The argument of the source of intelligence and instinct
1. Scientists, philosophers, poets and musicians get sudden inspirations.
2. Birds know where to fly to the south without thinking or the guidance of their parents.
3. There must be a source of inspiration for all people and a source of instinct for all animals.
4. This source must be considerate, all-knowing, all-powerful and all-pervading to know and fulfill the needs of everybody.
5. This is the description of the supreme, best well-wisher – God.
6. So, God exists.
The argument of God here and there
1. As there is a material world there must be a spiritual world. Otherwise, wherefrom comes the spirit soul.
The soul is an alien here as a prisoner is in the prison house or a fish on the land or sparks of fire outside of fire.
2. As the spirit soul is not annihilated after the annihilation of the body, similarly the controllers of the non human activities are also eternal. They do the heart beats, the digestive system, and the production of the human, animal and plant bodies. How a flower is made so beautiful unless there is brain? Then you come to God. His energy and brain act so that He has not got to do it personally. As soon as He desires, immediately the energy works. Just like by electronics, simply by pushing one button,
1000’s of acts are done immediately. That is materially possible and even better by spiritual energy.
God hasn’t got to do anything with his hands. Just like here a big man has secretaries, officers.
The flower has come with God’s color, brush, brain and energy. The action of growing, from the seed or bud, is so slow and subtle that we do not realize the operator.
Even if you make an artificial flower you have to take so many colors, brush, you have to apply your brain. Scientists explain “it is nature doing, accident.” The nature is the brain of Krishna.
We can study from this flower what is the greatness of God. In everything we can see the hand of God. He also put up the planetary systems.
3. Both the soul and the universal soul belong to the spiritual world, just as the prisoners and the prison guards or directors are to live outside the prison walls.
4. God and heaven exists.
The argument that Absolute or God means janmadyasya, the cause of everything material
1. As a spider creates a web with saliva from within its mouth, and then, having created it, again swallows it, so does the Supreme Personality of Godhead create, and again swallow, the material worlds.
2. Matter was as disassembled atoms, building blocks in His body and came out of his pores. And at the time of dissolution every 622. years the creation becomes disassembled and returns back into God. Just as the web of the spider is created and destroyed.
3. This material world is for the spiders and spider-like people and their victims.
4. This is a place of exile (place of punishment) or prison of the spiritual world. It is created and destroyed to give insecurity, fear and punishment to the rebels of the perfect world.
5. There must be a perfect world because outside of or besides the prisons there is the palace with the King and the Queen.
6. God and His Goddess exist in paradise.
The argument that there must be God, way beyond the clouds, stars, planets
1. Man looks up into the sky and sees clouds or in the open sky planets and stars. He wonders “There up must be the Supreme Personality of Godhead?”
2. Yes, there must be God because we see ourselves in a huge prison house; everywhere; we see souls, or life, or consciousness embodied, imprisoned in prison cells; forms of matter or prison suits. And these souls are reincarnating from one form to another. The senses are like the windows of the prison cells.
3. When there is a prison there is a judge and a palace with a King and Queen.
4. So, “yes, there up, is God.”
5. God and His Goddess and heaven exist.
The argument of the man-made satellites
and God made flying-balls
1. Consider the intelligence needed to orbit man-made satellites.
A gigantic intelligence is responsible for the arrangements of the various planetary systems.
2. The scientists control satellites and rockets from their office on earth as the center.
God immanent controls the planetary systems from the causal ocean or the big chunk or singularity, from which the Big Bang took place.
3. The scientist is at home at his villa or holiday resort away from his office.
God is at home in the spiritual world away from the material world.
4. God and heaven exists.
The argument of understanding God,
the Supreme, the Soul of the cosmic body by first understanding the soul in the material bodies of humans, flora and fauna
1. We are spirit soul in a material body and are not supposed to be in matter.
The material body is the prison cell for the soul; we are subjected to the whipping of time, karma, humans, nature etc.
2. We should be in the spiritual world.
This world has many souls in prison cells. Beyond prison cells there is always a free world.
There is nowhere only prison cells.
3. The controller, maintainer and creator of the material world prison house is the Soul of the Cosmic body, God immanent.
4. This God immanent is an expansion of God transcendent.
Just like the King or the judge of the country have their deputies or delegates in the prison house.
5. As a prison has a king with his palace or paradise, God is in heaven.
6. God exists.
The argument that the material energy cannot work unless God joins
1. We are practically seeing that if there is no driver of a car, that there is no use of that car.
Unless a man knows how to work on the computer, push the buttons, it does not work.
2. So practically we see that without a supreme energy, the material energy does not work.
3. The whole cosmos which is matter only, has also not come out automatically. Somebody is operating.
That is the universally all-pervading Supreme Person, God immanent, the Supreme Soul.
4. As we use that car or computer and are different from these, the
Supreme Soul is also different from matter.
5. As we use matter to control and enjoy, the Supreme Soul also has His purpose: The material world is a big prison house with many prison cells (the material bodies of the spirit souls). We are punished till we get enlightened. We are meant to live in paradise, the spiritual world, with the original form of God, who lives transcendental to matter.
6. God exists and lives in heaven.
The argument of the creator in heaven
1. The human body has 10^28 atoms.
2. The human body has 75 trillion cells. Each cell has 200 trillion molecules, all together combining to execute 1000’s of coordinated reactions, of the type A+B=C, with precise timing and functions, to create a chemical automation, far surpassing a computer.
Each cell in our body forms 2000 proteins every second.
3. The eye has 131 million light sensitive cells.
4. When the human body is growing, till it is 18 years old, it is adding 100 million cells every minute.
5. The human body has 25 billion red blood cells, 25 million die and are made every day, or 300.000 every second.
6. An adult lung has 300 million tiny air sacs.
7. The bodily system must have built into it logical instructions of complexity and sophistication that surpasses any computer program yet written by a human being.
8. As every computer is a creation, so every human body is created, by a
8. There are 7 billion such wonderful human machines.
9. On this earth planet still 86% of the flora and fauna species are unknown.
10. Till now 8.7 million plant and animal species are registered, and every species has from hundreds to millions members.
11. What about the planets? The earth planet has 10^50 atoms.
12. This universe has 10^80 atoms and 10^23 planets, stars and moons.
13. The conclusion is that:
14. The plants, animals and humans are creations.
15. The mountains, countries and oceans are creations
16. The universe is a creation – the planets, moons, suns, stars are created
- our solar system is created; the orbits of the planets, moons, suns, stars and galaxies is put up by Somebody. Just like a planetarium is a creation.
17. What is the nature of this created universe? Why it exists? Where is the creator?
18. This universe is like a big prison with many prison-cells. Because each material living body is the prison-cell of a spiritual soul. This is the ABCD of human education, explained in the Divine Manual for this Universe, the Bhagavad-Gita.
19. Here is this first lesson: (Bhagavad-Gita ch. 2 t 13-27) “As the embodied spiritual soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, this soul similarly passes into another body at death.
Of the nonexistent [the material body] there is no endurance and of the eternal [the soul] there is no change. That which pervades the entire body you should know to be indestructible. The material body of the indestructible, immeasurable and eternal soul is sure to come to an end. For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones. One who has taken his birth is sure to die, and after death one is sure to take birth again.”
20. Lesson 2: We are subjected to time, karma and the modes or qualities of nature - goodness, passion and ignorance– which are whips given by the higher forces and authorities in the universe. Just as a prisoner is punished in the prison.
21. Lesson 3: Prisons are never the only divisions in a state or kingdom. Similarly, the prison house of the material world is a part of the kingdom or state of the Infinity of Space.
22. Lesson 4: As a kingdom has a king, so the Lord of the Complete
Whole is God.
23. Lesson 5: God is stationed in Heaven, as a king lives in a palace, outside of the prison.
24. God exists
The argument of personality being all-pervading: everything is persons and composed of personalities. Everything is done by persons.
1a. Behind every human activity or product there is a person energizing or creating it.
1b. Sometimes the person is visible. If we don’t see the source, there must also be a person: person means thinking, feeling, willing.
2. Thus behind the movements and configurations of 10^80 atoms and of the 10^23 planets, stars, moons etc. in this universe there are persons.
3. The universe as a whole also has a source: The big bang caused by one or more persons. Just as the prison house is caused by the minister of justice and his assistants.
4. The prison house of the material world is a part of the infinite spiritual world, the world of freedom and happiness.
In that world all the personalities composing the objects (houses, chariots, trees etc.) are God-conscious, eternal, full of bliss and knowledge. In the material world these personalities (composing the objects) (being the paramanus or atoms) are in susupti, dreamless sleep.
5. Outside of the prison is the world of the free citizens and the King, the
Queen and their palace.
So beyond the prison house of the material world is Heaven and God and
His angels.
6. God, heaven and angels exist.
The argument of the superior controllers
1. You are a combination of two natures, the material and spiritual nature. So this world is a combination of the material and spiritual nature.
2. The material nature is inferior because the superior nature living entity controls over it.
2a. A machine, computer is a combination of matter, but it cannot work independently. Until and unless here is a touch of the spiritual nature, a human being, it cannot work.
2b. The airplane floats not only by mechanical arrangements. Unless there is a pilot it will not move.
2c. Unless there is a direction of the Supreme Being, this cosmic manifestation will have no activities.
3. The Supreme Being, immanent in the creation, exists.
4. As a King lives and directs the prison through his representative, so the Supreme Being transcendental, controls the material world through God immanent.
5. God in heaven exists.
The argument of the hierarchy of the Gods
1. Out of fear of the Supreme Personality of Godhead the wind blows, out of fear of Him the sun shines, out of fear of Him the rain pours forth showers, and out of fear of Him the host of heavenly bodies shed their luster.
The sun rises and sets and the seasonal changes ensue at their appointed times by the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The seasonal plants, flowers, herbs, creepers and trees all grow under the direction of the Supreme Lord. It is not that plants grow automatically, without any cause, as the atheistic philosophers say. Rather, they grow in pursuance of the supreme order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord’s diverse energies are working so nicely that it appears that everything is being done automatically.
Out of fear of the Supreme Personality of Godhead the rivers flow, and the ocean never overflows. Out of fear of Him only does fire burn and does the earth, with its mountains, not sink in the water of the universe. Subject to the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the sky allows outer space to accommodate all the various planets, which hold innumerable living entities. The total universal body has expanded with its seven coverings under His supreme control.
Out of fear of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the directing demigods in charge of the modes of material nature carry out the functions of creation, maintenance and destruction; everything animate and inanimate within this material world is under their control.
There are many demigods in charge of the air department, the water department, the cloud department, the planets etc. The eternal time is the representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the maker of the criminal world. Just as the government has many different departments, so, within t material world, the government of the Supreme Lord has many departments, and all these departments function in proper order out of fear of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Demigods are undoubtedly controlling all matter, animate and inanimate, the universe, but above them the supreme controller is the Personality of Godhead. Therefore in the Brahma-samhita it is said, isvara parama krsna [Bs. 5.1]. The Supreme Controller is Krishna.
2. The Personalities of Godhead immanent (the Visnu-purusa avataras) are the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s representatives and emanations, controlling the criminal world. They have above them the Supreme Controller, Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as the King of the country is the superior above the controllers of the criminal department of the state.
3. As the King doesn’t live in the prison house with the criminals, so God lives in heaven away from the criminal world.
4. God exists and lives in heaven.
The argument of the Supreme final person everywhere
1. In every society, country, establishment we have a leader. Just like in India there is the president, the chief Indian or in Holland, the King is the chief of the Dutch.
To manage a big establishment there is a chief man.
2. Similarly, by logical conclusion there must be one chief person, leader of the whole creation.
3. Leaders, presidents, CEOs always personally live away from their field of work, in a place of a superior quality, for example relaxation and enjoyment.
4. Similarly, God lives in the spiritual world, heaven, paradise.
5. Leaders are persons of superior quality.
6. So, God, the Supreme Person of the material and spiritual worlds has all the opulences of richness, power, good character, beauty, wisdom and renunciation.
Therefore, His name is Bhagavan or Krishna which means the all- attractive or Supreme Perfect Person.
7. God exists and He lives in heaven.
The argument of Supreme Controller and Being, Person or Authority at the top of the hierarchy
1. Activities in human society are done by persons. Activities in nature are also done by persons.
The wind blowing in our homes is due to a fan or blowing of a person. So the wind in nature is from a person. The sun distributing heat and light is like a powerful lamp managed by engineers. The moon and the stars also are created and engineered by the Lord & Co.
Vegetables, fruits, flowers etc. in nature is made as humans make plastic flowers, fruits.
Indra’s rain is as the shower in a bathroom. Air, oxygen is composed from the basic subatomic particles as we fabricate oxygen gas bottles from nature’s ingredients.
Flora, fauna, humans are made by someone as the marzipan cows are made or ducks in some gardens or the wooden cow or pig outside the butcher shop.
Human window fashion show men or women are simple but made. They have never arisen from a pile of atoms and then manipulated by lightning bolts, pressure and energy releases.
Note that also these manipulations must be done by persons. If you leave the pile of atoms in open nature nothing will happen. At least not even one show plastic human.
2. Thus there are many creators and controllers as in a government structure there are secretaries, clerks, ministers but at the top is the president or King, emperor who is the best person of the country.
At the top of the cosmic hierarchy is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, completely perfect in knowledge, beauty, richness and power. His main
64 qualities are:
(1) beautiful features of the entire body; (2) marked with all auspicious characteristics; (3) extremely pleasing; (4) effulgent; (5) strong; (6) ever youthful; (7) wonderful linguist; (8) truthful; (9) talks pleasingly; (10) fluent; (11) highly learned; (12) highly intelligent; ( 13) a genius; (14) artistic; (15) extremely clever; (16) expert; (17) grateful; (18) firmly determined; (19) an expert judge of time and circumstances; (20) sees and speaks on the authority of Vedas, or scriptures; (21) pure; (22) self- controlled; (23) steadfast; (24) forbearing; (25) forgiving; (26) grave; (27) self-satisfied; (28) possessing equilibrium; (29) magnanimous; (30) religious; (31) heroic; ( 32) compassionate; (33) respectful; (34) gentle; (35) liberal; (36) shy; (37) the protector of surrendered souls; (38) happy; (39) the well- wisher of devotees; (40) controlled by love; (41) all-auspicious; (42) most powerful; (43) all-famous; (44) popular; (45) partial to devotees ; (46) very attractive to all women; (47) all– worshipable; (48) all- opulent; (49) all-honorable; (50) the supreme controller. (51) changeless; (52) all-cognizant; (53) ever fresh; (54) sac-cid- ananda (possessing an eternal blissful body); (55) possessing all mystic perfections. Krsna also possesses five other qualities, which are manifest in the body of Narayana, and they are listed as follows: (56) He has inconceivable potency. (57) Uncountable universes generate from His body. (58) He is the original source of all incarnations. (59) He is the giver of salvation to the enemies whom He kills. (60) He is the attractor of liberated souls. All these transcendental qualities are manifest wonderfully in the personal feature of Lord Krsna. Besides these sixty transcendental qualities, Krsna has four more, which are not manifest even in the Narayana form of Godhead, what to speak of the demigods or living entities: (61) He is the performer of wonderful varieties of pastimes. (62) He is surrounded by devotees endowed with wonderful love of Godhead. (63) He can attract all living entities all over the universes by playing on His flute. (64) He has a wonderful excellence of beauty which cannot be rivaled anywhere in the creation.
3. God exists.
The argument of personalism and the Supreme Person
1. Movements and activities are done by persons. They can only be done by persons.
2. The activities in nature are done also by persons. Only e.g. the formation and moving of the clouds is done by a god, a superior, powerful person called Indra-deva.
The varieties of winds and tornados are blowing by Vayu, god of air.
The planets, stars, suns, moons are created and circling as vehicles and residences of their respective presiding Deities or gods.
The gods also produce the grains, grass, flowers, birds i.o.w all the flora and fauna.
Everything is controlled by divine persons or demigods. How can you deny the existence of demigods?
3. These demigods are like different parts of the universe body of the Supreme Lord. They are just like the government of the King or Queen. For the universe there is one King but there are many state officers. If for the management of a city like The Hague there are so many departments: criminal department, civil department etc. So for the management of these universal affairs, there are different departments also.
Brahma is the supreme director of this universe. He is like the creator and manager of the prison.
4. As in the state there is a hierarchy of managers or controllers or Lords, Brahma is the creator and director of the prison house department. Brahma’s management team arranges food, water, air, light, prison dress, prison cells, etc. for prisoners.
5. Outside of prison and prison cells there is the free life of the state and ultimately the palace of the King and the Queen.
The hierarchy of Lords ends with the King and the Queen in their palace or their holiday resort.
6. So the hierarchy of Lords of the material world ends in the eternal
holiday resort in the lotus-like planet of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, the original forms of God and His Goddess.
7. God, Goddess and heaven exist.
The argument of the supreme juggler
1. The biggest planet in the universe, the sun globe, is floating in a corner of the sky.
Whose activities are these? Who has caused this floating? God. Millions of planets are floating in the air by God’s arrangement.
2. As when you see a ball floating in the sky or the work of a juggler:
many balls systematically moving through the sky. This is done by a person.
3. God the Supreme Person, the Lord of the planets, exists.
The argument of reason from practical life
1. There is no history that anyone has produced life from chemicals.
2. You should apply your reason, from practical life, whether life is produced from matter, or matter is produced from life.
3. Our proposition is: matter is produced from life, not life is produced from matter. The Supreme Life or Absolute Truth is that from whom or from which everything emanates. Now that Absolute Truth whether he’s life or dead stone. That Absolute Truth must be cognizant. So as soon as you say cognizant, then He’s alive. If I say: “I have produced all these things that are within the room,” that means I must have brain. I must be experienced how to do it. How I can be dead, matter? Has matter has got such ability? The origin of creation must be a living being.
4. Where is that evidence, creation of life from matter? Is there any evidence in the history?
5. The theory or evolution of matter is not possible. Matter cannot evolve.
6. It teaches life from matter and then evolution of life, but what is that life? That is different from matter. That is a different energy. Life is the origin of matter. The evolution is not of the matter, but of the life. Just like this is an apartment. So from this apartment, you go to another apartment. It does not mean that this apartment has evolved to that apartment. I, the person, I create that apartment, or I prefer that apartment. Not that this apartment has evolved into that apartment.
7. The apartment does not change. The owner of the apartment goes from one apartment to another. The soul, from the monkey’s body is coming to human body. Not that the monkey’s body is changing into human body.
8. The atheistic evolution theory says that the apartment is becoming a different apartment. That is not a fact. This room cannot develop into another room. But I, the resident of this room, I can go from this apartment to another apartment. Or I can create another apartment. This is the right idea of evolution.
9. And I can create a bigger or smaller apartment. Not necessarily bigger.
10. And my intelligence might grow also. But there must be means. You may be very intelligent, but if you have no means to erect another nice apartment, it will be a small apartment.
11. Just like you have got the desire to purchase another nicer dress, garment, but if you have no money, then how you can purchase? You have to purchase something inferior.
12. So these different species of life is the evolution of the living soul according to his karma. I am a living entity. If I want to go to better condition of life, then I’ll have to pay for it. Better condition is there already. Not this inferior condition changes into that better condition.
13. Just like the condition on the moon planet is different from the condition of this earthly planet. That planet is already there. You have to transfer yourself from this planet to that planet.
14. If the body is evolving, then why are the ancestors of the human and monkey body not producing a human and monkey body at the present moment? Where is the evidence? The predecessors are already there. Where is the evidence in the zoo or anywhere, that the lower species have produced a human or monkey body?
15. Human beings exist always. The soul is eternal. But he is accepting different bodily situations.
16. There’s proof of this: recently there was a discovery of a skeletal remains that was over hundreds of thousands of years old, Cro-Magnon, and it was the same human body as we have now. And with this discovery, completely, all of Darwin’s theories have been destroyed. He overlooked. He says: “I do not see any proof that human beings lived millions of year ago. Therefore I think at that time only pre-apes/ humans were existing.” He was mistaken, because he was speculating with his defective senses and mind.
17. Learn from this example, when I go from this apartment to another apartment, this apartment does not become another apartment. “I” go from this apartment to another apartment. Darwin is missing that “I” or “you”- the soul. He’s only talking about apartments.
18. This human body has birth, then you stay for some time and then you become vanquished. But “I” am living eternally, going through various bodies.
19. This material world also has creation, then staying, then annihilation. How this universe was created? How it is being maintained and how it will be annihilated? From where is the creation of this cosmic world? It is from Param satyam, the Absolute Truth, The Supreme Eternal Life.
20. The Absolute Truth knows everything--how this universe is created, how it is maintained, how it annihilated, directly and indirectly.
21. Just like, I see so many veins of my leg. Directly I know this is my leg, but indirectly I do not know how this leg is working with these veins and nerves and muscles.
22. But so far God is concerned, He has created. He knows every vein, nook and corner.
23. The next question, “Where You got this experience?” You say that He knows everything. To get experience one must have a teacher.
24. But He is experienced, self-sufficient and independent. He hasn’t got to go anywhere for experiencing.
25. I, the soul within this body, have a permanent abode beyond this world of changing apartments, just as a fish flapping from here to there on the land, belongs to the ocean or river.
26. God’s expansion is also on a thankless task in the material universe. His original form, Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all the emanations, is in Heaven.
27. God, Krishna exists.
The proof of the sages
1. aisvaryasya samagrasya viryasya yasasah sriyah
jnana-vairagyayos caiva sannam bhaga itingana
Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is defined by Parasara Muni as one who is full in six opulences—who has full strength, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty, and renunciation. (Visnu Purana 6.5.47)
2. He who is the eternal controller of all other temporary controllers, who is the greatest of all the diverse planetary leaders, who is the controller of everyone, by who all entities are delegated with particular power, who is worshipable by all demigods and is the supreme director of all directors, He who is transcendental to all kinds of material leaders and controllers, worshipable by all, is the supreme causes of all causes, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.( Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.7)
3. It has been found by the great sages in their meditative trance that Krishna is the possessor of all opulences – in full – all riches, all strength, all wonderful personal qualities, all wisdom, all beauty, all renunciation. That is God.
4. When Krishna was on earth 5000 years ago He displayed only a part of these opulences, His kingdom and His pastimes. The unlimited doesn’t fit in this limited world. Some sages saw and described His infinite realm.
5. Krishna is God.
6. God exists.
The proof of the Bhagavad-gita
1. Bhagavad-gita is spoken by Krishna. Any knowledge – material, spiritual, political, scientific, philosophical – you will entirely find in the Bhagavad gita.
2. Bhagavad-gita is the proof that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of
Godhead because there is no other parallel book like this Bhagavad-gita.
3. God, Krishna exists.
The argument of the increasingly more full cause
1. We see this material nature is working, moving and manifesting so many wonderful things.
2. Just like at the seaside we see the waves are moving. But the waves are not moving just like that; the air is moving it. But the air is not moving ithout a cause. In this way, you go back, back, back… identifying the causes, and then you’ll find Krishna is the ultimate cause the cause of all causes. That is called philosophy, to search out the ultimate cause.
3. Movements take place in the micro and macro sphere by different acting persons or causers. The deva’s (demigods) can with their mystic powers change the guna’s (qualities of nature) throughout the universe. When the combinations of the guna’s somewhere change, then the objects and their guna’s which are connected with these guna’s change also.
4. As there is in the modern government a gigantic bureaucracy and hierarchy from the little clerks, secretaries and typists up to the head of state, similarly, this material universe has north of the ecliptic, 33 crore –
330 million– demigods, controllers, and each has 100’s of subjects.
The prison or hell department of the universe– south of the ecliptic– has
550 million hellish planets and thus 550 million directors, and each has
100’s of assistants.
5. For analogy, in the British government, we know that the Queen is the supreme controller. Similarly, of all the creation, cosmic manifestation, there is a supreme controller. His name is Krishna, meaning “The Best”. The head man in the state is supposed to be the best person. Krishna is actually “The All-Perfect”, “The All-Attractive”.
6. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and is at the top of the hierarchy, the Head Man of the state of the universe. He has always direct access to, and control of all locations and dimensions. His ability of direct access and power can also be given to others; as the head man in the state empowers the workers.
7. The demigods have different degrees of control in the universe. This is mystical power, which is Visnu’s sakti, which causes a succession of changes in the qualities of the atoms or ultimate particles of matter, the paramanu’s. This succession is as follows: the guna’s of an atom changes, then the guna’s of the neighboring atoms change, on and on. Similar to the wave movement of sound or as electricity is transported through a wire.
8. When a demigod has a desire to do his duties in the universal management, the Paramatma changes the subtle body of that demigod. This change is followed by chain reactions from the subtle level to the lower gross levels into the sphere of influence of the demigods. At the level of our gross body this is manifested as chemical changes. This is how all the automatic activities and karma is administered.
9. In conscious activities: the soul desires, the Paramatma changes the mind, the mind changes ether that in its turn changes prana etc. etc. to the movements of gross matter– nerves, muscles.
At all levels of activities in the universe, it is the Paramatma, who as the source and controller of all the material– subtle and gross- powers or energies brings about the changes. The jiva souls only desire and witness.
10. The three guna-avatara’s– the controllers of the modes or qualities of the material nature, Visnu, Brahma, Siva – control the demigods, described above, who do the universal management. These three are controlled by Garbhodakasayi-Visnu, who is the Highest of the Gods within the material universe. He is an expansion of Krishna. Of all conditioned living entities Lord Brahma’s body is the most subtle. Brahma is controlled by somebody who is spiritual, this Garbhodakasayi-Visnu. Siva receives his energy (or the power to control the energies which are under his jurisdiction) also from this Visnu.
11. Thus, the demigods control and organize the atoms and the guna’s at the order of Visnu. The atoms and guna’s (qualities) are respectively, the base and the features. Guna means energy. This means that there must be an infusing source of power, an energetic. Krishna is as the source of all causes and effects, ultimately the only source of power.
12. There must be an ultimate source of power, because it is impossible to execute a movement if there is nothing standing still. There must be something immovable on which that which is moving is leaning on. Because if that what is standing still would always give way (as is the case with a mouse who walks on a mountain of grain or a human being who is climbing a hill of sand or tries to walk through quicksand), then progress would be impossible. There would be no walking if the ground is not standing still, there would be no flying or swimming if, respectively, the air and the sea did not offer resistance. What is immovable cannot be part of that what is moving, otherwise there is no movement.
13. And what is the nature of this cause?
Srila Jiva Goswami describes in the Sri Paramatma Sandarbha a universal law: karanasyaivamsena / karanasya karyam
karana-dharmasya / sarvamsenaivanugata
(karana means cause, amsa means part): the cause is present in the effect and is partly manifested as the effect and the cause has more reality and perfection then the effect.
The sun has for example more heat and light than the sunshine.
Thus the cause doesn’t lose by expanding an amsa, as for example a composer of music or a dreamer don’t exhaust by composing or dreaming. Similarly, Krishna expands always, but the original cause or the creator of the universe does not decrease by an emanation; we see that the creation and maintenance go on continuously and undiminished. So karanasyaivamsena karanasya means that the cause and the creator of the universes has everything of His unlimited energy in exceeding extent and therefore the Visnu Purana (6.5.47) gives the following definition of God, Sri Krishna Bhagavan:
aisvaryasya samagrasya / viryasya yasasah sriyah / jnana-vairagyayays caiva / sannam bhaga itingana
Unlimited wealth, power, fame– worshipable qualities-, beauty, knowledge and detachment - are the six main perfections of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus God’s actual name is Krishna, meaning, The All-Perfect, The All-Attractive.
14. Of all that has a cause, He who is the first cause and the King and whose position cannot and will never be taken over as a King is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
15. That person who is beyond this material world and also within this material world, who is never born but still can descend into this material world, whose transcendental body never deteriorates, and who can liberate anybody who knows Him from the cycle of repeated birth and death is no one else but the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
16. God, Krishna, exists.
The argument from the law of cause and effect
in matter and the first cause of spirit or life or Person, God
1. There is a first cause, everyone presumes, of the chains of causes and effects. What is its nature?
2. The theories are void, atoms, absolute light or the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
3. Practical life/experiment shows that persons cause things/activities as the first cause. Atoms, light, void never do anything.
4. God immanent moves matter as the first cause situated at the point of Big Bang. That is God transcendental’s expansion for the creation and operation of the laws of nature.
5a. He Himself does not like matter. He is spirit, as we are spirit and not meant for matter. Matter is inferior always rotting or short-lived, too cold or too hot; i.o.w always imperfect. He lives in heaven, the spiritual world.
5b. Just as an engineer or architect makes a machine, building, prison house etc. But his house is the most perfect.
5c. As a president orders a prison house but he himself lives beyond it and is the best person in the country, as it was in the history if India
– Ramaraja or Krishna in Dwaraka (who humbly gave the throne to Ugrasena Maharaja), so God is the Supreme.
5d. . That person who is beyond this material world and also within this material world, who is never born but still can descend into this material world, whose transcendental body never deteriorates, and who can liberate anybody who knows Him from the cycle of repeated birth and death is no one else but the supreme Personality of Godhead.
6. God the Supreme Person and most beloved exists and heaven exists.
7 arguments for God from Nyaya- Vedic logic
Proof of God from effect - Karyat
1. An effect is produced by a cause, and similarly, the universe must also have a cause.
2. The atoms and the association of the atoms are not enough for creation.
3. There must be an active cause of the world that must have an absolute knowledge of all the material of creation.
4. Only a Great Superhuman Person can have absolute knowledge of everything in the universe.
5. This is the description of God, hence God exists.
Proof of God from combination, Ayojanat of atoms which are inactive and which properties are unphysical. And from the specialty of numbers - Samkhyavisheshat
1. a The size and quality of a dyad or a molecule depends on the number and quality of the atoms that go to constitute it. This requisite number of the atoms that go to form a particular compound could not have been originally the object of the perception of any human being;
1. b Atoms are inactive and properties are un-embodied, subtle.
2. Self-combination of inanimate and lifeless things is not possible, atoms will not combine.
3. Behind the systematic grouping of the ultimate atoms, paramanu’s, into dyads and molecules there must be the hand of a wise organizer.
4. That must be a person who creates the world with his will by causing the atoms to join. This could have been contemplated only by a supreme intelligent person namely God.
5. The final organizer is God, hence God exists.
Proof of God from support - Dhriti
1. All things fall off without a support.
2. Also the world has to stay integrated and so it needs a support.
3. One who can support the whole universe to not fall apart must have great power.
4. The supporter, bearer and the super-intender of the whole universe can be only God.
5. Hence God exists.
Proof of God from Word - Padat - and Knowledge
1. Every word in the Sanskrit language has the capability to represent a certain object.
2. No knowledge can come to us of the different things here, unless there is a source of this knowledge.
3. The origin of all knowledge should be omniscient, and, consequently, omnipotent.
4. The will of that omniscient, omnipotent and all knowledgeable person is that things should be represented by a certain words. He created the objects by speaking that word. And He gave the words and the knowledge along with the creation, as the manual of the universe.
5. This description befits only God hence God exists.
Proof of God from faith Pratyatah, precepts - Vakyat and the Vedas
1. The holy scriptures, the Vedas, are regarded as the source of eternal knowledge.
2. Their knowledge is free from fallacies and are widely accepted as a source of proof.
3. They describe even more details of scientific knowledge like astronomy than what the scientists nowadays can give using their modern instruments.
4. Thus the author of the Vedas cannot be a human being because human knowledge is limited.
5. a Moreover, humans on their own cannot obtain extensive knowledge of past, present and future and in depth knowledge of the mind.
5. b The Vedas must have been produced by a person because it has the nature of “sentences”, in other words, the sentences of the Vedas were produced by a person because they have the nature of sentences, just as the sentences of beings like ourselves.
6. That person must have been God.
Hence only God can be the creator of the Vedas, which he revealed to various sages over a period of time.
Proof of God from scriptures - Sruti
1. The Srutis, ie., the Vedas glorify God and talk about his existence. “He is the lord of all subjects, omniscient and knower of one’s internal feelings; He is the creator, cause and destroyer of the world.”
2. The Srutis are regarded as a source of proof, because all the knowledge of the Sruti, about the material world as far as we can experience, is truth.
3. Hence the existence of God is proved.
Proof of God from the unforeseen - Adrishtat
1. It is seen that some people in this world are happy, some are in misery. Some are rich and some poor.
2. This is due to Karma and reincarnation.
3. The fruit of an individual’s actions does not always lie within the reach of the individual as the agent.
4. There should be a distributor of the fruits of actions.
5. This supreme distributor must be all-knowing and aware of the existence of everybody.
6. This description fits only God.
7. Hence God exists.
The argument of memory, forgetfulness and knowledge
1. Genes are inherited from one’s mother and father and thus there are no genes that can give memory of previous life’s activities, circumstances and personalities. But these are a fact.
2. Memory is the function of the mind. Mind is the property of a person.
3. Old people forget what happened to them 50 years before, e.g. exactly on a certain day and at a certain time. No adult generally remembers details of his babyhood, boyhood. What to speak of remembering their previous life. Forgetfulness is a part of the human nature.
4a. People who remember their past lives must get that remembrance from some other person or persons who is or are not forgetful of their activities.
4b. The hierarchy of gods has at the top the Supreme Personality of Godhead as in the state the hierarchy of the clerks, ministers etc. has the king at the top.
5. These Divine persons must have superhuman ability of memory and knowledge of the past lives of the living entities.
6. Therefore God and the gods exist.
The argument of time and creation
1. This universe had a beginning, it was created.
2. Creation, cause and effect, and decay have a time factor.
3. No ordinary creature could ever create the time factor. It had to be somebody not affected by it and existing before time became active.
4. The person who acted before the creation of time and time functioning in the creation and who did create time can be only God. He exists outside of time.
6. Since God created time, cause and effect would never apply to His existence. God is not created.
7. Hence, the eternal, Supreme God exists. All men call Him Krishna, the
Timeless Transcendental Beautiful.
The Argument from Personal Purpose
1. If there is no purpose to a person’s life, then that person’s life is pointless.
2. Human life cannot be pointless.
3. All things in the material world have purpose, the trees, plants, rivers, clouds as part of a cosmic ecosystem. All things that people create also: cars, houses, weapons, all kinds of instruments etc. Also the universe as a whole has a purpose.
4. Everyone’s natural tendency at one point of life is to ask about the purpose of life, where we came from, what is beyond this universe, which questions are either suppressed, diverted or developed till enlightenment, both scenarios depending on association. The existence of the human being has some higher purpose to be fulfilled than only work hard, to fill the belly and enjoy, as the animals do. There is more reason for the universe then just to be or maintain itself. Because there is more then the material world. It is a huge jail. Life in the prison is meant for the rectification of the cheating mentality of the thief and the prisoner and similarly the purpose of the prison-like universe is to rectify the fallen, satanic, godless souls to learn to live in harmony with the spiritual laws and bliss of the spiritual free world. As every state has a jail and the police puts a criminal in jail, so the soul is imprisoned in matter. The soul is part of the spiritual sky originally or part of God, and it falls out of this blissful condition due to pride, like the Christian thesis that the devil fell out of heaven due to being proud, silly, foolish, insane, independent. The son’s duty is to obey the father, but he may not obey. That is his madness. So when the soul, misusing the independence, becomes mad, he is sent in this material world. It is puzzling that one would be so foolish. But by independence you can become foolish. We see this daily and in the history of humanity; so much wars- cold and hot.
5. Each human life has a purpose (from 1, 2, 3, 4).
6. The purpose of each individual person’s life must derive from the overall purpose of existence.
7. There is an overall purpose of existence (from 3 and 4).
8. Only a being who understands the overall purpose of existence could create each person according to the purpose that person is meant to fulfil.
9. Only God could understand the overall purpose of creation.
10. There can be a point to human existence only if God exists. There is a grand scheme of things and thus there is a Grand Schemer.
11. God exists.
The Argument from Perfect Justice
1. This world provides numerous instances of seemingly imperfect justice—bad things happening to good people, and good things happening to bad people.
1a. It violates our sense of justice that imperfect justice may prevail.
1b. The law of karma solves this problem. Bad happens to not-so-good people; They did some things bad in previous lives. Good can also happen to not-so-bad people if they have good credits from previous activities, even from previous reincarnations. There is also a transcendent realm which is a perfect world (from 1 and 2).
2. The material world is the prison house, where there is bad and good, according to karma (=activities). The material body is the prison cell of the spiritual soul. We see many material bodies; these are many prison cells for many spirit souls. But just as in a state, where there is a prison house, there is also a free world. Nowhere there is only a prison house.
3. Thus because we are spirit souls imprisoned in the material body there must be a free world. Beyond the prison house of the domain of matter there is the free world-paradise with the judge, the minister of justice and the King and the Queen.
4. Thus there is a transcendent realm in which there is no need of justice, because everyone follows the only law there, Love.
5. Thus there is The Perfect Judge, God’s secretary.
6. God exists.
The Argument from Decision Theory
(Pascal’s Wager)
1. Either God exists or God doesn’t exist.
2. A person can either believe that God exists or believe that God doesn’t exist (from 1).
3. If God exists and you believe, you receive eternal salvation.
4. If God exists and you don’t believe, you receive eternal damnation. The wagerer genuinely has to believe, deep down, that God exists; in other words, it is not enough to mouth a creed, or merely act as if God exists, though this is a good beginning, and will lead to devotion with wisdom.
4a. God can peer into a person’s soul and discern the person’s actual convictions and endeavour. He will help those who help themselves. Belief as a purely pragmatic strategy, chosen because the expected benefits exceed the expected costs—will not be enough.
4b. If one chooses to believe something because of the consequences of holding that belief, rather than being genuinely convinced of it, is a Belief, which will gradually elevate one to perfection. Also an empty vow will help. Thus, it is good to act in the way that traditional believers act: say prayers, go to services, recite the appropriate creed, and go through the other processes of religion. This will lead to pure love of God.
4c. Then, which prayers, which services, which creed to live by. Say I chose to believe in the Zoroastrian cosmic war between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu to avoid the wrath of the former, that is a good choice and will lead either in this live or the next to perfection. It is not that ‘the real fact of the matter is that God gave the Torah to the Jews, and I am, when worshiping Ahura Mazda inviting the wrath of Yahweh (or vice
versa)’. Both are bona-fide, and are for worshipers in particular time, place and circumstances.
4d. So it is not that given all the things I could “believe” in, I am in constant danger of incurring the negative consequences of disbelief even though I choose the “belief” option. Your own belief, if given by God or His bona-fide servant is your path of elevation to the goal of religion. The fact that Blaise Pascal stated his wager as two stark choices, putting the outcomes in clear Christian terms—eternal salvation and eternal damnation—reveals not only about his own upbringing but actually also about the logic of belief. It doesn’t only codify his particular “live options,” these are Universals in every religion. Thus God is not petty, egotistical, and vindictive, in punishing anyone who does not believe in him. It is for the good of that soul since worshiping God is the natural bliss and life of every soul. “Spare the rod and spoil the child”. “Mercy” is one of God’s essential traits. A merciful God surely has understanding of why a person does not believe in him, and gives that soul the results of his own karma. The evidence for God is obvious. The genial reasoning of Pascal’s Wager is another way to enlighten humanity in various ways, and so God indirectly extends compassion to the non-believers. Bertrand Russell, when asked what he would have to say to God, if, despite his reasoned atheism, he were to die and face his Creator, responded, “O Lord, why did you not provide more evidence?” God’s secretary, the Lord of the departed will answer :”You lazy armchair speculator, if you would have followed the Ten Commandments, or the decrees of some religion, your brain would have been clear about My Lord. Religion without philosophy is sentiment, or sometimes fanaticism, but philosophy without religion is mental speculation. You didn’t want God, now become a Dog and continue barking nonsense. And after leaving this body you’ll be as many times a cow and be killed as there were hairs on the bodies of the Lord’s Holy Cows you killed and ate.”
4c. Then we will be make you take birth in a family of religious philosophers, since you like thinking and after that life you can go back to Heaven, from where you originally departed. The non-believer therefore has something to worry about and can’t falsify the negative pay off in the lower-left-hand cell of the matrix.
God Exists
God Doesn’t exist
| |
Eternal Salvation
You have been duped, missed out on some sins
Don’t believe
Eternal damnation
You got it right
Don’t believe
Eternal damnation
You got it right
Atheists argue that if the probability of God’s existence is small, then even if the cost of not believing in him is high, the overall expectation may not make it worthwhile to choose to “believe” (after all, we take many other risks in life with severe possible costs but low probabilities, such as boarding an aeroplane). We answer: this probability is very high; every human being thinks about God “God exists,” “is God or is God not,” “no God is not existing, but I am not sure’’. Even the atheist in danger suddenly prays to God for save and sound. 2% of the world’s populations are atheists, 16% are not religious and the rest of the 82% of humanity believes in God. No one thinks much of an aeroplane crashing.
5. You have much more to gain by believing in God than by not believing in him, and much more to lose by not believing in God than by believing in him.
6. It is more rational to believe that God exists than to believe that he doesn’t exist.
7. God exists.
The Argument from Pragmatism
(William James’s Leap of Faith)
1. The consequences for the believer’s life of believing should be considered as part of the evidence for the truth of the belief (just as the effectiveness of a scientific theory in its practical applications is considered evidence for the truth of the theory). Call this the pragmatic evidence for the belief. We have to know the truth about what those effects are. These are 26 transcendental qualities of devotee: (1) kind to everyone, (2) does not quarrel with anyone, (3) fixed in the Absolute Truth, (4) equal to everyone, (5) faultless, (6) charitable, (7) mild, (8) clean, (9) simple, (10) benevolent, (11) peaceful, (12) completely attached to Krishna, (13) has no material hankering, (14) meek, (15) steady, (16) self-controlled, (17) does not eat more than required, (18) sane, (19) respectful, (20) humble, (21) grave, (22) compassionate, (23) friendly, (24) poetic, (25) expert, (26) silent.
2. Certain beliefs effect a change for the better in the believer’s life— the necessary condition being that they are believed. Atheists may argue that e.g. for an antebellum Southerner, there was more to be gained in believing that slavery was morally permissible than in believing it heinous. It often doesn’t pay to be an iconoclast or a revolutionary thinker, no matter how much truer your ideas are than the ideas opposing you. It didn’t improve Galileo’s life to believe that the earth moved around the sun rather than that the sun and the heavens revolve around the earth.
2a. We answer that prerequisite is that the laws of scripture are followed, and that the scripture is of the highest level. As we discussed before, there is scripture on different levels, for kindergarten all the way up to university. This same standard applies for the history of religious intolerance, such as inquisitions, suicide bombers and fatwa’s (A fatwa is any religious decision made by mufti (Islamic scholar who is an interpreter or expounder of Islamic law).
2b. Similarly, for a profligate, impulsive drunkard there is a primitive retributive vengeful God who will send him to hell if he doesn’t stay out of barroom fights, whereas a contemplative human sees more of God; an abstract deistic presence who completes his deepest existential world- view. Just as a scientist and a child see the same sun, but have different knowledge about this sun. And different languages have different names for the same sun.
3. The belief in God is a belief that effects a change for the better in a person’s life.
4. If one tries to decide whether or not to believe in God based on the evidence available, one will never get the chance to evaluate the pragmatic evidence for the beneficial consequences of believing in God (from 2 and 3). This is for the 2nd class neophytes, because for someone with a godly brain, developed from living a godly life, God is not a faith but a fact. The
1st class neophyte believes by hearing about God from divine teachers, even he can’t understand everything.
5a. One ought to make “the leap of faith” and believe in God, and only then evaluate the evidence (from 1 and 4), namely finding out that he sees God. Atheists fear that if I make the leap of faith in order to evaluate the pragmatic consequences of belief, then, if those consequences are not so good, can I leap back to disbelief? Isn’t a leap of faith a one-way manoeuvre?
5b. We answer: you are always free to jump back, you have also leaped out of Heaven to this sublunary vale of tears. But we assure you, when you wake up from the nightmare of mundane life, you will jump out of this bed of illusions never to bloop again in the ocean of matter.
6. God exists.
The Argument from Suffering
1. There is much suffering in this world. The suffering in this world is excessive in both its intensity and its prevalence.
1a. Atheists argue that suffering is often undergone by those who can never gain anything from it; some who suffer can never develop the virtues of suffering—children, animals, those who perish in their agony.
1b. We answer, no this is not so. The suffering goes on the hard-disk of our memory, and for the rest of our lives in this world reminds us what we shouldn’t do.
2. Suffering must have some purpose, or existence would be intolerable.
3. Some suffering (or at least its possibility) is demanded by human moral agency: if people could not choose evil acts that cause suffering, moral choice would not exist.
4. Whatever suffering cannot be explained as the result of human moral agency must also have some purpose.
5. The amount of suffering in the world is still enormous—but not “far more than what is required for us to benefit from suffering”. The law of karma gives us tit for tat; As we have sown so we will reap. And, suffering is normal and necessary in a prison; since this material world is the prison of Heaven, there must be suffering here.
6. Atheists argue that suffering is a powerful argument against the existence of a compassionate and powerful deity.
7. We answer, no, to the contrary; the existence of a prison proofs that there is a government. If we enter an unknown area and find out that it is a prison, we know that further on there must be the rest of the society of this civilization and the palace of the King and Queen.
8. Thus ALL suffering is perfect Justice. If atheists remain dull and keep saying there is more suffering than we can explain by reference to the purposes that we can discern and that there are purposes for suffering that we cannot discern then also we come to God.
9. Only a being who has a sense of purpose beyond ours and who knows everyone’s karma- past activities, could provide the purpose of all suffering.
10. Only God could have a sense of purpose beyond ours, and know all karma.
11. God exists.
Argument from fear and need
1. If there is no God then we’re all going to not exist after we die. I wish to be eternal, eternity is there.
2. Just like for the child, there is necessity of the parents, and the parent is there.
3a. Necessity means there is the object of need. Otherwise why there is the feeling of necessity? When you feel hungry, the necessity of food, food is there. You feel the necessity of light, the sun is there. You require it.
3b. The eyes want to see; therefore the object of seeing is there. The hand wants to touch, so the object of touching is there. The nose wants to smell: the object of smell is there. So as soon as you feel necessity, the thing is there.
3c. Some may say that necessity is our mistake. That is our insecurity.
3d. We answer: feeling hungry, there is no necessity of food? Who is that rascal that will say, “No, there is no necessity of food”? He’s feeling hungry, he wants to eat something, and if he says, “No, there is no necessity of food,” then is he not rascal? And if you say, “Now we are feeling the necessity of food, but that is my mistake,” is that answer?
4. Similarly, you feel the necessity of God, God is there.
5. Therefore, God exists.
The argument of the invisible and the visible
1. Objection: nobody can see God so he doesn’t exist.
2. Did you meet all the people of this world so you can say this?
3. But it is true to some extent; whoever has material vision doesn’t see
4. So, how to get spiritual vision?
5. First through the scriptures and than by the mercy of God.
6. Pure, God-realized persons can see God. We know Guru’s who see
7. Therefore God exists.
The argument by care taking
1. People take care of each other but not of everybody (including animals, plants).
2. That person who can take care of everybody is God.
3. Atheist: God doesn’t take care of everybody because many are very poor and needy.
4. Theist: God gives to everybody that much as one deserves.
5. Not getting much makes people sober and inquisitive about material and spiritual existence. They will come to know that this material world is the prison; our home is the spiritual world.
6. Only a perfect spiritual person will make others think about and give knowledge about the real, ultimate, spiritual goal of life.
7. That personality can be only the all-knowing, all-powerful controller, supreme friend - God.
8. Therefore, God exists.
The evidence of the universe
1. The evolutionary formula of atheism of making a universe:
a. Atoms + atoms+ time = 118 natural basic elements.
c. 118 natural elements + time = all physical laws and a completely structured universe of galaxies, solar-systems, stars, planets and moons orbiting in perfect balance and order. And some inhabited with flora, fauna and humans.
This is more mysterious then a Boeing 747 created from and flying out of a cloud in the blue sky.
2. All physical laws and a completely structured universe show a great complexity just like a watch, clock or computer.
3. No planetarium is ever made by nobody, impersonally, without design, thinking, feeling and willing.
4. Therefore, there must have been an intelligent designer of the whole universe who all men call God.
5. God exists.
The argument of ex-nihilo, nihil fit – from nothing, nothing comes
1. That the universe came from nothing or lifeless, unconscious atomic particles is irrational because something cannot be derived from nearly nothingness, only dead impersonal matter. An effect cannot be greater than its cause - and in this case the cause would be nothing personal, no directing consciousness. One of the basic laws of physics is expressed by the Latin phrase ex-nihilo, nihil fit, “from nothing, nothing comes” or the law of cause and effect.
2. “Nothing” in the Big Bang theory does not refer to an absolute nothingness. As seen in the Casimir effect, the so-called empty space is filled to the brim with energy or sub-atomic particles. But sand dunes never turn by a storm into a lighthouse on the beach. And storms also have a person as cause.
3. “Given the truth of the maxim ex nihilo nihil fit (out of nothing comes nothing), the Big Bang requires a supernatural cause. Since the initial cosmological singularity represents the terminus of all space-time trajectories, there cannot be any physical cause of the Big Bang. Rather, the cause must transcend physical space and time: it must be independent of the universe, and unimaginably powerful. Moreover, this cause must be a personal being, endowed with free will... The cause of the origin of the universe must therefore be a personal Creator, who a finite time ago brought the universe into existence by his free agency.” (so said William Lane Craig, researcher of the Big Bang theory)
4. God exists.
The proof of secrets hidden in Mathematics and Love of God!
1. This Creation is the dictionary for the Truth; if we look into it we discover God.
2. Even mathematics and language reveal that God is found everywhere and that He weaved Himself into the Universe.
See the following play:
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:
What Equals 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they
are giving more than 100%? We have all been in situations where someone wants you to GIVE OVER 100%...How about ACHIEVING
101%? What equals 100% in life?
Here’s a little mathematical formula that answer these questions: If:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. Then:
H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% And:
K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96% But:
A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E
1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far love of God will take you: L-O-V-E-O-F- G-O-D
12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it’s Love of God that will put you over the top!
It is not just perfect, more perfect or most perfect, but the Highest Degree of Perfection.
3. Love of God exists.
4. Therefore God exists.
5. And God is called Krishna, meaning the All-Attractive, the Supreme
Beloved and Supreme Lover.