of us
and take us days. Still, it is simply a painting or a statue. It is not
complete and perfect, because the internal of the tree is also impossible to
duplicate. And we won’t taste the fruit, smell the flowers etc. and it will not
produce other trees. I.o.w no human creator could create a banyan tree, what to
speak of blind forces as “Chance, Nature, Evolution”.
And no forces work without
a controller; we have no other experience.
3. As alternative for this
wrong theory of evolution, the book Srimad Bhagavatam 6.6.21-42 describes the
population of the earth by God and His progenitors. One of them, Kasyapa Muni
and his wives at the beginning of the caksusa and vaivasvata manvantara,
descended to the earth-planet, and through devolution, created the species.
There was no evolution. Here the verses:
"The names of Kasyapa's wives, from
whose wombs the population of the entire universe has come, are the mothers of
almost all the population of the entire universe, and their names are very
auspicious to hear. Kasyapa, who is also named Tarkshya, had seventeen
wives—Vinata [Suparna], Kadru, Patangi, Yamini, Aditi, Diti, Danu, Kashtha,
Arishta, Surasa, Ila, Muni, Krodhavasa, Tamra, Surabhi, Sarama and Timi.
Patangi gave birth to many kinds of birds, and Yamini gave birth to locusts.
Vinata [Suparna] gave birth to Garuda, the carrier of Lord Vishnu, and to
Anuru, or Aruna, the chariot driver of the sun-god. Kadru gave birth to
different varieties of serpents. They are From the womb of Timi all the
aquatics took birth, and from the womb of Sarama the ferocious animals like the
tigers and lions took birth. From the womb of Surabhi the buffalo, cow and
other animals with cloven hooves took birth, from the womb of Tamra the eagles,
vultures and other large birds of prey took birth, and from the womb of Muni
the angels took birth...The sons born of Krodhavasa were the serpents known as
dandasuka, as well as other serpents and the mosquitoes. All the various
creepers and trees were born from the womb of Ila. The Rakshasas, bad spirits,
were born from the womb of Surasa. The Gandharvas were born from the womb of
Arishta, and animals whose hooves are not split, such as the horse, were born
from the womb of Kashtha. ...From the womb of Matrika, the wife of Aryama, were
born many learned scholars. Among them Lord Brahma created the human species,
which are endowed with an aptitude for self-examination.
4. The advanced people,
they were Aryans, from arya = cultured. Aryans means advanced. So the
Indo-European stock, they are also Aryans. They came from Central India,
Central Asia, and some of them went to Indian side. That is the history. The
Caspian Sea, that was the place of Kasyapa Muni. Kasyapa. From Kasyapa the
Caspian has come.
Kasyapa put the species
one after the other, but not millions of years in between; immediately in the
beginning of the Vaivasvata period, the epoch we live in.
5. The different species
of life, were gradually manifested by them, beginning from the species in the
water. Then, as the water dries up, the vegetation comes. In this way there
seems evolution from marine living entities to vegetable life, but the process
is withdrawing of genes or potencies, so from these divine humans, all the
species came by devolution. After the flora came the fauna: the moving;
insects, reptiles. Then, gradually, birds. Then after birds the beasts,
four-legged. Then the human beings. First the aborigines, uncivilized. Then
civilized life, which is generally known as Aryan life.
6. According to the
western evolutionists, there was the Cambrian explosion, 540 million years ago;
all the species appeared very quickly in a short period. Kasyapa Muni populated
the earth planet 120 million years ago.
It must be that the
scientists are making a mistake in their calculation because in Satya, Treta
and Dvapara yugas the decay of matter is slower due to matter being of a better
quality. According to scripture the life span of humans was also longer. The
decay is the slowest in Satya, a bit quicker in Dvapara, etc. So, the
scientists came to the number 540 million year because they consider that matter
decays at the same rate in all yugas. The Cambrian explosion was 120 million
years ago.
7. Therefore, God, the
Head Man of Higher Beings evolved the planets and the flora, fauna and humans,
by devolution.
8. God exists.
Argument from spirits
1. I've just had contact
with evil spirits.
That means there are other
dimensions then the 5 material dimensions of gross matter or ‘earth’, liquids,
luminous, gaseous, ether.
2. These beings hover in
the 3 subtle material dimension of mind, intelligence, false ego; the same
realm as my dreams.
3. There is a 9th
dimension; the witness, who is the spectator of the contents of the mind,
intelligence, false ego as dreams at night and of these 8 dimensions during the
day. One can perceive one's self-identification and feel positively that he
exists. He may not feel it very abruptly, but by using a little intelligence,
he can feel that he is not the body. He can feel that the hand, the leg, the
head, the hair and the limbs are all his bodily parts and parcels, but as such
the hand, the leg, the head, etc., cannot be identified with his self.
Therefore just by using intelligence he can distinguish and separate his self
from other things that he sees. So the natural conclusion is that the living
being, either man or beast, is the seer, and he sees besides himself all other
things. So there is a difference between the seer and the seen.
4. Now, by a little use of
intelligence we can also readily agree that the living being who sees the
things beyond himself by ordinary vision has no power to see or to move
independently. All our ordinary actions and perceptions depend on various forms
of energy supplied to us by nature in various combinations. Our senses of
perception and of action, that is to say, our five perceptive senses of 1.
hearing, 2. touch, 3. sight, 4. taste and 5. smell, as well as our five senses
of action, namely 1. hands, 2. legs, 3. speech, 4. evacuation organs and 5.
reproductive organs, and also our three subtle senses, namely 1. mind, 2.
intelligence and 3. ego (thirteen senses in all), are supplied to us by various
arrangements of gross or subtle forms of natural energy. And it is equally
evident that our objects of perception are nothing but the products of the
inexhaustible permutations and combinations of the forms taken by natural
energy. As this conclusively proves that the ordinary living being has no
independent power of perception or of motion, and as we undoubtedly feel our
existence being conditioned by nature's energy, we conclude that he who sees is
spirit, and that the senses as well as the objects of perception are material.
5. The spiritual quality of the seer is manifest
in our dissatisfaction with the limited state of materially conditioned
existence. That is the difference between spirit and matter. There are some
less intelligent arguments that matter develops the power of seeing and moving
as a certain organic development, but such an argument cannot be accepted
because there is no experimental evidence that matter has anywhere produced a
living entity. Trust no future, however pleasant. Idle talks regarding future
development of matter into spirit are actually foolish because no matter has
ever developed the power of seeing or moving in any part of the world.
Therefore it is definite that matter and spirit are two different identities,
and this conclusion is arrived at by the use of intelligence.
6. Now we come to the
point that the things which are seen by a little use of intelligence cannot be
animate unless we accept someone as the user of or director of the
intelligence. Intelligence gives one direction like some higher authority, and
the living being cannot see or move or eat or do anything without the use of
intelligence. When one fails to take advantage of intelligence he becomes a
deranged man, and so a living being is dependent on intelligence or the
direction of a superior being. Such intelligence is all-pervading. Every living
being has his intelligence, and this intelligence, being the direction of some
higher authority, is just like a father giving direction to his son. The higher
authority, who is present and residing within every individual living being, is
the Superself.
7. At this point in our
investigation, we may consider the following question: on the one hand we realize
that all our perceptions and activities are conditioned by arrangements of
material nature, yet we also ordinarily feel and say, "I am
perceiving" or "I am doing." Therefore we can say that our
material senses of perception and action are moving because we are identifying
the self with the material body, and that the superior principle of Superself
is guiding and supplying us according to our desire. By taking advantage of the
guidance of Superself in the form of intelligence, we can either continue to
study and to put into practice our conclusion that "I am not this
body," or we can choose to remain in the false material identification,
fancying ourselves to be the possessors and doers. Our freedom consists in
orienting our desire either toward the ignorant, material misconception or the
true, spiritual conception. We can easily attain to the true, spiritual
conception by recognizing the Superself (Paramatma) to be our friend and guide
and by dovetailing our intelligence with the superior intelligence of
Paramatma. The Superself and the individual self are both spirit, and therefore
the Superself and the individual self are both qualitatively one and distinct
from matter. But the Superself and the individual self cannot be on an equal
level because the Superself gives direction or supplies intelligence and the
individual self follows the direction, and thus actions are performed properly.
The individual is completely dependent on the direction of the Superself
because in every step the individual self follows the direction of the
Superself in the matter of seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling, willing, etc.
8. So far as common sense
is concerned, we come to the conclusion that there are three identities, namely
matter, spirit and Superspirit. Now if we go to the Bhagavad-gita, or the Vedic
intelligence, we can further understand that all three identities, namely
matter, individual spirit, and the Superspirit, are all dependent on the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Superself is a partial representation or
plenary portion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Just as the director of
the prison is the representative of the king in the palace. The Bhagavad-gita
affirms that the Supreme Personality of Godhead dominates all over the material
world by His partial representation only. God is great, and He cannot be simply
an order supplier of the individual selves; therefore the Superself cannot be a
full representation of the Supreme Self, Purushottama, the Absolute Personality
of Godhead. Realization of the Superself by the individual self is the
beginning of self-realization, and by the progress of such self-realization one
is able to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead by intelligence, by the
help of authorized scriptures, and, principally, by the grace of the Lord. The
Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary conception of the Personality of Godhead Sri
Krishna, and Srimad-Bhagavatam is the further explanation of the science of
Godhead. So if we stick to our determination and pray for the mercy of the
director of intelligence sitting within the same bodily tree, like a bird
sitting with another bird (as explained in the Upanishads), certainly the
purport of the revealed information in the Vedas becomes clear to our vision,
and there is no difficulty in realizing the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
9. Therefore, The Supreme Spirit, God exists.
Argument from superiority
a.k.a the argument of the gradual ascending from soul (Brahman), Supersoul
(Paramatma) to the God in heaven (Bhagavan)
Every living being (plant, animal, and human) is soul and body.
All material atoms are also divine particles.
In Brahman realization or understanding one sees the brahmajyoti, the
effulgence of all the souls, the divine particles of the material world.
4. In Paramatma realization
one sees the Supreme Soul, in the cosmic or Universal form or body. This Soul
of the universe is The Director of the cosmic activities, just as the minister
of justice directs the jailhouse.
5a. As a living being is
considered alive if the heart beats, the blood flows through the veins and the
breathing is going on, there is brain activity: thinking, feeling, willing.
5b. Similarly, the
Supersoul programs the life giving water in the universe as the rain, the
waters of the rivers, oceans etc. the breathing in the universe as the prana or
oxygen and carbon-dioxide winds blowing, the brain in the universe as the
demigods creating and maintaining the universal affairs as moving of the
planets, growth of flora fauna, humans. The Paramatma or Supersoul is the
ultimate director of the affairs in the prison house of the material world.
6. Paramatma is the
expansion of the King in the palace or paradise of the spiritual world,
5. Bhagavan realization is
the Complete Truth. The Complete Whole is as a state or kingdom.
6. God exists and lives in
Argument from God of the
gaps, a.k.a. design/teleological argument, a.k.a. argument from wonderful
1. Isn't the creation
2. The world couldn’t be
without somebody else making or doing this.
3. This somebody else must
be God because there is no other possible explanation.
Originally, it is done by
the glance or energy of God.
4. We can prove it. In the
same way, by the sunshine, everything is developing. From the sunshine the
trees are growing, leaves are coming. As soon as there is no sunshine,
immediately the leaves fall down and the tree becomes without any leaves.
5. The same process is
elaborately described in scripture. By the glance of the Supreme, the material
nature-pradhana- becomes agitated and the three gunas become manifest. Pradhana
is the twenty-four elements that doesn't contain time. Pradhana is the
It is the sum total of the
unmanifested material elements. From pradhana, the mahat-tattva is manifested. In
mahat-tattva there is a basic difference in that there is already some
manifestations and categories. Mahat-tattva is differentiated.
The time element is there
in the mahat-tattva, so it is already twenty-five elements there, including
time. At this stage also, the Lord's
internal potency, means the jivas, souls are already impregnated here.
6. The process starts in
the absolute, spiritual world. Lord Sri Krishna is the Absolute Personality of
Godhead, and His first expansion in a form for pastimes is Sri Balarama. Beyond
the limitation of this material world is this spiritual sky, paravyoma, which
has many spiritual planets, the supreme of which is called Krishnaloka.
Krishnaloka, the abode of Krishna, has three divisions, which are known as
Dvaraka, Mathura and Gokula Vrndavana. In that abode that Personality of
Godhead expands Himself into four plenary portions—Krishna, Balarama, Pradyumna
[the transcendental Cupid] and Aniruddha. They are known as the original
quadruple forms. In Krishnaloka there is also a transcendental place known as
Svetadvipa, or Navadvipa.
7. Below Krishnaloka, in
the same spiritual sky, are the Vaikuntha planets. On each Vaikuntha planet a
four-handed Narayana, expanded from the first quadruple manifestation, is
present. The Personality of Godhead known as Sri Balarama in Krishnaloka is the
original Sankarshana [attracting Deity], and from this Sankarshana expands
another Sankarshana, called Maha-Sankarshana, who resides in one of the
Vaikuntha planets. By His internal potency, Maha-Sankarshana maintains the
transcendental existence of all the planets in the spiritual sky, where all the
living beings are eternally liberated souls. The influence of the material
energy is conspicuous there by its absence. On those planets the second
quadruple manifestation is present.
8. Outside of the
Vaikuntha planets is the impersonal manifestation of Sri Krishna, which is
known as the Brahmaloka. 9. In one
corner of the Brahmaloka is the spiritual karana-samudra, or Causal Ocean. The
material energy exists on one side of the Causal Ocean, without touching it. In
the Causal Ocean is Maha-Vishnu, the original purusha expansion from
10. This Maha-Vishnu
places His glance over the material energy, and by a reflection of His transcendental
body He amalgamates Himself within the material elements. As the source of the
material elements, the material energy is known as pradhana, and as the source
of the manifestations of the material energy it is known as maya. But material
nature is inert in that she has no independent power to do anything. She is
empowered to make the cosmic manifestation by the glance of Maha-Vishnu.
Therefore the material energy is not the original cause of the material
manifestation. Rather, the transcendental glance of Maha-Vishnu over the
material nature produces that cosmic manifestation.
Material energy has no
power to create. It is this glance that makes material energy energetic. The
chemical combination of for example alkaline and acid creates some agitation,
effervescence, but it is done by the chemist. He mixes the two liquids, and
there is effervescence. In the mahat-tattva when the Lord glances or
impregnates, that glancing is spiritual.
Matter itself cannot do
To give an example:
Aja-jala-stana, the nipples on the neck of the goat. These are useless, these
is not milk-giving nipples.
So nature is creating,
they say "by nature," but nature has no power. It is matter. When
there is glance of Sankarshana or Vishnu, that will do the creation.
11. In that state of
pradhana, when a living entity is impregnated in this state, it is also said
that it is in pure goodness.
Then comes the
contamination of pure goodness by ahankara, material ego. From there,
everything is going to manifest. The material ego springs up from the
mahat-tattva, which evolved from the Lord's own energy. The material ego is
endowed predominantly with active power of three kinds—good, passionate and
ignorant. It is from these three types of material ego that the mind-from ego in
goodness, the senses of perception– from passion, the organs of action– from
passion, and the gross elements– from ignorance evolve. The threefold ahankara,
the source of the gross elements, the senses and the mind, is identical with
them, in one sense, because it is their
cause. It is known by the name of Sankarshana, their cause and controller, who
is directly Lord Ananta with a thousand heads. This false ego is characterized
as the doer, as an instrument and as an effect. It is further characterized as
serene, active or dull according to how it is influenced by the modes of
goodness, passion and ignorance.
12. From the false ego of
goodness transforms or evolves the mind, whose thoughts and reflections give
rise to desire.
The mind of the living
entity is known by the name of Lord Aniruddha, the supreme ruler of the senses.
He possesses a bluish-black form resembling a lotus flower growing in the
autumn. He is found slowly by the yogis.
13. By transformation of
the false ego in passion, intelligence takes birth. Egoism in the mode of
passion produces two kinds of senses—the senses for acquiring knowledge and the
senses of action. The senses of action depend on the vital energy-prana, and
the senses for acquiring knowledge depend on intelligence.
14. When egoism in
ignorance is agitated by the lust energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
the subtle element sound, the ethereal sky and the sense of hearing evolve.
From ethereal existence, the next transformation takes place under the impulse
of time, and thus the subtle element touch, the air and sense of touch become
prominent. By evolution of air, there is fire and the eyes. By the interaction
of fire and the visual sensation, the subtle element taste, tongue and water
evolves under a superior arrangement. Due to the interaction of water with the
taste perception, the subtle element odor, earth and the olfactory sense
evolves under superior arrangement.
15. When all these
elements were unmixed, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the origin of creation,
along with time, work-karma, and the qualities of the modes of material nature,
entered into the universe, an unintelligent egg, in his expansion as the
Immanent Godhead. This universal egg, or the universe in the shape of an egg,
is called the manifestation of material energy. Its layers of earth, water,
air, fire, sky, ego, mahat-tattva and pradhana increase in thickness one after
another. Each layer is ten times bigger than the previous one. Within this egg,
He ordered the elements into many departments– planets, flora, fauna etc
through His agents, the demigods.
This is the universal form
of Lord Hari, of whose body the fourteen planetary systems are parts. Thus the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, the virat-purusha, situated Himself in that
golden egg, which was lying on the water.
16. Therefore, God exists.
Argument from agnosticism
1a. “ I don't know and you
don't know either if God exists.”
1b. That means your brain
doesn’t exist.
2. You cannot see the
government, but when things are going nicely, you must accept, there is
b. When things in the
universe are going on very nicely, regularly; the sun is rising regularly, the
moon is rising regularly, the seasons are changing and the waves are flowing,
everything, then you have to accept that there is Universal Government.
3. As we have got
experience here in this material world, that the Government is impersonal, but
that at the end there is a president. Similarly, the whole Government of the
Universe may be impersonal in the beginning– we see forces, energies,
movements, and no controllers or secretaries, demigods– but at the end there is
a person, that Supreme Person, Bhagavan. Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti
sabdyate [SB 1.2.11]. Paramatma is the representative of God.
Just like the president
has got so many representative governors, similarly, Paramatma is the localized
representative of God, and God is person, and the whole government is
impersonal. This is the conception. When we say "government," you
cannot localize that "Who is that person, government?" That is
impersonal. But then we find governors, secretaries, localized persons. And
then above all of them, there is the president, he is the supreme person. This
is our practical example. Similarly, nature is working impersonally, but there
are officers. They are called demigods. And above them all there is the Supreme
Lord. He is Bhagavan. And this idea wherefrom has come? The president, the
governors, and the government. Janmady asya yatah [SB 1.1.1]. It has come from
there. Because of the origin, the same thing is there. “ So here, so there
4. Atheist: Even in a
group of chickens, there is one who is the Mother chicken or the head chicken.
Or with monkeys. There is also what's called pecking order. One is at the top,
and then there's one at the end who gets the least, and all these gradations
in-between. In any group there is always a hierarchy like that. So simply the
reason we have government with one man head is because that's the natural
pecking order like chickens.
5. Theist: Why this
natural order has come? It is needed.
There is no chance. That
is rascaldom. Show me anything within your experience which has come by chance.
There is design only.
Mayadhyakshena [Bg. 9.10]. It is said in the Bhagavad-Gita : mayAdhyakshena
means "under My superintendence." That means under some plan. What is
the plan of this material world? The plan of material world is that some
rascals, living entities, they wanted to enjoy. So God has given this plan,
"All right, you enjoy." This is the plan. And not only enjoy.
"You enjoy; again come back." This is the plan. Pravritti-nivritti.
First of all he is given that "All right, you take all facilities of
enjoyment." Therefore Veda prescription
is that "You enjoy like this, and after you have fulfilled your
enjoyment, come back again." This is God mercy.
It is a testing ground of
the spirit soul, a testing platform, where we can experience what we wanted,
and after that, we can return.
We wanted to enjoy. God
has given full freedom to enjoy, but this enjoyment is not perfect. Therefore
God comes. He says, "Now you have enjoyed, but you have not enjoyed. You
have simply suffered. Therefore please come back again." Sarva-dharman
parityajya mam ekam [Bg. 18.66].
If we don't experience, we
may not know that we are suffering.
Because we have got little
freedom. Therefore this freedom is given, "All right..." So by
freedom, sometimes we are becoming Lord Brahma and sometimes the germ in the
stool. This is going on. Otherwise, why there are so many different types of
living entities? That freedom is acting under three modes: sattva-guna,
rajo-guna, and tamo-guna. And when they are multiplied, three into three equals
nine, nine into eighty-one; therefore 8,400,000 species. They experience
everything. That is evolution, coming down, again going up, coming down again.
Bhutva bhutva praliyate [Bg. 8.19]. So when they become exasperated, "No
more." Then they want to merge into the Supreme-jnana. When they are
fatigued. After being karmi– trying to enjoy, then jnani: "This is not
good. What is actually our aim of life, let us search out." But because
they make research in their teeny brain, they come to the conclusion of voidism
and impersonalism, that "Make it zero, this botheration." That is
also imperfect. So when they come to Bhagavan and engage himself in the
service, then it is perfect. Again back in the original position.
In jnana-yoga, they want
things by experimental knowledge, and when they fail it, they say it is
That is voidism. First of
all they try to enjoy. When they fail they
say as the jackal in the orchard first of all tried to get the grapes,
jumping, jumping, jumping. When he could not get, then he said, "Oh it is
sour, this is not required. They will say, brahma satyam jagan mithya: "This
is all false. Let us go to Brahman." This is their philosophy. First of
all they try as karmi, brmmmmmmm. [makes loud car sound] When all these brm brm
brm, life after life, when he finds that there is nothing, "Oh, it is all
false. Grapes are sour." Jackal jumping. Then he finds there is need of
6. Therefore, God exists.
Argument from ancestry and
lack of eyewitness
1a. You weren't there to
witness Big Bang/abiogenisis/evolution etc.
1b. In fact, these events
have never been witnessed by anyone.
1c. But we do witness
biogenesis, creation of life by life.
2a. According to Darwin,
Darwin's father was a monkey. Therefore all the followers of his anthropology,
they are in the tamo-guna; monkey-type, because they believe his doctrine,
since they see they are similar to the apes and gorilla’s.
They think: “Could be
true; we are so similar; a little less hair, skull some more round and it is
2b. Theist: I don't want
to be related to monkeys. Their eating, sleeping, lust, living, fighting are so
2c. I can’t be in their
2d Here is our research :
3. The British scientist
Charles Darwin (1809–1882) laid the foundation of modern evolutionary theory
with his concept of the development of all forms of life through the slow-working
process of natural selection. His work has exerted a major influence on the
life sciences and earth sciences and on modern thought in general.
Here Srila Prabhupada
challenges the crux of Darwin’s theory by pointing out two critical omissions:
the overseeing intelligence of God and the transmigration of the immortal soul
from body to body.
Disciple– presenting
Darwinism: Darwin tried to show how the origin of living species could be fully
explained by the purely mechanical, unplanned action of natural forces. By the
process he called “natural selection,” all the higher, complex forms of life
gradually evolved from more primitive and rudimentary ones. In a given animal
population, for example, some individuals will have traits that make them adapt
better to their environment; these more fit individuals will survive to pass on
their favorable traits to their offspring. The unfit will gradually be weeded
out naturally. Thus a cold climate will favor those who have, say, long hair or
fatty tissue, and the species will then gradually evolve in that direction.
Srila Prabhupada: The
question is that in the development of the body, is there any plan that a
particular kind of body—with, as you say, long hair or fatty tissue—should
exist under certain natural conditions? Who has made these arrangements? That
is the question.
Disciple: No one. Modern
evolutionists ultimately base their theory on the existence of chance
Srila Prabhupada: That is
nonsense. There is no such thing as chance. If they say “chance,” then they are
nonsense. Our question remains. Who has created the different circumstances for
the existence of different kinds of animals?
Disciple: For example, a
frog may lay thousands of eggs, but out of all of them only a few may survive
to adulthood. Those who do are more fit than the others. If the environment did
not favorably select the fittest, then too many frogs—
Srila Prabhupada: Yes,
frogs and many other animals lay eggs by the hundreds. A snake gives birth to
scores of snakes at a time, and if all were allowed to exist, there would be a
great disturbance. Therefore, big snakes devour the small snakes. That is
nature’s law. But behind nature’s law is a brain. That is our proposition.
Nature’s law is not blind, because behind it there is a brain, and that brain
is God. We learn this from the Bhagavad-gita [9.10]: mayadhyakshena prakritih
suyate sa-caracaram. Whatever is taking place in material nature is being
directed by the Supreme Lord, who maintains everything in order. So the snake lays
eggs by the score, and if many were not killed, the world would be overwhelmed
by snakes. Similarly, male tigers kill the cubs. The economic theory of Malthus
states that whenever there is overpopulation, there must be an outbreak of war,
epidemic, famine, or the like to curb it. These natural activities do not take
place by chance but are planned. Anyone who says they are a matter of chance
has insufficient knowledge.
Disciple: But Darwin has a
huge amount of evidence—
Srila Prabhupada:
Evidence? That is all right. We also have got evidence. Evidence must be there.
But as soon as there is evidence, there should be no talk of “chance.”
Disciple: For example, out
of millions of frogs, one may happen to be better adapted to living in the
Srila Prabhupada: But that
is not by chance! That is by plan! He doesn’t know that. As soon as one says
“chance,” it means his knowledge is imperfect. A man says “chance” when he
cannot explain. It is evasive. So the conclusion is that he is without perfect
knowledge and therefore unfit for giving any knowledge. He is cheating, that’s
Disciple: Well, Darwin
sees a “plan” or “design” in a sense, but—
Srila Prabhupada: If he
sees a plan or design, then whose design? As soon as you recognize a design,
you must acknowledge a designer. If you see a plan, then you must accept a
planner. That he does not know.
Disciple: But the “plan”
is only the involuntary working of nature.
Srila Prabhupada:
Nonsense. There is a plan. The sun rises daily according to exact calculation.
It does not follow our calculation; rather, we calculate according to the sun.
Experiencing that in such-and-such season the sun rises at such-and-such time,
we learn that according to the season the sun rises exactly on the minute, the
second. It is not by whimsy or chance but by minute plan.
Disciple: But can’t you
say it’s just mechanical?
Srila Prabhupada: Then who
made it mechanical? If something is mechanical, then there must be a mechanic,
a brain, who made the machine. Here is something mechanical [Srila Prabhupada
points to a Telex machine]: Who made it? This machine has not come out by
itself. It is made of iron, and the iron did not mold itself into a machine;
there is a brain who made the machine possible. So everything in nature has a
plan or design, and behind that plan or design is a brain, a very big brain.
Disciple: Darwin tried to
make the appearance and disappearance of living forms seem so natural and
involuntary that God is removed from the picture. Evolutionary theory makes it
appear as if combinations of material ingredients created life, and then
various species evolved one from another naturally.
Srila Prabhupada: That is
foolishness. Combination means God. God is combining. Combination does not take
place automatically. Suppose I am cooking. There are many ingredients gathered
for cooking, but they do not combine together by themselves. I am the cooker,
and in cooking I combine together ghee, spices, rice, dhal, and so on, and in
this way, nice dishes are produced. Similarly, the combination of ingredients
in nature requires God. Otherwise, how does the moment arise in which the
combination takes place? Do you place all the ingredients in the kitchen and in
an hour come back and say, “Oh, where is my meal?” Nonsense! Who will cook your
meal? You’ll starve. But take help of a living being, and then we’ll cook and
we can eat. This is our experience. So if there is combination, then who is
combining? The scientists are fools not to know how combination takes place.
Disciple: Scientists now
say life arose out of four basic elements: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and
Srila Prabhupada: If the
basic principle is chemicals, who made the chemicals? That question should be
Disciple: Isn’t it
possible that one day science will discover the source of these chemicals?
Srila Prabhupada: There is
no question of discovering: the answer is already known, although it may not be
known to you. We know. The Vedanta says, janmady asya yatah: the original
source of everything is Brahman, Krishna. Krishna says, aham sarvasya prabhavo
mattah sarvam pravartate: “I am the origin of everything.” [Bhagavad-gita 10.8]
So we know that there is a big brain who is doing everything. We know. The
scientists may not know; that is their foolishness.
Disciple: They might say
the same thing about us.
Srila Prabhupada: No, they
cannot say the same thing about us. We accept Krishna, but not blindly. Our
predecessors, the great acaryas and learned scholars, have accepted Krishna as
the origin of everything, so we are not following blindly. We claim that
Krishna is the origin, but what claim can the scientist make? As soon as he
says “chance,” it means that he has no knowledge. We don’t say “chance.” We
have an original cause; but he says chance. Therefore he has no knowledge.
Disciple: They try to
trace back the origin by means of excavation. And they have found that
gradually through the years the animal forms are evolving toward increasingly
more complex and specialized forms, from invertebrates to fishes, then to amphibians,
then to reptiles and insects, to mammals and birds, and finally to humans. In
that process many species, like the dinosaurs, appeared, flourished, and then
disappeared forever, became extinct. Eventually, primitive apelike creatures
appeared, and from them man gradually developed.
Srila Prabhupada: Is the
theory that the human body comes from the monkeys?
Disciple: Humans and
monkeys are related. They come from the same—
Srila Prabhupada: Related?
Everything is related; that is another thing. But if the monkey body is
developing into a human body, then why, after the human body is developed,
doesn’t the monkey species cease to exist?
Disciple: The humans and
the monkeys are branches of the same tree.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes, and
both are now existing. Similarly, we say that at the time the evolutionists say
life began, there were human beings existing.
Disciple: They find no
evidence for that.
Srila Prabhupada: Why no
Disciple: In the ground.
By excavation. They find no evidence in the ground.
Srila Prabhupada: Is the
ground the only evidence? Is there no other evidence?
Disciple: The only
evidence they accept is the testimony of their senses.
Srila Prabhupada: But they
still cannot prove that there was no human being at the time they say life originated.
They cannot prove that.
Disciple: It appears that
in certain layers of earth there are remains of apelike men—
Srila Prabhupada: Apelike
men or manlike apes are still existing now, alongside human beings. If one
thing has been developed by the transformation of another thing, then that
original thing should no longer be in existence. When in this way a cause has
produced its effect, the cause ceases to exist. But in this case we see that
the cause is still present, that there are still monkeys and apes.
Disciple: But monkeys did
not cause men; both came from the same common ancestor. That is their account.
Srila Prabhupada: We say
that we all come from God, the same ancestor, the same father. The original
father is Krishna. As Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita [14.5], sarva-yonishu
kaunteya: “Of as many forms as there are,...” aham bija-pradah pita: “I am the
seed-giving father.” So what is your objection to this?
Disciple: Well, if I
examine the layers of earth, I find in the deepest layers no evidence—
Srila Prabhupada: You are
packed up with layers of earth, that’s all. That is the boundary of your
knowledge. But that is not knowledge; there are many other evidences.
Disciple: But surely if
men were living millions of years ago, they would have left evidence, tangible
evidence, behind them. I could see their remains.
Srila Prabhupada: So I say
that in advanced human societies bodies are burned after death, cremated. So
where does your excavator get his bones?
Disciple: Well, that’s
possible, but—
Srila Prabhupada:
According to our Vedic system, the body is burned to ashes after death. Where,
therefore, would the rascal get the bones? Animals are not burned; their bones
remain. But human beings are burned, and therefore they cannot find their bones.
Disciple: I’m just saying
that it appears, through layer after layer of deposits in the earth, that
biological forms tend to progress from simple and primitive forms to more and
more complex and specialized ones, until finally civilized man appears.
Srila Prabhupada: But at
the present moment both simple and complex forms are existing. One did not
develop into the other. For example, my childhood body has developed into my
adult body, and the child’s body is no longer there. So if the higher, complex
species developed from the simpler, lower species, then we should see no simple
species. But all species are now existing simultaneously.
When I see all 8,400,000
species of life existing, what is the question of development? Each species
exists now, and it existed long ago. You might not have seen it, but you have
no proper source of knowledge. You might have missed it. That is another thing.
Disciple: But all the
evidence shows otherwise. Five hundred million years ago there were no land
animals; there were only aquatics.
Srila Prabhupada: That is
nonsense. You cannot give a history of five hundred million years! Where is the
history of five hundred million years? You are simply imagining. You say
“historical evidence,” but where is your evidence? You cannot give a history
for more than three thousand years, and you are speaking about five hundred
million. This is all nonsense.
Disciple: If I dig far
into the ground, layer by layer—
Srila Prabhupada: By dirt
you are calculating five hundred million years? It could be ten years. You
cannot give the history of human society past three thousand years, so how can
you speak of five hundred million years ago? Where were you then? Were you
there, so you can say that all these species were not there? This is imagination.
In this way everyone can imagine and say some nonsense.
We accept evolution, but
not that the forms of the species are changing. The bodies are all already
there, but the soul is evolving by changing bodies and by transmigrating from
one body to another. I have evolved from my childhood body to my adult body,
and now my childhood body is extinct. But there are many other children.
Similarly, all the species are now existing simultaneously, and they were all
there in the past.
For example, if you are
traveling in a train, you find first class, second class, third class; they are
all existing. If you pay a higher fare and enter the first-class carriage, you
cannot say, “Now the first class is created.” It was always existing. So the
defect of the evolutionists is that they have no information of the soul. The
soul is evolving, transmigrating, from one compartment to another compartment,
simply changing place. The Padma Purana says that there are 8,400,000 species
of life, and the soul evolves through them. This evolutionary process we
accept: the soul evolves from aquatics to plants, to insects, to birds, to
animals, and then to the human forms. But all these forms are already there.
They do not change. One does not become extinct and another survive. All of them
are existing simultaneously.
Disciple: But Darwin says
there are many species, like dinosaurs, that are seen to be extinct.
Srila Prabhupada: What has
he seen? He is not so powerful that he can see everywhere or everything. His
power to see is limited, and by that limited power he cannot conclude that one
species is extinct. That is not possible. No real scientist will accept that.
After all, all the senses by which you gather knowledge are limited, so how can
you say this is finished or that is extinct? You cannot see. You cannot search
out. The earth’s circumference is twenty-five thousand miles; have you searched
through all the layers of rock and soil over the whole earth? Have you
excavated all those places?
Disciple: No.
Srila Prabhupada:
Therefore our first charge against Darwin is this: He says there were no human
beings millions of years ago. That is not a fact. We now see human beings
existing along with all other species, and it should be concluded that this
situation always existed. Human life has always been there. Darwin cannot say
there was no human life.
Disciple: We don’t see any
dinosaurs existing.
Srila Prabhupada: You do
not see because you have no power to see. Your senses are very limited, so what
you see or don’t see cannot be authoritative. So many people—the majority of
people—say, “I don’t see God.” Shall we accept, then, that there is no God? Are
we crazy for being devotees of God?
Disciple: No, but
Srila Prabhupada: But
simply by dinosaurs being missing you cannot make your case. What about all the
other species?
Disciple: Many, many
others are also extinct.
Srila Prabhupada: Say I
accept that many are extinct—because the evolutionary process means that as an
earlier species gradually changes into a later species, the earlier vanishes,
becomes extinct. But we see that many monkeys are still here. Man evolved from
the simians, but simians have not disappeared. Monkeys are here, and men are
Disciple: But still I’m
not convinced. If we make geological investigations all over the world, not
just here and there, but in many parts of the world, and in every case we find
the same thing—
Srila Prabhupada: But I
say you have not studied all over the world. Has Darwin studied all the
continents on this planet? Has he gone down into the depths of the seas and
there excavated all the layers of the earth? No. So his knowledge is imperfect.
This is the relative world, and here everyone speaks with relative knowledge.
Therefore we should accept knowledge from a person who is not within this
Disciple: Actually, Darwin
hit upon his theory because of what he observed on his voyage in 1835 to the
Galapagos Islands, off the coast of South America. He found there species that
exist nowhere else.
Srila Prabhupada: That
means he has not seen all the species. He has not traveled all over the
universe. He has seen one island, but he has not seen the whole creation. So
how can he determine what species exist and don’t exist? He has studied one
part of this earth, but there are many millions of planets. He has not seen all
of them; he has not excavated the depths of all the planets. So how can he
conclude, “This is nature”? He has not seen everything, nor is it possible for
any human being to see everything.
Disciple: Let’s just confine
ourselves to this planet.
Srila Prabhupada: No, why
should we? Nature is not only on this planet.
Disciple: Because you said
that on this planet there were complex forms of living beings millions and
millions of years ago.
Srila Prabhupada: We are
not talking about this planet, but about anywhere. You are referring to nature.
Nature is not limited or confined to this planet. You cannot say that. Nature,
material nature, includes millions of universes, and in each and every universe
there are millions of planets. If you have studied only this planet, your
knowledge is insufficient.
Disciple: But you said
before that millions of years ago on this planet there were horses, elephants,
civilized men—
Srila Prabhupada: Yes,
Disciple: But from
hundreds of different sources there is no evidence.
Srila Prabhupada: I say
they are existing now—men, horses, snakes, insects, trees. So why not millions
of years ago?
Disciple: Because there is
no evidence.
Srila Prabhupada: That
doesn’t mean...! You limit your study to one planet. That is not full
Disciple: I just want to
find out for the time being about—
Srila Prabhupada: Why the
time being? If you are not perfect in your knowledge, then why should I accept
your theory? That is my point.
Disciple: Well, if you
claim that millions of years ago there were complex forms of life on this
Srila Prabhupada: Whether
on this planet or on another planet, that is not the point. The point is that
all species exist and keep on existing by the arrangement of nature. We learn
from the Vedic texts that there are 8,400,000 species established. They may be
in your neighborhood or they may be in my neighborhood—the number and types are
fixed. But if you simply study your neighborhood, it is not perfect knowledge.
Evolution we admit. But your evolutionary theory is not perfect. Our theory of
evolution is perfect. From the Vedas we know that there are 8,400,000 forms of
bodies provided by nature, but the soul is the same in all, in spite of the
different types of body. There is no change in the soul, and therefore the
Bhagavad-gita [5.18] says that one who is wise, a pandita, does not see the
species or the class; he sees oneness, equality. Panditah sama-darsinah. One
who sees to the bottom sees the soul, and he does not find there any difference
between all these species.
Disciple: So Darwin and
other material scientists who have no information about the soul—
Srila Prabhupada: They’re
missing the whole point.
Disciple: They say that
all living things tend to evolve from lower to higher. In the history of the
Srila Prabhupada: That may
be accepted. For example, in an apartment building there are different kinds of
apartments: first-class apartments, second-class apartments, third-class
apartments. According to your desire and qualification, as you are fit to pay
the rent, you are allowed to move up to the better apartments. But the
different apartments are already there. They are not evolving. The residents
are evolving by moving to new apartments as they desire.
Disciple: As they desire.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes.
According to our mentality at the time of death, we get another “apartment,”
another body. But the “apartment” is already there, not that I’m creating the
And the classes of
“apartments” are fixed at 8,400,000. Just like the hotel-keeper: he has
experience of his customers coming and wanting different kinds of facilities.
So he has made all sorts of accommodations to oblige all kinds of customers.
Similarly, this is God’s creation. He knows how far a living entity can think,
so He has made all these different species accordingly. When God thinks, “Come
on, come here,” nature obliges. Prakriteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah
[Bhagavad-gita 3.27]: Nature is offering facility. God, Krishna, is sitting in
the heart of the living entity as Paramatma, and He knows, “He wants this.” So
the Lord orders nature, “Give him this apartment,” and nature obliges: “Yes,
come on; here is your apartment.” This is the real explanation.
Disciple: I understand and
accept that. But I’m still puzzled as to why there is no geological evidence
that in former times on this planet there were more complex forms.
Srila Prabhupada: Why are
you taking geological evidence as final? Is it final? Science is progressing.
You cannot say it is final.
Disciple: But I have
excavated all parts of the world, and every time—
Srila Prabhupada: No. You
have not excavated all parts of the world.
Disciple: Well, on seven
Srila Prabhupada: Seven
continents is not the whole world. You say you have excavated the whole world,
but we say no, not even an insignificant portion. So your knowledge is limited.
Dr. Frog has examined his three-foot-wide well, and now he claims to know the
Experimental knowledge is
always imperfect, because one experiments with imperfect senses. Therefore,
scientific knowledge must be imperfect. Our source of knowledge is different.
We do not depend on experimental knowledge.
Now you see no dinosaurs,
nor have I seen all the 8,400,000 different forms of life. But my source of
knowledge is different. You are an experimenter with imperfect senses. I have
taken knowledge from the perfect person, who has seen everything, who knows
everything. Therefore, my knowledge is perfect.
Say, for example, that I
receive knowledge from my mother: “Here is your father.” But you are trying to
search out your father on your own. You don’t go to your mother and ask; you
just search and search. Therefore, no matter how much you search, your
knowledge will always remain imperfect.
Disciple: And your
knowledge says that millions of years ago there were higher forms of life on
this planet.
Srila Prabhupada: Oh, yes,
because our Vedic information is that the first created being is the most
intelligent, the most intellectual person within the universe—Lord Brahma, the
cosmic engineer. So how can we accept your theory that intellect develops by
evolution? We have received our Vedic knowledge from Brahma, who is so perfect.
Dr. Frog has studied his
three-foot well, his little reservoir of water. The Atlantic Ocean is also a
reservoir of water, but there is a vast difference. Dr. Frog cannot inform us
about the Atlantic Ocean. But we take knowledge from the one who has made the
Atlantic Ocean. So our knowledge is perfect.
Disciple: But wouldn’t
there be evidence in the earth, some remains?
Srila Prabhupada: Our
evidence is intelligence, not stones and bones. Our evidence is intelligence.
We get Vedic information by disciplic succession from the most intelligent. It
is coming down by sruti, hearing. Vyasadeva heard from Narada, Narada heard
from Brahma—millions and millions of years ago. Millions and millions of our
years pass, and it is not even one day for Brahma. So millions and billions of
years are not very astonishing to us. But Brahma was born of Krishna, and
intelligent philosophy has been existing in our universe from the date of
Brahma’s birth. Brahma was first educated by God, and His knowledge has been
passed down to us in the Vedic literature. So we get such intelligent information
in the Vedas.
But those so-called
scientists and philosophers who do not follow this system of descending
knowledge, who do not accept knowledge thus received from higher
authorities—they can’t have any perfect knowledge, no matter what research work
they carry out with their blunt senses. So whatever they say, we take it as
Our method is different
from theirs. They are searching after dead bones, and we are searching after
living brains. This point should be stressed. They are dealing with dead bones,
and we are dealing with living brains. So which should be considered better?
4. Therefore, the
Evolution theory is false and God did it all.
5. God exists.
Argument from Ockham’s
1a. Atheists explain
Ockham’s razor to say that if something is [more] complicated (then it needs to
be in order for it to exist, then it [probably] does not exist.
1b. God makes things (Ex:
the universe), [more] complicated (i.e. than the universe needs to be in order
for it to exist.. Therefore, God [probably] does not exist.
2. We answer: “They argue
like this because they don’t understand the universe. They wish the universe to
be simply a paradise, but it isn’t. And they keep failing, making their home,
office, nation, planet etc. eternal abodes of love, happiness, peace and
They don’t know the ABCD
of knowledge: we are soul, consciousness, anti-matter and not the material
body, the prison suit. We are eternal spiritual beings, aliens and avataras or
descents in the material world. As this embodied soul continuously passes, in
this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into
another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change,
knowing himself to be eternal.
3. When I am born, there
must have been somebody, my father. Nobody can deny the existence of God,
because everything, everybody has a father, generator.
4. Therefore, for this
whole creation, there must be a generator, creation means in terms of western
cosmology all the 10^23 stars, planets, moons and all the flora and fauna. This
cosmos is the child of God, the creator. It is well and alive. There is much
movement. There is breathing; the wind. Its veins are the rivers and oceans.
Modern scientists explain
the origin of creation from an explosion of an infinitely finite singularity.
However, explosions are always caused by a person. It has never been otherwise.
5. This child of God, the
supreme father, expanded and grew from His navel. Without any help from His
wife. Mother Laksmi was present, but at this occasion She is only massaging the
feet of Her husband, Paramatma, God immanent, who is within the creation.
6. God’s children in this
material expansion have come out here out of rebellion against God in paradise.
God’s paradise is the perfect existence. We have originated from perfection and
fallen in imperfection. We were eternally in paradise.
The material world is a
conglomeration of 35 billion huge prison balls. The smallest has a diameter of^6 yojanas.
Every living being’s body
is a prison cell. The eyes are the prison windows through which we can see the
world outside the prison. The ears are two channels or tubes through which we
can hear la little a sound going on within the prison ball, the wall of this
smallest of the 35 million universes is 55.555.550x10^9 yojanas. The diameter
of the moving or living space for the prisoners within these huge prison walls
is 500 million yojanas.
7. God transcendent, lives
in Paradise or Heaven, beyond all those prisons, created by God immanent, the
8. God exists.
1. Take successively, some
tinker toys/ jigsaw puzzles/ lego pieces (toy building bricks) and make several
2. Take the creations
apart and put the pieces in a plastic box.
3. Shake the pieces up and
elegantly throw them on the floor, as in a dice game. Repeat as many times as you wish.
4. The tinker toys/ jigsaw
puzzles/ lego pieces will never reassemble themselves into the original
5. Therefore, God, the Creator
of the universe, creating it out of the subatomic particles, exists.
Argument from atoms and up
or the argument that God the person and man the person are the inconceivable
uncaused cause but existent
1. The irreducibly complex
nature of the universe indicates fine-tuning from the quantum level up to the
biggest objects in the universe and thus renders God logically necessary.
2. God the person as the
cause of all causes, behind all the cosmic affairs maybe amazing, inconceivable
and impossible to grasp for a non-seer or not-God-realized soul. Does He exist?
3. Man, the person,
spiritual soul is also an ultimate cause. By his karma=activities he creates
his next body, but the soul is the eternal, original ground. The soul
reincarnates from body to body due to its own desires as the ultimate and only
5. Whatever is not made by
humans is also made; every combination of atoms has come about by some force.
Otherwise atoms don’t move out of themselves. When there is force, there is
steering, design, plan, thinking, feeling, willing in other words a person.
Everything non-human is
superior and thus from super-human beings: see e.g. super air-plane or
super-satellite, the earth planet. Or the super-lamp or super-heater, the sun
planet. Or the super-web, not world wide spread out, but in a small ball like
form as the human brain.
6. The super-human
creators don’t enjoy and use these superior creations themselves, they are for
us; we don’t see them here using them.
7. The super-humans live
in a super-human world superior to the earthly creations. Just like we work in
the city or factory/office but we have our holiday resort at the country side
or the beach.
8. As we have one
president in the country and many ministers so in the universe there are many helpers
- gods or demigods or angels- and one chief among them, The Supreme Personality
of Godhead, Krishna. He lives in the most Supreme Part of Heaven, the spiritual
Argument from science or
the argument of the super-human, causing explosion (“bang”) of the chunk and
not being blown up in the big bang
1. Real Science says that
there is a vanishingly small chance that all of this could have happened on its
2a. The seed generated
from the navel of God (Garbhodakasayi Visnu) manifested as the cosmos.
2b. Modern scientists
explain this origin of creation by an explosion (theory) of a singularity. A
condensed chunk of matter. They have made a computer animation simulation of it
which proves that God did the same for the universe.
3. The bursting of the
chunk was caused by God, Garbhodakasayi Visnu, the creator expansion, descent
of Krishna, God in paradise. As in our human world, explosion are always cause
by humans.
4. This was an emanation
or outburst expertly guided by God the Supreme Human or Person in such a way
that He was not negatively affected by this Big Bang or evolution.
5. As a King lives in His
palace far away from explosion (for building mountains, tunnels) and the
industry areas or cities and has His delegated authorities building and
maintaining the factories, roads, souses, similarly Krishna lives away from the
hustle and bustle of this lower world, in Heaven.
6. God exists.
Argument from
transcendental logic or the argument of the revelation of the cause of all
causes seen behind everything or the argument of personality as the substratum
or ground of being
1. There is abundant foolish-class-men-logical-and-empirical-evidence that God does not exist.
2. There is no evidence for the hog-dog-cat-camel-ass-like-type of men that God does exist.
3. Because God plays by completely different rules. God has qualities we mere dressed-up animals can't possibly know. He is the cause of all causes seen behind everything while seeing the things of the material world
4. In our experience of the man-made world we see that personality is the cause (of all causes) e.g. all the technology we use. Behind our showers there is the water company. Behind a satellite there is a team of engineers or nasa. Behind our fans and heating systems there are the factories and the electricity company.
Behind the cans, pots, packages etc in the supermarket there are food manufacturers. Behind the robots, children’s dolls, plastic flowers, machines there are designers and producers,
5. The planetary systems and movements, the flora and fauna, the phenomena within our earthly atmosphere such as wind, rain, and sun are similarly caused and controlled by persons.
We don’t have other experiences.
So-called impersonal forces are at the end powered by persons.
6. The hierarchy of controllers of nature ends with a Supreme Controller, just as the hierarchy in a state ends with the King, president etc.
7. Kings, presidents don’t live in the prison, so God doesn’t have His palace in the material world. He occasionally visits the material world as a King as a King or president may visit the prisoners. But permanently is in His heaven.
8. One can visit or get a visit of the king, so if one is qualified by the yoga of love one can visit God or expect Him to come.
9. God and Heaven or Paradise exists.
1. There is abundant foolish-class-men-logical-and-empirical-evidence that God does not exist.
2. There is no evidence for the hog-dog-cat-camel-ass-like-type of men that God does exist.
3. Because God plays by completely different rules. God has qualities we mere dressed-up animals can't possibly know. He is the cause of all causes seen behind everything while seeing the things of the material world
4. In our experience of the man-made world we see that personality is the cause (of all causes) e.g. all the technology we use. Behind our showers there is the water company. Behind a satellite there is a team of engineers or nasa. Behind our fans and heating systems there are the factories and the electricity company.
Behind the cans, pots, packages etc in the supermarket there are food manufacturers. Behind the robots, children’s dolls, plastic flowers, machines there are designers and producers,
5. The planetary systems and movements, the flora and fauna, the phenomena within our earthly atmosphere such as wind, rain, and sun are similarly caused and controlled by persons.
We don’t have other experiences.
So-called impersonal forces are at the end powered by persons.
6. The hierarchy of controllers of nature ends with a Supreme Controller, just as the hierarchy in a state ends with the King, president etc.
7. Kings, presidents don’t live in the prison, so God doesn’t have His palace in the material world. He occasionally visits the material world as a King as a King or president may visit the prisoners. But permanently is in His heaven.
8. One can visit or get a visit of the king, so if one is qualified by the yoga of love one can visit God or expect Him to come.
9. God and Heaven or Paradise exists.
Argument from anarchy or
the argument of not *believing,* it is fact the existence of God is there
1a. There has to be an Eternal Truth, behind the changing theatrical stage and a Supreme Government for the universe, because there is no anarchy anywhere.
1b. If there is light, heat and smoke, you believe or not believe, the fire is there. This is knowledge. It is not that you have to see the fire, but because there is smoke, light and heat, you can understand fully that there is fire.
2. Similarly the whole cosmic manifestation is working in order, the sun is rising, the moon is rising, the season have changes, the air is blowing, the light is there, heath is there. Growth and maintenance takes place. That is explained as the expansion of heat and light and smoke from fire.
3. As we know fire exists by the symptoms of heat, smoke and light so we know also that God exists by the symptoms of the occurrences in nature and the order in the universe. Therefore there is the supreme fire or God. There must be.
So it is not the question of believe or not believe. Fact is fact.
4. God exists.
1a. There has to be an Eternal Truth, behind the changing theatrical stage and a Supreme Government for the universe, because there is no anarchy anywhere.
1b. If there is light, heat and smoke, you believe or not believe, the fire is there. This is knowledge. It is not that you have to see the fire, but because there is smoke, light and heat, you can understand fully that there is fire.
2. Similarly the whole cosmic manifestation is working in order, the sun is rising, the moon is rising, the season have changes, the air is blowing, the light is there, heath is there. Growth and maintenance takes place. That is explained as the expansion of heat and light and smoke from fire.
3. As we know fire exists by the symptoms of heat, smoke and light so we know also that God exists by the symptoms of the occurrences in nature and the order in the universe. Therefore there is the supreme fire or God. There must be.
So it is not the question of believe or not believe. Fact is fact.
4. God exists.
Argument from anarchy or
the argument of as the souls so is the Supersoul, God
1. There has to be a Supreme Court and humans can easily access it.
If God does not exist, everything is permitted, and our cause and destiny is dust.
1. There has to be a Supreme Court and humans can easily access it.
If God does not exist, everything is permitted, and our cause and destiny is dust.
2. The existence of the
individual soul (anu-atma) and the difference between soul and body in the
micro cosmos (the bodies) is easily proven in Bg 2.13 dehino 'smin yatha dehe /
kaumaram yauvanam jara / tatha dehantara-praptir /
dhiras tatra na muhyati
“As the embodied soul
continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul
similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered
by such a change.”
This is the ABC in
spiritual science to understand God.
3. Because God is
similarly the soul in the universe. In the universe we also see kaumaram
yauvanam jara vyadhi. It arise, stays for some time and goes destroyed. This is
directed by the all-pervading, powerful souls of the universe.
4. The soul in the prison
cell of the body (anu-atma) should be in the spiritual world, its home. In this
world it is reincarnating through different prison cells.
Beyond the prison cells
there is the free world.
5. The Supersoul, God,
also is in His original form in the spiritual world. He is the supreme King of
all Kings or controllers. He is the ideal King.
isavasyam idam sarvam /
yat kinca jagatyam jagat / tena tyaktena bhunjitha / ma gridhah kasya svid
“Everything animate or
inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord. One
should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set
aside as his quota, and one should not accept other things, knowing well to
whom they belong.”
6. God exists.
Argument from absurdity
1. To be or not to be, is God or not, God either exists or doesn't exist.
2. Let's imagine that God doesn't exist.
How can God not exist?
That's absurd.
3. The dictionary defines God as:
1) The Supreme or Ultimate Reality, the First Cause.
2) The Ruler of the universe. Controller, Lord.
3) The Creator.
4) The Supreme Being who is perfect in power, wisdom, beauty and goodness.
Proof of 1-2-3 .
1. To be or not to be, is God or not, God either exists or doesn't exist.
2. Let's imagine that God doesn't exist.
How can God not exist?
That's absurd.
3. The dictionary defines God as:
1) The Supreme or Ultimate Reality, the First Cause.
2) The Ruler of the universe. Controller, Lord.
3) The Creator.
4) The Supreme Being who is perfect in power, wisdom, beauty and goodness.
Proof of 1-2-3 .
a. If one head is
bald-headed, why by chance the hair does not come again? And these plants and
creepers are coming by chance, just see. We have to accept this explanation? So
this is explanation by the scientist, "By chance." Just see. How
fools they are. Chance is their instrument of explanation. Nothing is chance.
The law is cause and effect.
b. You don’t believe in God but you are god. You are a little god. You don’t exist? The difference is that the bigger God is the cause of all causes as we, soul, the person are the cause of all causes in our lives. He is a special very qualified Person, the Biggest God.
b. You don’t believe in God but you are god. You are a little god. You don’t exist? The difference is that the bigger God is the cause of all causes as we, soul, the person are the cause of all causes in our lives. He is a special very qualified Person, the Biggest God.
c. Similarly, some argue
“I don’t believe in God, I only believe in myself.” But who are you? You are
the God you don’t believe in. A little sample of God. For you we start with
lesson one. The argument of the yantra (machine of the universe and the machine
of the body).
d. You are the proprietor
of the body. You are different from the body. You are given the controlling
power of the body by thinking, feeling, willing and acting. The body is under
your control.
e. Similarly, in this gigantic body, material cosmic manifestation there is a controller, proprietor. God means like you in huge, unlimited quality. You have little intelligence; you make a 747 airplane flying in the air. God has unlimited intelligence; millions of universes flying in the air.
e. Similarly, in this gigantic body, material cosmic manifestation there is a controller, proprietor. God means like you in huge, unlimited quality. You have little intelligence; you make a 747 airplane flying in the air. God has unlimited intelligence; millions of universes flying in the air.
f. As you are creating,
controlling and causing the material body so the first cause of the universal
machinery (planets turning, wind blowing, rivers flowing, bodies growing and
maintaining) creating and controlling is done by the Supreme Soul.
g. Thus God is
Generator-Operator-Destroyer, respectively Brahma-Visnu-Siva.
As we are presently
imprisoned in the material body so for God, generator, operator, destroyer,
living in this material world is a thankless task.
h. To create, maintain and
destroy a prison house is not the supreme and most pleasurable activity of the
King or Head of Government. He has His representative or ministry of justice
taking care of that.
i. God, ultimately,
originally in His Supreme form, Krishna lives in Goloka Vrindavana or Heaven.
As the king is ideally the most powerful, wise and nice person so Krishna is
the Supreme Being perfect in power, wisdom, beauty and goodness.
4. Therefore, God exists.
Argument from complexity,
a.k.a. design/teleological argument
1. The human body is too
complex to have happened by chance.
2. So it must have been
3. And there are now 7
billion of them on this planet. And many millions of our forefathers and multi
multi quadrillion of their forefathers, all of these must have been designed.
And the First Father or Designer is God.
4. [Atheist: Well,
wouldn't God be even more complex? So
does He have a designer?]
5. He is eternal, not
designed. Our soul, we, who is responsible for the creation of this body is
also eternal; not designed. As this, presently, embodied soul continuously
passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, this soul similarly
passes into another body at death. Of the nonexistent [the material body] there
is no endurance and of the eternal [the soul] there is no change. That which
pervades the entire body you should know to be indestructible. The material
body of the indestructible, immeasurable and eternal soul is sure to come to an
end. For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come
into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is
unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. As a person puts on new garments, giving
up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old
and useless ones. One who has taken his birth is sure to die, and after death
one is sure to take birth again.
6. As we, soul, activate
this body, or similarly as this body moves the clothes this body wears, so God
wears the universe as His body or clothes. The universal activities are God’s
bodily activities– the movements of the planets and stars, the winds blowing,
the clouds arising and raining, the growth and maintenance or going on of the
living bodies– heart beat, digestion, growth of hair, nails, cells etc.
7. Therefore, God exists.
The argument of the
lawmaker beyond the world of laws
1. The world we know is a world of laws.
a. The laws are: time, suffering, karma and qualities or modes of nature.
b. Another type of laws is the laws of physics, the regularities and scientific principles of matter called the constants (of nature). There is the laws of thermodynamics, the laws of chemistry, the laws of gravity, the laws of genetics, the laws of the seasons, the laws of creation.
1. The world we know is a world of laws.
a. The laws are: time, suffering, karma and qualities or modes of nature.
b. Another type of laws is the laws of physics, the regularities and scientific principles of matter called the constants (of nature). There is the laws of thermodynamics, the laws of chemistry, the laws of gravity, the laws of genetics, the laws of the seasons, the laws of creation.
There are 93 constants:
1. Strong nuclear force
2. Weak nuclear force
3. Gravitational force
4. Electromagnetic force
5. Ratio of
electromagnetic force constant to gravitational force constant.
6. Ratio of proton to
electron mass.
7. Ratio of number of
protons to number of electrons.
8. Ratio of proton to
electron charge.
9. Expansion rate of the
10. Mass density of the
11. Baryon (proton and
neutron) density of the universe.
12. Space energy or dark
energy density of the universe.
13. Ratio of space energy
density to mass density.
14. Entropy level of the
15. Velocity of light.
16. Age of the universe.
17. Uniformity of
18. Homogeneity of the
19. Average distance
between galaxies.
20. Average distance
between galaxy clusters.
21. Average distance
between stars.
22. Average size and
distribution of galaxy clusters.
23. Numbers, sizes, and
locations of cosmic voids.
24. Electromagnetic fine
structure constant.
25. Gravitational
fine-structure constant.
26. Decay rate of protons.
27. Ground state energy
level for helium-4.
28. Carbon-12 to oxygen-16
nuclear energy level ratio.
29. Decay rate for
30. Ratio of neutron mass
to proton mass.
31. Initial excess of
nucleons over antinucleons.
32. Polarity of the water
33. Epoch for hypernova
34. Number and type of
hypernova eruptions.
35. Epoch for supernova
36. Number and types of
supernova eruptions.
37. Epoch for white dwarf
38. Density of white dwarf
39. Ratio of exotic matter
to ordinary matter.
40. Number of effective
dimensions in the early universe.
41. Number of effective
dimensions in the present universe.
42. Mass values for the active
43. Number of different
species of active neutrinos.
44. Number of active
neutrinos in the universe.
45. Mass value for the
sterile neutrino.
46. Number of sterile
neutrinos in the universe.
47. Decay rates of exotic
mass particles.
48. Magnitude of the
temperature ripples in cosmic background radiation.
49. Size of the
relativistic dilation factor.
50. Magnitude of the
Heisenberg uncertainty.
51. Quantity of gas
deposited into the deep intergalactic medium by the first supernovae.
52. Positive nature of
cosmic pressures.
53. Positive nature of
cosmic energy densities.
54. Density of quasars.
55. Decay rate of cold
dark matter particles.
56. Relative abundances of
different exotic mass particles.
57. Degree to which exotic
matter self interacts.
58. Epoch at which the
first stars (metal-free pop III stars) begin to form.
59. Epoch at which the
first stars (metal-free pop III stars cease to form.
60. Number density of
metal-free pop III stars.
61. Average mass of
metal-free pop III stars.
62. Epoch for the formation
of the first galaxies.
63. Epoch for the
formation of the first quasars.
64. Amount, rate, and
epoch of decay of embedded defects.
65. Ratio of warm exotic
matter density to cold exotic matter density.
66. Ratio of hot exotic
matter density to cold exotic matter density.
67. Level of quantization
of the cosmic spacetime fabric.
68. Flatness of universe's
69. Average rate of
increase in galaxy sizes.
70. Change in average rate
of increase in galaxy sizes throughout cosmic history.
71. Constancy of dark energy
72. Epoch for star
formation peak.
73. Location of exotic
matter relative to ordinary matter.
74. Strength of primordial
cosmic magnetic field.
75. Level of primordial
magnetohydrodynamic turbulence.
76. Level of charge-parity
77. Number of galaxies in
the observable universe.
78. Polarization level of
the cosmic background radiation.
79. Date for completion of
second reionization event of the universe.
80. Date of subsidence of
gamma-ray burst production.
81. Relative density of
intermediate mass stars in the early history of the universe.
82. Water's temperature of
maximum density.
83. Water's heat of fusion.
84. Water's heat of
85. Number density of
clumpuscules (dense clouds of cold molecular hydrogen gas) in the universe.
86. Average mass of
clumpuscules in the universe.
87. Location of
clumpuscules in the universe.
88. Dioxygen's kinetic
oxidation rate of organic molecules.
89. Level of paramagnetic
behavior in dioxygen.
90. Density of ultra-dwarf
galaxies (or supermassive globular clusters) in the middle-aged universe.
91. Degree of space-time
warping and twisting by general relativistic factors.
92. Percentage of the
initial mass function of the universe made up of intermediate mass stars.
93. Strength of the cosmic
primordial magnetic field. (End list)
2. When there are laws,
then there is a lawgiver.
3. A lawgiver lives beyond the world of laws. As the saying goes:
“The king can do no wrong”, he doesn’t have to stop for the traffic-lights, pay tax etc. And He lives in His palace far away from the state and the state management.
4. The lawgiver of the material world lives in a better world called the spiritual world or Heaven. That lawgiver is called God.
5. God the supreme controller and lawmaker exists.
3. A lawgiver lives beyond the world of laws. As the saying goes:
“The king can do no wrong”, he doesn’t have to stop for the traffic-lights, pay tax etc. And He lives in His palace far away from the state and the state management.
4. The lawgiver of the material world lives in a better world called the spiritual world or Heaven. That lawgiver is called God.
5. God the supreme controller and lawmaker exists.
Argument from Heisenberg
1. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) states that the location or the movement of a particle can be known, but not simultaneously. This has been experimentally confirmed.
2. The HUP is due to a space/time distortion that was created artificially.
3. Therefore there must be an original creator.
4. Therefore, God exists.
1. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) states that the location or the movement of a particle can be known, but not simultaneously. This has been experimentally confirmed.
2. The HUP is due to a space/time distortion that was created artificially.
3. Therefore there must be an original creator.
4. Therefore, God exists.
Argument against the God of
the gaps
1. Atheist : “Theists say
that if we don't know what caused X, then God did it.
2. People used to NOT know
what caused lightning.
3. Therefore, they said
God did it.
4. But now, we know that
lightning is caused by electrical fields and ionized air and stuff.”
5. Theist : “Now proof it,
do it; bring electrical fields and ionized air and stuff together”
6. Atheist does it
7. Theist : ”Now you have
proven God does the same in Nature.”
8. Therefore, God does
Richard Dawkins' delusional
argument and the avatara
1. “Theists suffer from a
2. However, I cannot prove
their belief is false.
3. So, technically, I
don't know if it's a "delusion."
4. And yet I know it's a
5. Therefore, I am also in
a delusion.”
6. “The odd thing about
tradition is that the longer it's been going on the more people seem to take it
7. It's as if sheer
passage of time turns something that was just made-up into what people believe
is fact.
8. The Assumption of Mary
is an example even though I can't prove it didn't happen..
9. The belief that
Egyptian Pharaohs were gods is another example well, actually that tradition
didn't get strengthened over the sheer passage of time.
10. Newton's Laws of
Motion is yet another example well, that traditional belief is one I accept..
11. But, yeah, traditional
beliefs are just awful.”
12. Theist : “The
appearance of Krishna is the answer to all imaginative iconography of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. Everyone imagines the form of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead according to his mode of material nature.
13. Some see only the Big
Bang from His expansion for the material creation and thus see only a part of
the complete picture.
14. In the Brahma-samhita
it is said that the Lord is the oldest person. Therefore a section of
religionists imagine that God must be very old, and therefore they depict a
form of the Lord like a very old man.
15. But in the same
Brahma-samhita, that is contradicted: although He is the oldest of all living
entities, He has His eternal form as a fresh youth. The exact words used in
this connection in Srimad-Bhagavatam are vijnanam ajnana-bhidapamarjanam.
Vijnanam means transcendental knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Vijnanam is also experienced knowledge. Transcendental knowledge has to be
accepted by the descending process of disciplic succession, as Brahma presents
the knowledge of Krishna in the Brahma-samhita. The Brahma-samhita is vijnanam
as realized by Brahma’s transcendental experience, and in that way he presented
the form and the pastimes of Krishna in the transcendental abode. This
knowledge is ajnana-bhidapamarjanam, that which can smash all kinds of
speculation in ignorance.
16. People are imagining
the form of the Lord: sometimes He has no form; the creation comes from light
or from an outburst and sometimes He has form, according to their different
imaginations, covered by the different qualities of matter.
17. But the presentation
of Krishna in the Brahma-samhita is vijnanam—scientific, experienced knowledge
given by Lord Brahma and accepted by Lord Caitanya. There is no doubt about it.
Krishna’s form, Krishna’s flute, Krishna’s color—everything is reality. This
vijnanam is always defeating all kinds of speculative knowledge. “Therefore,
without Your appearing as Krishna, as You are, neither ajnana-bhidapamarjanam
destruction of the nescience of speculative knowledge. nor vijnanam would be realized.
In other words, Your appearance has vanquished the ignorance of speculative
knowledge and established the real experienced knowledge of authorities like
Lord Brahma. Men influenced by the three modes of material nature imagine their
own God according to the modes of material nature. In this way God is presented
in various ways, but Your appearance establishes what the real form of God is.”
18. The grossest blunder
is to think that the material creation is caused by the avyakta impersonal.
manifestation of matter, or the nonphenomenal total reservoir of matter, but
Krishna is transcendental to that material conception, being behind the cloud
caused by the Big Bang. That is expressed in Srimad-Bhagavatam as
suddha-sattva, or transcendental goodness. He does not belong to the material
mode of goodness, and He is above the position of material goodness. He belongs
to the transcendental, eternal status of bliss and knowledge.
19. Therefore, God does
Argument by default or
impossible material induction and the golden avatara
1. Disbelief of X is the
default position of a rational person until evidence of X is presented.
2. So, until you see
evidence of X, you are not allowed to believe in X.
3. If I say, "I went
to the store yesterday," you are obligated not to believe me until I
provide compelling evidence of that claim.
4. Likewise, you are not
permitted to believe any claims the scientific community has made until you
work through the evidence yourself and crunched through all the necessary calculations.
5. Suspend judgment on
historical claims until you have read the relevant documents in their original
archaic languages and examined the pertinent archeological sites with your own
6. Never follow any
ethical precept until you have thoroughly worked out the prudential reasoning
behind it and tested its effects on yourself and society in general.
7. If you do not do this,
but instead choose to believe a claim without concrete evidence, then you are
an irrational, religious or irreligious fanatic.
8. So, needless to say, to
not believe in God and in fact, just to be on the safe side, to not believe in
God even if you ARE presented with evidence to the contrary is the atheistic
fanatic position.
9. Therefore, God
regularly descends from Heaven to solve or break through the stalmate or
10. In the month of
January in the year 1406 of the Saka Era (A.D. 1485), Lord Krishna entered the
bodies of both Jagannatha Misra and Saci. Jagannatha Misra said to Sacimata, “I
see wonderful things! Your body is effulgent, and it appears as if the goddess
of fortune were now staying personally in my home. “Anywhere and everywhere I
go, all people offer me respect. Even without my asking, they voluntarily give
me riches, clothing and paddy.” Sacimata told her husband, “I see wonderfully
brilliant human beings appearing in outer space, as if offering prayers.”
agannatha Misra then replied, “In a dream I saw the effulgent abode of the
Lord, along with the Lord, enter my heart. “From my heart it entered your heart.
I therefore understand that the greatest personality, God will soon take
11. In this way the
pregnancy approached its thirteenth month, but still there was no sign of the
delivery of the child. Thus Jagannatha Misra became greatly apprehensive
Nilambara Cakravarti [the grandfather of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu] then did an
astrological calculation and said that in that very month, taking advantage of
an auspicious moment, the child would take birth. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura,
in his Amrita-pravaha-bhashya, has presented the horoscope of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu as follows:
saka 1407/10/22/28/45
11 8
15 54
40 37
13 6
The explanation of the
horoscope given by Bhaktivinoda Thakura is that at the time of the birth of
Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu the planets were situated as follows: Sukra (Venus)
was in Mesha-rasi (Aries) and the nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Asvini; Ketu
(the ninth planet) was in Simha-rasi (Leo) and Uttaraphalguni; Candra (the
moon) was in Purvaphalguni (the eleventh lunar mansion); Sani (Saturn) was in
Vriscika-rasi (Scorpio) and Jyeshtha; Brihaspati (Jupiter) was in Dhanu-rasi
(Sagittarius) and Purvashadha; Mangala (Mars) was in Makara-rasi (Capricorn)
and Sravana; Ravi (the sun) was in Kumbha-rasi (Aquarius) and Purvabhadrapada;
Rahu was in Purvabhadrapada; and Budha (Mercury) was in Mina-rasi (Pisces) and
Uttarabhadrapada. The lagna was Simha.
12. Thus in the year 1407
of the Saka Era [A.D. 1486], in the month of Phalguna [February-March], in the
evening of the full-moon day, the desired auspicious moment arrived. [According
to the Jyotir-veda, or Vedic astrology, the auspicious birth moment is
described as follows:] The moon was in Leo [the figure of the lion in the zodiac], Leo was the ascendant,
several planets were strongly positioned, and the shad-varga and ashta-varga
showed all-auspicious influences.
13. When the spotless moon
of Caitanya Mahaprabhu became visible, what would be the need for a moon full
of black marks on its body? Considering this the zodiac figure Rahu, the black
planet, covered the full moon, and immediately vibrations of “Krishna! Krishna!
Hari!” inundated the three worlds. It is customary in India that all the
followers of the Vedic scriptures bathe in the Ganges or the sea as soon as
there is a lunar or solar eclipse. All strict followers of the Vedic religion
stand up in the water throughout the whole period of the eclipse and chant the
Hare Krishna maha-mantra. At the time of the birth of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu,
such a lunar eclipse took place, and naturally all the people standing in the
water were chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
14. When the whole world
was thus chanting the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna
in the form of Gaurahari advented Himself on the earth.
15. While all the people
vibrated the holy name of Hari on earth, in the heavenly planets dancing and
music were going on, for the demigods were very happy In this atmosphere, all
the ten directions became jubilant, as did the waves of the rivers. Moreover,
all beings, moving and nonmoving, were overwhelmed with transcendental bliss.
Thus by His causeless mercy the full moon, Gaurahari, rose in the district of
Nadia, which is compared to Udayagiri, where the sun first becomes visible. His
rising in the sky dissipated the darkness of sinful life, and thus the three
worlds became joyful and chanted the holy name of the Lord. All sorts of
respectable brahmana gentlemen and ladies, carrying plates filled with various
gifts, came with their presentations. Seeing the newborn child, whose form
resembled natural glaring gold, all of them happily offered their blessings.
Dressing themselves as the wives of brahmanas, all the celestial ladies,
including the wives of Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Lord Nrisimha-deva, King Indra
and Vasishtha Rishi, along with Rambha, a dancing girl of heaven, came there
with varieties of gifts. In outer space all the demigods, including the
inhabitants of Gandharvaloka, Siddhaloka and Caranaloka, offered their prayers
and danced to the accompaniment of
music, songs and the beating of drums.
16. When Sita Thakurani
came to the house of Sacidevi, bringing with her many kinds of eatables,
dresses and other gifts, she was astonished to see the newborn child, for she
appreciated that except for a difference in color, the child was directly
Krishna of Gokula Himself. Seeing the transcendental bodily effulgence of the
child, each of His nicely constructed limbs full of auspicious signs and
resembling a form of gold, Sita Thakurani was very pleased, and because of her
maternal affection, she felt as if her heart were melting.
17. In this way mother
Sacidevi and Jagannatha Misra, having obtained a son who was the husband of the
goddess of fortune, had all their desires fulfilled. Their house was always
filled with riches and grains. As they saw the beloved body of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu, day after day their pleasure increased. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore everyone offered respects to
Him. Even the denizens of heaven used to come in the dress of ordinary men to
offer their respect to the Lord.
18. After calculating the
birth moment of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nilambara Cakravarti privately said
to Jagannatha Misra that he saw all the different symptoms of a great
personality in both the body and birth moment of the child. Thus he understood
that in the future this child would deliver all the three worlds.
19. Anyone who attains a
human body but does not take to the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is baffled
in his life This material world is without Krishna consciousness. Lord Caitanya
Mahaprabhu is Krishna consciousness personified. Therefore if a very learned
scholar or scientist does not understand Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, certainly he
is wandering uselessly in this world.”
A person who does not take
advantage of the nectar of devotional service overflowing during the presence
of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s cult is certainly the poorest of the poor. The
advent of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is just like an expanding ocean of nectar.
One who does not collect the valuable jewels within this ocean is certainly the
poorest of the poor.
20. Read Sri Caitanya Caritamrta,
chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare
Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and join the bliss of Heaven on Earth in Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s movement, the International Society for Krishna
21. God exists.
The argument of the clay
pot maker
1. A clay pot maker will observe the vast creation.
2. When the simple-minded potter guesses about the Supreme, he thinks that the entire material creation is just like a larger version of his own simple potter's wheel, and that the Lord is the potter.
3. In other words, by seeing a clay pot, you can guess that there must have been a potter to make it in the first place.
4. The potter has his production room and shop separate from his living room.
5. Similarly, God creates the earth and the planets, with all the paraphernalia and decorations, but lives in Heaven, close to earth, within the material universe.
6. A successful potter lives in a mansion on the country side or beach and controls the factory through a manager. Or if he is even more successful
he is a billionaire, only enjoying, having sold the business.
7. God the Creator, called Narayana, creates the material universe. He is the expansion, representative of God transcendental who lives in the Heaven beyond the material universe, and called Krishna, meaning the Supreme Perfect, All-Attractive, The Best Lover and Beloved.
8. God, Narayana and Krishna exist.
1. A clay pot maker will observe the vast creation.
2. When the simple-minded potter guesses about the Supreme, he thinks that the entire material creation is just like a larger version of his own simple potter's wheel, and that the Lord is the potter.
3. In other words, by seeing a clay pot, you can guess that there must have been a potter to make it in the first place.
4. The potter has his production room and shop separate from his living room.
5. Similarly, God creates the earth and the planets, with all the paraphernalia and decorations, but lives in Heaven, close to earth, within the material universe.
6. A successful potter lives in a mansion on the country side or beach and controls the factory through a manager. Or if he is even more successful
he is a billionaire, only enjoying, having sold the business.
7. God the Creator, called Narayana, creates the material universe. He is the expansion, representative of God transcendental who lives in the Heaven beyond the material universe, and called Krishna, meaning the Supreme Perfect, All-Attractive, The Best Lover and Beloved.
8. God, Narayana and Krishna exist.