argument of the only conclusive explanation to the great mystery of creation -
the existence of the original source of mystic power, God, who is the
storehouse of mystic power
1. The
noted biologist W. H. Thorpe writes, "We may be faced with a possibility
that the origin of life, like the origin of the universe, becomes an
impenetrable barrier to science and a block which resists all attempts to
reduce biology to chemistry and physics."
Dobzhansky, another prominent advocate of evolution, agreed: "Our
scientific knowledge is, of course, quite insufficient to give anything like
satisfactory accounts of these transitions [from no life to life, from no mind
to mind]… W. H. Thorpe and Jacques Monod (he got the Nobel Prize in 1965. He
says that everything started by chance—that by chance certain chemicals
combined and formed the basic molecules.) agree that the origin of life is a
difficult and thus far intractable and unsolved problem. I concur."
Dobzhansky goes on to call the origin of life "miraculous."
prize-winning physicist Eugene Wigner has shown that the probability of the
existence of a self-duplicating unit is zero. Since the ability to reproduce is
one of the fundamental characteristics of all living organisms, Wigner
concludes that our present understanding of physics and chemistry does not
enable us to explain the phenomenon of life.
Yockey has demonstrated by information theory that even a single informational
molecule such as cytochrome c (what to speak of complex organisms) could not
have arisen by chance in the estimated lifetime of the earth: "One must
conclude that, contrary to the established and current wisdom, a scenario
describing the genesis of life on earth by chance and natural causes which can
be accepted on the basis of fact and not faith has not yet been written.”
2. Darwin
said there must be a natural selection. But selection means choice. So who is
That must
be a person. Who is allowing someone to survive and someone to be killed? There
must be some authority with discretion to give such an order. That is our first
proposition. Who that authority is, is explained in Bhagavad-gita. Krishna
says, mayadhyakshena prakritih: "Nature is working under My
supervision." (Bg. 9.10) They say that life is produced by chemical laws.
As soon
as there is a law, we must take into consideration that someone made the law.
3. We can
prove that life arises from life. For example, a father begets a child. The
father is living, and the child is living. And the original life is Krishna.
4. The
scientific method includes observation, hypothesis and then demonstration. Then
it is perfect. But the scientists cannot actually demonstrate in their laboratories
that life comes from matter.
Theist. [holding a rose in his hand]. Can any scientist create a flower like
this in the laboratory? That is not possible. Just see how wonderfully
Krishna's energy is working! No scientist can create a flower like this in his
laboratory. How have they created anything? They take the sand and mix it with
some chemicals and make glass. They have not created the sand or the chemicals;
they have taken them from the earth. They say, "We have taken the
materials from nature." "From nature" means from a person. They
have taken from nature, but they are thieves because everything in nature
belongs to Krishna. Isavasyam idam sarvam: "Everything is God's creation.”
6. There
is a scientific journal called Nature. It contains articles concerning natural
products like plants, flowers and minerals, but it does not mention God.
We may
rightly observe that plants are being produced by nature. But the next question
we must ask is, "Who has produced the natural products?" Nature is
not working automatically; it is under the control of Krishna.
material elements are not creative! Only the soul is creative. Life cannot be
created from matter, and matter cannot create itself. You, a living entity, can
mix hydrogen and oxygen to create water. But matter itself has no creative
potency. If you place a bottle of hydrogen near a bottle of oxygen, will they
automatically combine, without your help? No. They must be mixed. Oxygen and
hydrogen are Krishna's inferior energy, but when you, the superior energy, mix
them, then they can become water. Inferior energy has no power unless superior
energy is involved. This sea [indicating the Pacific Ocean] is calm and quiet.
But when the superior force, air, pushes it, it manifests high waves. The ocean
has no power to move without the superior force of the air. Similarly, there is
another force superior to the air, and another and another, until ultimately we
arrive at Krishna. This is real research. Krishna controls nature just as an
engineer controls a train. The engineer controls the locomotive, which pulls
one car, and that car in turn pulls another, which pulls another, and so the
whole train is moving. Similarly, with the creation, Krishna gives the first
push, and then, by means of successive pushes, the entire cosmic manifestation
comes into being and is maintained. This is explained in Bhagavad-gita (9.10).
Mayadhyakshena prakritih suyate sacaracaram: "This material nature is
working under My direction and is producing all moving and unmoving beings."
And in the Fourteenth Chapter [Bg. 14.4]
Krishna says:
sambhavanti yah
brahma mahad yonir
bija-pradah pita
species of life are made possible by birth in this material nature, O son of
Kunti, and I am the seed-giving father." For example, if we sow a banyan
seed, a huge tree eventually comes up and, along with it, millions of new
seeds. Each of these seeds can in turn produce another tree with millions of
new seeds, and so on. This is how Krishna, the original seed-giving father, is
the primary cause of everything we see.
Material energy can never work independently; it must first come in contact
with spiritual energy. So how can people accept that the entire cosmic
manifestation, which is nothing but matter, has come about automatically? A
competent machine does not work unless a man who knows how to work it pushes a
button. A Cadillac is a nice car, but if it has no driver, what is the use of
it? So the material universe is also a machine.
are amazed at seeing a big machine with many, many parts, but an intelligent
person knows that however wonderful a machine may be, it does not work unless
an operator comes and pushes the proper button. Therefore, who is more
important—the operator or the machine? So we are concerned not with the
material machine—this cosmic manifestation—but with its operator, Krishna. Now
you may say, "Well, how do I know that He is the operator?" Krishna
says, mayadhyakshena prakritih suyate sacaracaram: [Bg. 9.10] "Under My direction
the whole cosmic manifestation is working." If you say, "No, Krishna
is not the operator behind the cosmos," then you have to accept another
operator, and you must present him. But this you cannot do. Therefore, in the
absence of your proof, you should accept mine.
works on the basis of this living force. This is the Pacific Ocean, and these
high waves are being manipulated by living force. This airplane [Srila
Prabhupada gestures toward a passing aircraft] is flying, but is it flying undirected?
Someone is directing it.
is working under someone's direction. Why do the rascal scientists deny this?
The airplane is a big machine, but it is flying under the direction of a small
spiritual spark, the pilot. Scientists cannot prove that this big 747 airplane
could fly without the small spiritual spark. So, as the small spiritual spark
can direct a large plane, the big spiritual spark directs the whole cosmic
8. The
scientists say that life begins from chemicals. But the real question is,
"Where have the chemicals come from, who manufactured them?" The
chemicals come from life, and this means that life has mystic powers.
example, an orange tree contains many oranges, and each orange contains
chemicals—citric acid and others. So where have these chemicals come from?
Obviously they have come from the life within the tree.
scientists are missing the origin of the chemicals, found in the atmosphere, in
the water, in humans, in animals and in the earth. They have started their
investigation from the chemicals, but they cannot identify the origin of the
chemicals. Chemicals come from the supreme life—God. Just as the living body of
a man produces many chemicals, the supreme life (the Supreme Lord) is producing
all the chemicals in the universe. And that is called mystic power. Unless the
mystic power of the Lord is accepted, there is no solution to the problem of
the origin of life. I cannot even explain how my fingernail is growing out of
my finger; it is beyond the power of my brain. In other words, my fingernail is
growing by inconceivable potency, acintya-sakti. So if acintya-sakti exists in
an ordinary human being, imagine how much acintya-sakti God possesses. The
difference between God and me is that although I have the same potencies as
God, I can produce only a small quantity of chemicals, whereas He can produce
enormous quantities. I can produce a little water in the form of perspiration,
but God can produce the seas….. In God there is great mystic potency. God's
mystic potency is working swiftly, exactly like an electric machine. Some
machines operate by electrical energy, and they are so nicely made that all the
work is done simply by pushing a button. Similarly, God said, "Let there
be creation," and there was creation. Considered in this way, the workings
of nature are not very difficult to understand. God has such wonderful
potencies that the creation, on His order alone, immediately takes place. Where
does a bird's power to fly come from? Both you and the bird are living
entities, but the bird can fly because of its acintya-sakti, and you cannot. To
give another example, semen is produced from blood. A man has mystic power in
his body so that because he is sexually inclined, blood is transformed into
semen. How is this done unless there is some mystic power involved? There are
many mystic powers in the living entities. The cow eats grass and produces
milk. Everyone knows this, but can you take some grass and produce milk? Can
you? Therefore there is mystic power within the cow. As soon as the cow eats
grass, she can transform it into milk. Men and women are basically the same,
but as a man you cannot eat food and produce milk, although a woman can. These
are mystic powers. Scientists would say that there are different enzymes or
chemicals inside different types of bodies and that these account for the cow's
producing milk. But who produced those enzymes and that arrangement? That was
done by mystic power. You cannot make these enzymes or that arrangement. You cannot
produce milk from dry grass in your laboratory. Within your body, by mystic
power, you can transform food into blood and tissue, but in your laboratory,
without mystic power, you cannot even transform grass into milk. Therefore you
must accept the existence of mystic power.
In the
Bhagavad-gita (10.8) Krishna says, aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam
pravartate: "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds.
Everything emanates from Me." Unless we accept this statement from God,
there is no conclusive explanation to the origin of material nature. God cannot
be understood without accepting the existence of mystic power, but if you
understand God scientifically, then you will understand everything. The
scientists start from one point—but where does that point come from? That they
do not know, in spite of vast research. One has to accept that the original
source is God, who is full of all mystic powers and from whom everything
emanates. He Himself says in the Bhagavad-gita, aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah
sarvam pravartate: "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds.
Everything emanates from Me." [Bg. 10.8] Our conclusions are not based on
blind faith; they are most scientific. Matter comes from life. In life—in the
origin—there are unlimited material resources; that is the great mystery of
creation. If you drop a needle, it will fall immediately, but a bird weighing
several pounds can float in the air. We must establish the origin of this
floating. If we study nature, we find that every living entity has some mystic
power. A man cannot live within the water for more than a few hours, yet a fish
lives there continuously. Is that not mystic power?
It is
mystic power for me, but not for the fish, because mystic power is not
uniformly distributed. But all the mystic powers exist in God, the origin of
everything. I derive some of His mystic power, you derive some, and the birds
derive some. But the storehouse of mystic power is God.
There are
eight basic types of mystic powers. Some of them are laghima (by which one can
become lighter than a feather), mahima (by which one can become bigger than a
mountain), prapti (which enables one to capture anything he likes) and isitva
(by which one can completely subdue and control another being). Another type of
mystic power can be seen in the sun, because from the sunshine innumerable
things are inexplicably produced. Unless the scientists accept the existence of
mystic power, they cannot explain these phenomena. Natural phenomena such as
the law of gravity or weightlessness are acintya-sakti, inconceivable energies,
and real science means to understand this acintya-sakti. To observe a chain of
events only from a certain point in time is unscientific and gives only
incomplete knowledge. We must know where things begin. If we carry our
investigation far enough, we will find that the origin of nature is
acintya-sakti. For example, with brain, brush and color we can paint a flower.
But we cannot conceive how vegetation throughout the whole earth is
automatically growing and fructifying. We can explain the painted flower, but
we cannot explain the real flower. Scientists actually cannot explain
biological growth. They simply juggle words like molecule and chromosome, but
they cannot actually explain the phenomena….. We find a certain quantity of
chemicals in my body, a smaller quantity in an ant's body, and a greater
quantity in an elephant's body. So, if I can create so many more chemicals than
an ant, and an elephant can create so many more chemicals than I can, then just
think how many more chemicals God can create! This is the basis on which
scientists should consider how hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
Otherwise, they cannot identify the source of the vast quantities of hydrogen
and oxygen required to make the oceans. But we can. This hydrogen and oxygen
exist in the virat-rupa, the universal body of the Lord. Why do the scientists
fail to understand this plain truth? Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form the
water in the seas. We both accept this fact. But the scientists are surprised
to hear that the origin of this huge quantity of hydrogen and oxygen is
actually acintya-sakti, or the inconceivable mystic power of the Lord.
9. There
is an energizing source of the all-pervading mystic powers. Krishna is the
source of all causes and effects, the original thinking, feeling and willing,
and ultimately the only source of power.
“In the
world of the senses it is frankly impossible to execute a movement when there
is nothing standing still. There must be something immovable by which that what
is moved is moving, by leaning on it. If something would always give way (as is
the case with a mouse who walks on a mountain of grain or a human being who is
climbing a hill of sand or tries to walk through quicksand), then progress
would be impossible. Also there would be no walking if the ground is not
standing still or there would be no flying or swimming if the air and the sea
did not offer resistance. What is immovable cannot be part of that what is
moving, otherwise there is no movement.” (from Aristotle)
Krishna is not only an unmoved mover.
Jiva Goswami describes in the Sri Paramatma Sandarbha a universal law:
means cause, amsa means part): “The cause is present in the effect and is
partly manifested as the effect and the cause has more perfection then the
example, the sun has more heat and light than the sunshine.
The more
subtle the cause , the less the cause loses by expanding an effect or amsa , as
for example a composer of music or a dreamer. A composer of music who is making
in a certain period, a number of pieces of music, can make more in the future.
He had and keeps them also in him.
So he is
and has thus more than the total of his creations.
God is quantitative and qualitative more than this world (His creation). And,
just as an artist develops his talents or a perfectionist who always wants to
improve everything, so goes the spiritual energy from perfect to more perfect
and still more perfect etc.
Krishna expands always. The original cause or the creator of the universe does
not decrease by an emanation; we see the creation and maintenance of the
universe go on continuously and undiminished. So karanasyaivamsena karanasya
means that the cause and the creator of the universe has everything of this
material energy, in exceeding extent and therefore there is in the Visnu
Purana (6.5.47) the following definition
of God, Sri Krishna Bhagavan:
yasasah sriyah
bhaga itingana
wealth, power, fame, beauty, knowledge and detachment - are the six main
perfections of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The most complete name of
God, the creator and the unmoved or original mover, is Krishna. Krishna means
the All-Attractive, the unlimited perfect in all qualities which we find in the
creation, for example: beauty, wisdom, power, wealth, pleasure, love.
11. Thus,
the cause of the “Big Bang”, the original source of the emanation of matter,
can’t be just particles, just starting to move. One can’t give what one doesn’t
have. The cause must be greater then the effect.
12. Just
as a king establishes places of residents of his different subjects, where he
reserves the best residence for himself, in the same way the Supreme
Personality of Godhead establishes the residence of Brahma, His expansion for
the creation of the material world, and all other living entities within the
universe, whereas His own residence is the
best, for it is above (param) the influence of the material, inferior
13. God,
Krishna, Yogesvara, the controller of all mystic power, the Supreme Mystic,
behind all the mysteries of creation, exists. He lives in the spiritual world.
argument of the origin of the operator of the torture machine of nature
Theist. There is an operator of the machine of the cosmos. A child cannot think
that far. If a motor car is passing by, the child will think the motor car is
running automatically. But a sane man will understand that there is a driver.
So persons who deny the existence of God are like that. They see the machine.
Nature is the machine. But behind the machine there is an operator. These
rascals cannot understand that. Nabhijanati, mam ebhyah paramam, tribhir
gunamayair bhavair. That the machine is working, that nature is working, that
much they can see. And that behind the machine there is an operator, that they
cannot see. Has the atheist any experience that any machine works without
Atheist. But this whole universe—we cannot compare the whole universe with any
machine created by man.
We don't
have any experience of such a machine.
Theist. First of all define what is your idea of machine. Just like the other
day, we saw the Thompson press; printing, collecting, and so many things are
being done. It is like this. By the machine of nature, the seasonal changes are
going on, the sun is rising, the moon is rising, in the water in the ocean, the
waves are there. Everything is like a machine working. It is machine.
Everything is being systematically done. Such a big ocean, vast water, it is
just stopping on the brink, the water goes no more further. It is so organized.
The sun is rising exactly in time, astronomically predictable, every year the
same rounds. The astronomical watch is one ten-thousandth part of a second
precise. You'll find everything is going on so accurate. Today is ekadasi,
eleventh day of the moon; ‘the moon shall be like this’. One can see the moon
and he can calculate. "Today is ekadasi." This is not machine? It is
exactly a machine.
Atheist: But the thing is this machine is so wonderful that it goes on without
an operator. It is such a good machine it doesn't require an operator. That is
the wonder of it.
Theist: No. That is wrong. You cannot find out in your experience anywhere, any
machine which is not being operated by a person.
Atheist: There are some automatic machines.
Theist: ‘Automatic’ is also at the hand of the operator. Someone must turn it
on and off. There is no such automatic machine. It is impossible to prove.
Atheist: But we can see the operator of these small machines, we cannot see the
operator of this big machine.
Theist: Have you seen the operator in the power house?
Atheist: No. Well we could see him. We could go, we could drive there right now
and see him.
Theist: Yes, you can see. You can go to Krishna and see Him. That requires
Atheist: That's not as easy.
Theist: No, it is very easy. It is simply, as we are teaching our students,
just become a devotee, offer namaskar, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto, always think
of Him, and you will go to Him. It is not at all difficult. Bahavo jnana-tapasa
puta mad-bhavam agatah. Bahavo, many, did come to Me. How? Jnana-tapasa, by
knowledge and tapasya, being purified, they come to Me. Krishna says. Why you
are disappointed? You can go. Krishna is open. Te 'pi yanti param gatim. Striya
sudra tatha vaisya, even the less intelligent, the sudra, vaisya, they can
come. Where is the difficulty? Even if you are born the very lowest, you can
go. Krishna is open to everyone. Simply you become qualified. That's all. And
what is the qualification? Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru
[Bg. 18.65], just always think of Me, become My devotee, offer your respects to
Me, and man-mana, worship Me. Four things. We are opening this temples for this
purpose, that you always think of Him, you worship Him, you offer obeisances to
Him, and become His devotee. And then? Mam evaishyasi asamsayah [Bg. 18.68],
without a doubt you will come to Him. What is the difficulty? There is no
Atheist: The operator of the powerhouse is operating and running the
powerhouse, but it's not really necessary that we go and see him. We can simply
enjoy the facilities offered by the powerhouse.
Theist: If you are intelligent, then you'll be eager: "Who is operating?
Let me see? What is this machine? What is behind? That is superior life” It is
the human form of life—these enquiries should come. Otherwise he remains a cat
and dog.
Atheist: We don't accept this body as a machine because we've never experienced
a machine that can think, feel, and will for itself, this body is more
complicated than any other machine because it can think, feel, and will,
whereas other machines don't do that.
17. A.
Theist: That is the particular machine, where the operator is within. The
thinking, feeling is coming from the operator. The soul is there, dehino 'smin
yatha dehe [Bg. 2.13].
Similarly, the Universal Machine has the Supersoul within, who thinks, feels,
and wills for all the Cosmic processes.
18. This
Supersoul, God immanent, lives within the Universal Torture Grinding Machine.
He is operating it, but is unaffected by the circumstances, as a prison
director is in but not of the jail.
19. God,
transcendental, in the Paradise or Palace, beyond the material world, exists.
argument of the souls of universes
Thesis. The idea of chemical evolution came from a Russian biologist in 1920.
He demonstrated that before biochemical evolution, the earth's atmosphere was
in a state of reduction. In other words, it was mostly full of hydrogen, with
very little oxygen. Then, in due course, the sun's radiation caused these
hydrogen molecules to form into different chemicals.
Theist. This is a side or partial study. First of all, where did the hydrogen
come from? The scientists simply study the middle of the process; they do not
study the origin. We must know the beginning.
A. There is an airplane. [indicates an airplane appearing on the
horizon.] Would you say the origin of that machine is the sea? A foolish person
might say that all of a sudden a light appeared in the sea, and that's how the
airplane was created. But is that a scientific explanation? The scientists'
explanations are similar. They say, "This existed, and then all of a
sudden, by chance, that occurred." This is not science. Science means to
explain the original cause.
Atheist. Darwin says that the different species were not created
simultaneously, but evolved gradually.
Theist. Then what is his explanation for how the process of evolution began?
Atheist. Modern proponents of Darwinism say that the first living organism was
created chemically.
Theist. The term "chemical evolution" means that chemicals have an
origin, and that origin is spirit, or life. A lemon tree produces citric acid,
and our bodies produce many chemicals in urine, blood, and bodily secretions.
This is proof that life produces chemicals, not that chemicals produce life.
B . If
life originated from chemicals, and if your science is so advanced, then why
can't you create life biochemically in your laboratories? The scientists cannot
produce even a single blade of grass in their laboratories, yet they are
claiming that life is produced from chemicals. Then where is this living matter
coming from now? Do the scientists say that life came from matter in the past
but does not at the present? Where is the ant coming from now—from the mud?
If they
cannot prove that life arises from matter in the present, how do they know life
arose this way in the past?
7. The
gardeners supply water to the green trees, so why don't they supply water to
this dead tree and make it green?
leaves and twigs were growing from this tree. Now they are not. How would the
scientists explain this?
8 .
Atheist. They would say the tree's chemical composition has changed.
Theist. To prove that theory, they must be able to inject the proper chemicals
to make branches and leaves grow again. What is the element that is lacking?
Scientists say that chemicals are the cause of life, but all the chemicals that
were present when the tree was alive are still there. And these chemicals are
still supporting the lives of many living entities such as microbes and
insects. So they cannot say that life energy is lacking in the body of the
tree. The life energy is there.
Atheist. But what about the life energy of the tree itself?
Theist. Yes, that is the difference. The living force is individual, and the
particular individual living entity that was the tree has left. This must be
the case, since all the chemicals necessary to support life are still there,
yet the tree is dead. Here is another example. Suppose I am living in an
apartment, and then I leave it. I am gone, but many other living entities
remain there—ants, spiders and so forth. So it is not true that simply because
I have left the apartment, it can no longer accommodate life. Other living
entities are still living there. It is simply that I—an individual living
being—have left. The chemicals in the tree are like the apartment: they are
simply the environment for the individual force—the soul—to act through. And
the soul is an individual. I am an individual, and therefore I may leave the
apartment. Similarly, the microbes are also individuals; they have individual
consciousness. If they are moving in one direction but are somehow blocked,
they think, "Let me go the other way." They have personality.
Atheist. So matter is caused by life?
Theist. Yes, and matter grows upon life; my body grows upon me, the spirit
soul. For example, I have put on this overcoat, which is made according to the
size of my body. But I would be foolish if I thought, "I am this
You are
accepting millions of bodies. I say that your body of yesterday is not your
body of today. So, if you live for one hundred years, how many times have you
changed bodies? Just calculate.
Atheist. Thirteen.
Theist. Why thirteen?
Atheist. Medical science says that all the bodily cells are replaced every
seven years.
Theist. No, not every seven years—every second. Every second, the blood
corpuscles are changing. Is it not so?
Atheist. Yes.
Theist. And as soon as the blood corpuscles change, you change your body.
Atheist. We may detect the soul in this way, but what about God?
Theist. First of all let us understand the soul. The soul is a sample God. If
you can understand the sample, then you can understand the whole.
22. According
to the Vedic science, the creation of the material energies of the cosmos,
begins with the false ego and then develops into the intelligence, then the
mind and then the gross elements—ether, air, fire and so on.
23. The
same basic ingredients are present in all matter. The creation of the material
universe is like the growth of a great banyan tree from a tiny seed. No one can
see the tree within the seed, but all the necessary ingredients for the tree
are there, including the required intelligence.
24. Everyone's
body is simply a sample universe. Your body and my body are different
universes, small universes. Therefore, all eight material elements are present
within our bodies, just as they are within the whole universe. Similarly, an
insect's body is another universe.
25. The same formula applies for the atom: all
these constituents are within the atom. Anor aniyan mahato mahiyan (Katha
Upanishad 1.2.20). All living entities possess the required intelligence to
execute four principles: eating, sleeping, sexual intercourse and defense.
These four principles exist even in the atom. This means that whether something
is extremely large or infinitesimal, it is still made of the same basic
elements. This is true everywhere in the material world.
26. Just as a woman's small watch has all the
requisite machinery for its smooth functioning, so an ant has all the necessary
brain substance to manage its affairs nicely. Moreover, there are innumerable
insects smaller than the ant. So there must be a mechanical arrangement for all
this detailed activity. Eating, sleeping, sex life and defense are to be found
everywhere. You have seen trees growing. Wherever there is a knot, the bark
does not go this way; it goes that way. [Srila Prabhupada gestures to show that
a tree's bark grows not over a knot, but around it.] The tree has intelligence:
"If I go this way, I will be blocked, so I will go that way." But
where are its eyes? How can it see? It has intelligence. That intelligence may
not be as good as yours, but it is intelligence.
27. Similarly, a child also has intelligence,
though not as developed as his father's. In due course of time, when the child
gets a body like that of his father, the child's intelligence will be fully
developed and exhibited.
28. One
of the expansions of God is the soul of the material universes. The material
universes are a limited area; we are spirit souls, foreigners in matter; we
belong to the spiritual world, beyond the material universes.
29. God
is the Unlimited Soul or Individual. He is all-pervading throughout the
infinity, in the form of His expansions and energies. His Original Form is in
the spiritual world.
30. God
argument that everyone has a God
Atheist. 'I do not believe in God.'
2. Theist.
If you come out to the street, and instead of going to the right you go to the
left, then there is a constable -- he is your God. Immediately he will arrest
you and harass you. So how you can say that you are independent of God? There
is God for everyone, but the status of God may be different. One may be
worshiping a police constable as God; one may be worshiping his boss as God;
one may be worshiping his leader as God. So in this way, everyone is worshiping
some sort of God. 3. But we are worshiping the Supreme God, the God of all
these Gods. You cannot live without God, but your God may be of different
quality and my God may be of different quality. Now what is that different
quality? We are selecting God:
richest, the most qualified, the most beautiful, the most wise, the most
powerful, the most lovable. That is our God.
4. You
are selecting a God who is less intelligent, no knowledge, not
not so strong -- a false God.
5. That
is the difference. Everyone has to accept some God, because it is the nature of
every living entity to serve under somebody superior. That is the definition
given by Lord Caitanya: jivera 'svarupa' haya -- 'nitya krsna-dasa’ [Cc. Madhya
20.108]. Every living entity is by nature, by his constitutional position, is a
servant; but he is originally servant of Krsna. But because he has forgotten
Krsna he has become servant of so many people or demigods.
6. All
the Gods of this human world are small gods; they are subordinates of the
demigods– the forces of nature; time, karma, the qualities of nature– gunas,
the weather, the influence of the planets and stars, death, old age, disease,
the material body and mind.
7. The
demigods have a leader or Supreme Godhead, as the government in our human
society have a king or president. He lives in the best place, away from the
cities, factories.
8. God
exists, He lives in the spiritual world.
argument of not trying to understand God first – that is too big
1. First
of all you try to understand yourself. Then talk of God. If you do not
understand yourself, how you'll understand God? That is a big thing.
2. Try to
understand the small thing, that you are not this body, but consciousness,
spirit soul. When you understand that, "I, the proprietor of the body, its
witness, I am different from this body," then you will understand God
also, very easily. Because you are the proprietor of this body and you are
given the controlling power of the body by thinking, feeling, willing, by
acting. You have got this body. You are sitting here. You can say, "Now I
am going away." The body is under your control. You can do that.
3. When
you understand this fully, then you'll understand that in this huge, gigantic
body, the material cosmic manifestation, there is a controller. But if you do
not understand yourself, how you can understand God? God is not different in
quality from you. God means like you in huge, unlimited quantity. As you have
got little intelligence -- you can create a wonderful thing, 747 airplane
flying in the air -- so God has got unlimited brain. Millions and trillions of
universes are floating in the air. The process is the same. You are tiny. You
are very much proud that "I am so advanced that I have manufactured
747." Compare this with the intelligence of God; such a huge lump of
matter, the sun, is floating also there. That is the difference between you and
God. You have got brain, He has got brain, but your the brain is very tiny,
little, and his brain very big. That is difference between God and you. So if
you understand yourself, sample of God, then you understand the Supreme God.
4. We try
to make our homes most perfect; God, who has the supreme intelligence, has made
His home not in matter, which is asat - temporary, nirananda – misery, apareyam
– inferior quality. He lives in the spiritual world. We are also spiritual
beings, and foreigners in the material world. Spirit must be with spirit. We
should also live in the spiritual world, where there is no disease, old age,
death, bad weather, cyclones, deserts, earth-quakes, wars, hate, envy, lust,
anger, greed, madness, anything negative.
5. God
exists, He lives in the spiritual world.
argument of the consciousness behind matter
1. One of
the questions that arises when we start studying biology is "What is the
difference between a living organism and that which is not living?" The
textbooks say that the chief characteristics that distinguish the two are that
a living being can move and reproduce, whereas dead matter can do neither. I
have noticed a disagreement within the scientific community over the definition
of living and nonliving. Some say that if a being can reproduce, it is alive.
Therefore, they claim to have created life because certain large DNA molecules
produced in the laboratory can replicate themselves; that is, they can
reproduce other chains of molecules by their own power. Some scientists say
these DNA molecules are living, and others say they are not.
But the
books never talk about the nature of the soul or about the consciousness of the
living entity. Can we define living as "containing consciousness" and
nonliving as "without consciousness"?
Theist. Yes. As Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita (2.17), avinasi tu tad viddhi
yena sarvam idam tatam: "That which is spread all over the body is
is the primary indication that life is present. Only because of consciousness
can a living being move and reproduce. Because a person is conscious, he thinks
of marrying, and begetting children. Without consciousness, there is no
possibility of by-products.
3. You
should apply your reason, from practical life, whether life is produced from
matter, or matter is produced from life.
produced from matter is refuted on the ground that of a process of this kind we
have absolutely no knowledge or experience. The law is that matter is produced
from life, not life is produced from matter.
4. Life
is everywhere. When they take little advantage, they come out, manifest. You
will find even on the pavement, footpath, as soon as there is a crack, some
grass is coming out. So life is everywhere, it is struggling, and as soon as
there is favorable circumstances, they come in a form. Life is not created, na
jayate. Read Bhagavad-gita. "Life is never created. It is existing
eternally.” Therefore it is said, na jayate.
5. That
from life, life is coming, there is proof. Men, animals, trees -- everything is
coming from life. Up till now, nobody has seen that a man is born from particles.
Nobody has seen. Sometimes it is called vrscika-tandula-nyaya. Vrscika means
scorpion, and tandula means rice. Sometimes we see some heaps of rice, and a
scorpion is coming out of it. But that is not that the rice has given birth to
the scorpion. We have seen it. From the heaps of rice, one small scorpion, is
coming. The fact is that the parents of the scorpion, they put their eggs
within the rice and, being fermented, the scorpion comes out, not that from
rice the scorpion is coming out. So "Life is coming from matter" --
this is called vrscika-tandula-nyaya. Life cannot come from matter.
6. Matter
comes from life. When there is life, living entity, the body grows, changes.
But if the child is dead or comes out of the womb dead, then the body does not grow.
Thus matter is growing on life. Life is already there, hundreds and thousands
and millions. You have to find out who is that scientist who is producing so
many lives and chemicals. Athato brahma jijnasa. This is brahma-jijnasa.
Jijnasa means inquiry, that "Who is that brain.” As you are taxing your
brain to find out the chemicals, the original brain has already done it. Now
you find out who is that person who has got such a nice brain.
7. You
are imperfect. There is nothing chance. There must be cause. You do not know
the cause. You cannot find out. That is not scientific answer,
"chance," "nature." What is the nature? Who is conducting
nature? How the nature is going on so nicely?
Perhaps the scientists can create imitations of nature, but why should we give
them credit? We should give credit to the original creator, God.
has been made by someone: the sand has been made by someone, the water has been
made by someone, and the sky has been made by someone.
9. They
require so many scientists to get heat from a nuclear heating system, then who
has created the sun to diffuse so much heat? How great scientist He is. Who has
created the sun's nuclear system, which is heating the whole universe.
12. There
is brain in every artistic work. And how wonderfully is this artist behind
nature’s products, because it is automatically coming. Anything, you take this
flower. So, without brain how this thing can happen? Scientists say ‘nature’.
What is this nature? Nature is an instrument, but the brain is God. Just like
you paint a flower with the brush. The brush is not the creator of that
painting, you are creating. Similarly, it appears that in nature, the things
are happening naturally. Nature is only the brush, but the brain is God. 13.
Similarly, the soul is a living being. Nature is supplying material and he's
molding in different forms. For example, earth is not man's creation. Earth is
God's creation, it is product of God's energy. But we are using this earth and
molding in different forms, different pots, different dolls. So ingredients are
supplied by God. Nature means God's energy. We simply handle them. We cannot
produce anything, we transform only. Just like this iron, we cannot produce
iron. It is gotten from the mine, iron bar. Now we have transformed into
different forms. Because we have got creative energy like God, not very great,
in very minute quantity.
14. So as
we are creating pots, dolls, this table, this pillow, this harmonium, God has
created by His intelligence, the whole universe -- all water, the vast waters,
the oceans, the Atlantic Ocean, vast water. So it is created by God's energy.
Krsna says, that "This is My energy. Just like from your body, water is
Krishna is the origin. That is described in the Vedanta-sutra: athato brahma
jijnasa. I am a scientist. I am thinking of myself a very great man, but I do
not think that "Who is that great scientist under whose order the sun,
moon, the sea, ocean, everything is working very properly?" Water is
created by hydrogen, oxygen, but I do not inquire, "Wherefrom such huge
quantity of hydrogen, oxygen came, so that there is big oceans and seas,
water?" Scientists are theorizing that life has come from matter, chemical
composition, but as soon as I ask that "I give you the chemical. You
create," he says, "That I cannot do." Scientists are trying to
create a living being, but I glorify the Supreme who has already created
millions and millions of living beings. I cannot give you credit unless you
create. But still, as you are thinking that you will be able in the future,
what credit you will have?
16. The
original consciousness is described in the Vedas: tad aikshata bahu syam
(Chandogya Upanishad 6.2.3). This means that God, the original conscious being,
said, "I shall become many." Krishna says, aham sarvasya prabhavah:
"I am the origin of everything." (Bg. 10.8) Krishna is the Original
and Supreme life.
17. Krsna
showed Arjuna His universal form. This is in Bhagavad-Gita chapter 11. He
established that He is the origin of everything, and He has no cause. Krishna
showed the spiritual world, His home, to the inhabitants of Vrndavana and to
18. God,
Krishna, the origin, exists. He lives in Heaven.
argument of the external body of the soul and the Supreme Soul
1. There
is God. The existence of God can be perceived.
2. Just
like you can perceive your existence in this body by the consciousness. You
have consciousness. That consciousness is the symptom of your existence in this
body. So long that consciousness is there, this bodily function is going on
very nicely.
You are
eating. You do not know how your foodstuff is going to the stomach, the
necessary juices, vitamins, are taken by the stomach, it is being transformed
into different kinds of secretion, that secretion becomes red, that red blood
is circulated from the stomach to the heart from the brain to the toe. These
nice machinery works are going on within your body. The food is distributed,
the exhaustion of your body is supplemented, and the unnecessary things
evacuated by stool, urine. Now, as soon as this consciousness is stopped, will
this function go any more? No. By dissection of the body You will find the same
brain is there; the same heart is there; the same stomach is there. You will
see the same veins. Everything is there complete. But only thing is
wanting—that consciousness. Therefore everything is stopped. This is a common
3. A. In
your belly gas is formed. There was no gas, but automatically the gas is
formed. And therefore sometimes, if it is much gas, then you go for treatment.
The gas is generating from my body. So as I am an individual, an insignificant
body, if there is possibility of generating a little gas, so from Krsna's
gigantic body, why not gigantic volumes of gas?
This is
how the Supreme Energetic is producing all the elements.
Another element, you perspire, there is water. So one ounce of water may come
from your body. Water is coming from your body, so why not from the gigantic
body of Krsna, the oceans, millions of oceans, come out? Krsna's body is unlimited, so why not
unlimited supply of water.
C. Next
element, this material body, what it is? It is earth or solid elements. When
the body will be dead it will be earth. So I am spirit soul, a small particle,
so much earth is coming from me, why not from Krsna, the supreme spirit, all
the earth of the universe.
alternatively, from my body, chemicals, for example, salt is coming. From God’s
body all the chemicals of the universe come.
D. Krsna
says, bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh, "It is My energy, earth– the solid elements,
water– the liquid elements, fire– the luminous elements, air– the gaseous
elements ". We are little sample of God, a small God. The spirit soul, one
ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair, it is very, very minute. From that
minute spirit so much earth, water, fire, air is coming. So why not from the
supreme spirit, huge quantities of water, earth, fire, air will come? How one
can deny it?
Similarly, the whole cosmic manifestation which is present before you, so
nicely going on, don't you think there is a consciousness behind it? How can
you deny that there is no consciousness in the matter of the sun rising, moon
rising, seasonal changes, and so many planets floating in the air? So many
wonderful things are being done in the material nature. Do you think it is
being done without consciousness? No. There is also consciousness.
5. This
material world is the external body of Krsna. Just like our body is external to
us, the soul.
6. The
hair is coming out of our body. Similarly, the trees, plants, they are coming
out of Krishna’s universal form or external body.
7. Just
like for the management of your own body, due to the consciousness everything
is being well done, similarly, everything that you see very nicely well done in
the material nature, that is also being done by superior consciousness. This is
human reasoning. How can you deny it? Can you deny it? I don't think any sane
man can deny it.
Similarly, as your consciousness is a symptom of your presence, you are spirit
soul, similarly, the supreme consciousness is the symptom of the supreme soul,
or God, the supreme God. This is the position.
9. Now,
as consciousness, we are part and parcel of the supreme consciousness.
Therefore, the whole business of our life is to dovetail our activities with
the supreme plan. Eko bahu syat:
In the
Vedic literature you will find that God has expanded Himself into many, just
like the father expands himself into many children. The children is nothing but
expansions of the body of the father and mother. Similarly, we, all living
entities, spiritual parts or living souls, we are also expansion of the Supreme
Spirit. Why the Supreme Spirit soul expanded himself into so many? What is the
purpose? We have to understand. Now you can take the example. What is the
purpose of father's expanding himself into children? A father takes the
responsibility of maintaining the children. Why? Why he takes such a grave
responsibility to become a family man. That "why" is answered—just to
have happy and enjoyable life.
God has expanded into so many living entities because He wants enjoyment. You
will find in the Vedic literature that the nature of God is
sac-cid-ananda-vigraha [Bs. 5.1]. Anandamayo 'bhyasat: (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12) "By nature He is
enjoying." Just like sons, daughters, children are meant for satisfying
the father and mother, similarly this is a common sense affair, that we living
entities, we are meant for satisfying the Supreme.
10. There
is a Supreme Scientist and a Supreme Father. He eternally designed our home in
the spiritual world. We have fallen out of this home and are to go back home.
Spirit and matter are as oil and water; these will never mix. The spirit soul
belongs to the spiritual world.
11. God, Krishna,
exists. He lives in Heaven.
The proof
of the Universal Body
1. “Now
if we survey the universe, so far as it falls under our knowledge, it bears a
great resemblance to an animal or organized body, and seems actuated with a
like principle of life and motion. A continual circulation of matter in it
produces no disorder: a continual waste in every part is incessantly repaired:
the closest sympathy is perceived throughout the entire system: and each part
or member, in performing its proper offices, operates both to its own
preservation and to that of the whole. The world, therefore, I infer, is an
animal.” [David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Part VI]
2. This
Cosmos is the representation of the Supreme Lord as the universal person, it is
His external body, in which the earth is His feet. (purport The earth is the
expansion of the lotus feet of the Lord. All moving and nonmoving living beings
have taken shelter of the earth and are thus sheltered at the lotus feet of the
Lord. For this reason one should respect every living being and not envy
anyone.) The movement of time are His walking. The trees and plants are the
almighty Purusha's bodily hairs. The rivers are the veins of the gigantic body,
in His touch are lusty desires. His arrows are said to be the senses, the
demigod of procreation His genitals, the rain His semen, death His anus, the
mountains and hills the bones and nails of Him, also the horse, mule, camel and
elephant are His nails. Wild animals and all quadrupeds are situated on the
hips of the Lord. His external appearance is the subtle objects of perception,
the Vedic meters His yellow garment.
The sky
is His navel, the oceans His abdomen, religion is on the heart of the Lord,
pleasing words and truthfulness are on
His chest, the pure spirit souls are upon His chest and irreligion is His back.
The moon His mind, also His chariot is the active, forceful mind. The demigods
protecting the various planets are His many arms, the club the Lord carries is
the chief element, prana, incorporating the potencies of sensory, mental and
physical strength. His excellent conch-shell is the element water, His
Sudarsana disc the element fire, and His sword, pure as the sky, the element
ether. His shield embodies the mode of ignorance, His bow, named Sarnga, time,
and His arrow-filled quiver the working sensory organs. The gestures of His
hands are the essence of all purposeful activity, the various opulences are the
lotus the Lord playfully carries, His material energy, comprising various combinations
of the modes of nature is His flower garland, the syllable om composed of three
sounds is His sacred thread, blazing fire His mouth, the juice or essence of
everything is His tongue, shame or modesty His lower lip, greed His upper lip,
moonshine His teeth. Also the art of affection is His two rows of teeth. The
illusory material energy, maya His smile. The wind His breath, His nostrils,
His vital air and physical strength. Material fragrance is His sense of smell,
the sphere of outer space constitutes His eyepits, and the sun, moon and the
heavenly planets His eyes. The passage of day and night is the blinking of His
eyes [When His eyes are open it is daytime, and when they are closed it is
night.], and on His eyebrows are the
regulative principles, also the god of death is His eyebrows.
directions His ears, and physical sound is His sense of hearing, the processes
of Sankhya and yoga are the two shark-shaped earrings, the Lord carries. The
supreme cause of material creation is His intelligence, the heavenly planets
His head, the Vedic hymns are the top of the head (brahma-randhram) of the
Lord, the clouds the hair on His head, and the supreme position of Brahmaloka
is His crown, bestowing fearlessness on the inhabitants of all the worlds. His
activities are the reactions of the three modes of material nature, the
twilight are His dress, varieties of birds are indications of His masterful
artistic sense, in His wonderful activities or steps is the fire of sacrifice.
On His shadow is death, Ananta, the Lord's sitting place, is the unmanifest
phase of material nature, and the Lord's lotus throne is the mode of goodness,
endowed with religion and knowledge. The pair of camara fans serving the Lord
are religion and fame, the Lord's umbrella is His spiritual abode, Vaikuntha,
where there is no fear, and Garuda, who carries the Lord of sacrifice, is the
threefold Veda. Vishvaksena, the chief among His personal associates, is known
to be the personification of the Pancaratra and other tantras, and the Lord's
eight doorkeepers, headed by Nanda, are His mystic perfections, beginning with
3. Or
extended, viewing the whole cosmos:
planets known as Patala constitute the bottoms of the feet of the universal
Lord, and the heels and the toes are the Rasatala planets. The ankles are the
Mahatala planets, and His shanks constitute the Talatala planets.
The knees
of the universal form are the planetary system of the name Sutala, and the two
thighs are the Vitala and Atala planetary systems. The hips are Mahitala, the
earth and outer space– bhuvar, is His navel.
The chest
of the Original Personality of the gigantic form is the luminary planetary
system– svarga, His neck is the Mahar planets, His face is the Janas planets,
and His forehead is the Tapas planetary system. The topmost planetary system,
known as Satyaloka, is the top of His head.
The effulgent luminary planets like the sun and the moon are situated almost in
the mid-place of the universe, and as such they are to be known as the chest of
the original gigantic form of the Lord. And above the luminary planets, called
also the heavenly places of the universal directorate demigods, are the Mahar,
Janas and Tapas planetary systems, and, above all, the Satyaloka planetary
system, where the chief directors of the modes of material nature reside,
namely Vishnu, Brahma and Siva. This Vishnu is known as the Kshirodakasayi
Vishnu, and He acts as the Supersoul in every living being.)
His arms
are the demigods headed by Indra, His nostrils are the two Asvini-kumaras, and
in the movements of His eyebrows, the Brahma and similar supreme personalities
reside. His palate is the director of water, Varuna.
His jaws
of teeth are Yama, god of death, who punishes the sinners. This great ocean of
material creation– samsara, is but the casting of His glance over us.
is the breast of the Lord, and irreligion is His back. Brahmaji, who generates
all living beings in the material world, is His genitals, and the Mitra-varunas
are His two testicles. The principle of matter [mahat-tattva] is the
consciousness– citta - of the omnipresent Lord and Rudradeva is His ego. His
mind is the moon, the reservoir of all changes. Manu, the father of mankind, is
the emblem of His standard, deliberating intelligence, and humanity is His
place of residence. The celestial species of human beings, like the Gandharvas,
Vidyadharas, Caranas and angels, all represent His musical rhythm.
4. The
second description of the universal form, at the level of the creation of the
universe, which limbs of the universal form arose from which limbs of the
Supreme Lord:
The mouth
of the virat-purusha [the universal form of the Lord] is the generating center
of all kinds of voices, and its controlling deity is the fire demigod. His skin
and six other layers of the bodily construction are the generating centers of
the Vedic hymns, and His tongue is the productive center of different
foodstuffs and delicacies for offering to the Gods, the forefathers and the
general mass of people. His two nostrils are the generating centers of our
breathing and of all other airs, His smelling powers generate the Asvini-kumara
demigods and all kinds of medicinal herbs, and His breathing energies produce
different kinds of fragrance.
His eyes
are the generating centers of all kinds of forms, and they glitter and
illuminate. His ears hear from all sides and are receptacles for all the Vedas,
and His sense of hearing is the generating center of the sky and of all kinds
of sound.
bodily surface is the breeding ground for the active principles of everything
and for all kinds of auspicious opportunities. His skin, like the moving air,
is the generating center for all kinds of sense of touch and is the place for
performing all kinds of sacrifice.
The air is the moving agent of all the planets, and as such the generating
centers for promotion to the deserving planets. The sacrifices, are His bodily
surface and are naturally the origin of all auspicious opportunities.)
The hairs
on His body are the cause of all vegetation, particularly of those trees which
are required as ingredients for sacrifice. The hairs on His head and face are
the cause of the clouds, and from His nails arose lightning, minerals and
The polished nails of the Lord generate electricity, and the clouds rest on the
hairs of His head. One can therefore collect all sorts of necessities of life
from the person of the Lord, and therefore the Vedas affirm that everything
that is produced is caused by the Lord. The Lord is the supreme cause of all
From the
Lord's arms arose the great demigods and other leaders of the living entities
who protect the general mass.
From the
footsteps of Lord Upendra (Vamanadeva) arose Bhur, Bhuvar, Svar-the earth
level, middle and heavenly planets. His footsteps are their shelter and provide
all that we need. His lotus feet serve as protection from all kinds of fear.
From the
Lord's genitals originate water, semen, generatives or creation, rains, and the
procreators as Daksa. His genitals are the cause of a pleasure that counteracts
the distress of begetting.
From the
evacuating organ of the universal form of the Lord arose the controlling deity
of death Yama, Mitra an assistant to the presiding deity-Mrtyu- of the place of
evacuation, and evacuation. From the
place of evacuation of the Lord arose envy, violence, misfortune, poverty,
death, Mrtyu, hell, etc.
The back
of the Lord is the place of origin for all kinds of frustration, destruction,
ignorance, irreligion and immorality. From His veins flow the great rivers and
rivulets, and from His bones arose the great mountains, and they are stacked on
His bones.
From the
belly of the Lord arose the great oceans, juice in food and pradhana, and His
belly is the resting place for the materially annihilated living entities. From
His heart arose the subtle material bodies of living beings.
Avyakta, mentioned here in this verse, means that at the night of Brahma, when
partial annihilation takes place, the living entities of that particular
brahmanda, up to the planets of Brahmaloka, along with the big oceans, etc.,
all repose in the belly of the virat-purusha. At the end of a Brahma's night,
the creation again takes place, and the living entities, reserved within the
belly of the Lord, are let loose to play their respective parts as if being
awakened from a deep slumber. Since the living entities are never destroyed,
the annihilation of the material world does not annihilate the existence of the
living entities, but until liberation is attained one has to accept one
material body after another, again and again. The human life is meant for
making a solution to this repeated change of bodies and thereby attaining a
place in the spiritual sky, where everything is eternal, blissful and full of
knowledge. In other words, the subtle forms of the living entities take place
in the belly of the Supreme Being, and such forms take tangible shape at the
time of creation.)
antahkarana– consciousness- of that great personality is the abode of dharma-
religious principles, me, you, and the four celibates Sanaka, Sanatana,
Sanat-kumara and Sanandana. That consciousness is also the abode of truth, intelligence
and transcendental knowledge.
From the
virat-purusha's face came the brahmanas, from His arms are the kshatriyas, from
His thighs are the vaisyas, and the sudras are from His feet;
The Vedic
wisdom became manifested from the mouth of the virat, the gigantic form. Those
who are inclined to this Vedic knowledge are called brahmanas, and they are the
natural teachers and spiritual masters of all the orders of society.
the power of protection was generated from the arms of the gigantic virat form,
and in relation to such power the kshatriyas also came into existence by
following the kshatriya principle of protecting society from the disturbance of
thieves and miscreants.
The means
of livelihood of all persons, namely production of grains and their
distribution to the prajas, was generated from the thighs of the Lord's
gigantic form. The mercantile men who take charge of such execution are called
service was manifested from the legs of the Personality of Godhead for the sake
of perfecting the religious function. Situated on the legs are the sudras, who
satisfy the Lord by service.
One can
determine the dimensions of the Mahapurusha by measuring the arrangement of the
planetary systems within His universal form.
4. Mudha–
ass cannot understand what is God. It is very simple thing. Anyone, even a
child can understand. Take for example your body, my body. What is the
important thing in the body? The soul. Without the soul, you may be a very big
man, even Napoleon Bonaparte, but as soon as the soul is gone, it is useless.
Where is now Napoleon Bonaparte who struggled so much for glorifying France.
But where is that gentleman? Finished. As soon as the soul is gone. You may
keep one statue, a stone, dead statue, but you do not know where the soul has
gone and what he is doing now.
So anyone
can understand that this body may be very, very important, the body of a
scientist or a politicians and so on. But as soon as the soul is gone from this
body, it is useless, not worth even a farthing.
Similarly, as the soul is the important thing in this body, my body, your body,
or anyone's body, similarly in this huge gigantic body of universe, there must
be one soul. Otherwise how it is going on? How it is working so nicely? The big
sun is rising exactly in time, the moon is rising exactly in time, the seasons
are changing one after another. So many millions and millions of living
entities, they are being maintained. Everyone is getting their food, even the
elephant who eats at a time hundred kilogram, he also eats. An ant also eats.
The birds also eat, the beast also eats—there is no problem.
C. The
soul is important in this body. Why there shall not be the bigger soul, the
Super-soul, in this gigantic body of the universe? What is this universal body
compared to this human body? The same thing. One is only small, and that other
is very big. The same material construction. Bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh [Bg. 7.4].
Earth– the solid elements, water – the liquid elements, fire– the luminous
elements, air– the gaseous elements. Just like you have got your bones, the
huge earth’s mountains, these are also bones of this gigantic body. As you have
got your hairs on the body, the millions and millions of trees and plants, they
are also the hairs on the gigantic body. So as you have got holes in your body
here, there, the navel, similarly these oceans and seas, they are also
different holes. As you have got your skull, the round skull, the hemisphere is
also skull of this gigantic body. It is similar. As you have got a body and
you, the soul, is the important thing, active principle within this body,
similarly this gigantic body, the active principle is there, that is we call
from the sastra Garbhodakasayi Vishnu, the same comparison. If there is the
active principle soul within this body, there must be a Supersoul within this
huge structure of body. And that is called God.
Mohitam nabhijanati mam ebhyah param avyayam [Bg. 7.13]. Those who are
bewildered, naradhamah, the lowest of the mankind cannot understand this. There
is an active principle within the small human body and there is active
principle in this huge gigantic body.
D. And
that active principle is Krishna. Krishna means all-attractive; the possessor
of opulence, strength, beauty, knowledge, good qualities.
As the
active principle within this human body is all-attractive, so Krishna means the
All-Attractive active principle of everything. That is explained in the
sarvasya prabhavo
sarvam pravartate
iti matva
bhajante mam
[Bg. 10.8]
active principle is everything, being the cause of everything. From His
material energy, this huge gigantic material cosmic manifestation is there. And
we are also His energy. Bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh kham mano buddhir eva ca [Bg.
7.4]. The five material elements are also Krishna's energy, and we living
entities, we are also. Apareyam itas tu viddhi me prakritim para, jiva-bhutam
maha-baho yayedam dharyate jagat [Bg. 7.5].
The cause
being always greater then the effect, and Krishna being the first cause, is the
reservoir of all opulence, strength, beauty, knowledge, good qualities in the
perfect degree.
E. The
soul is the cause and active principle of the material body, the Supersoul
created and maintains the Cosmic body. The philosopher argued similar: “The
world plainly resembles more an animal or a vegetable than it does a watch or a
knitting-loom. Its cause, therefore, it is more probable, resembles the cause
of the former. The cause of the former is generation or vegetation. The cause,
therefore, of the world, we may infer to be some thing similar or analogous to
generation or vegetation.” [David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion,
Part VII]
5. We are
spirit soul, aliens to matter.
people ask that If Krishna knows that we will suffer in this material world,
why does He let us go away from Him? Why doesn't He keep us there?
Why the thief goes to the prisonhouse? He knows that "If I go to the
prisonhouse, I will be put into distress."
But the government is not strong enough to force him not to go, not to steal.
A. No.
Even if he's strong enough, you disobey. The government has made so many things
that you cannot steal, the iron chest, but still, you are clever enough that
you do.
Q. The
independence is there. If the spiritual world is anandamayo 'bhyasat
[Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12], full of bliss, then how is it that, somehow or another,
we've left that blissful situation and come into this hellish world.
Everyone knows that out of prisonhouse freedom is there. Why he goes to the
prisonhouse? Everyone knows it. Why does he go to the prisonhouse?
Q. Not by
choice. He is placed there.
is the supreme controller. If He wanted to check us from going there, He could
check us from going into the prison, from offending.
A. No.
Krishna has given you independence. By your disobedient mentality, you have to
suffer. Suppose if a child wants to do something, play, if you check it, check
it, then he will go mad. Just like mother Yasoda was showing the stick to
Krishna, and when Krishna became so much afraid, she became immediately
anxious: "Oh, Krishna has too much anxiety. He may fall sick." So
immediately she threw away the stick. So this is father-mother's affection.
Q. So
actually it is Krishna's mercy that He allows us to come here, free ourselves
A. Yes.
Yes. He has given you little freedom. He doesn't want to take your freedom.
examples is the master, big master, like the president of a big company is
walking his dog in the Central Park. The dog makes him go this way and this way
and this way. We are just like that passing stool and urine in the material
world, and Krishna is letting us run here and there.
Krishna, God is transcendental to matter, in the spiritual world. His
expansion, the Supersoul, has His external body, the Universal Body, the
material world.
The proof of the Timeline of life evolution on earth
1a. Material scientist (MS): 4.6 billion years ago: Matter’s
forces make it happen that the Sun formed from the gravitational collapse of a
region within a large molecular cloud. Most of the matter gathered in the
center (Sun), while the rest flattened into an orbiting disk that became the
Solar System (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).
All this happened by the forces of matter.
1b. Theist: Show me, do it in front of me. Get the
ingredients and make it happen. You have to proof that in nature these
processes and particles are doing the magic. That is science. Theory and
experiment, to show that the theory is correct. And if you can do something,
maybe only an amino acid molecule, then you have proven that the processes in
nature are also done by someone.
1c. Theist: Science Magazine, confirms the narrow range of
values that make our universe possible:
“The existence and stability of atoms rely on the fact that
neutrons are more massive than protons. The measured mass difference is only
0.14% of the average of the two masses. A slightly smaller or larger value
would have led to a dramatically different universe.…
-- The mass of the visible universe is a consequence of the
strong interaction, which is the force that binds together quarks into protons
and neutrons. To establish this with percent-level accuracy, very precise
calculations based on the lattice formulation of quantum chromo-dynamics (QCD),
the theory of the strong interaction, were needed. Going beyond such
calculations to control much finer effects that are at the per mil (‰) level is
necessary to, for instance, account for the relative neutron-proton mass
difference, which was experimentally measured to be close to 0.14%. Precisely,
this difference is needed to explain the physical world as we know it today.
For example, a relative neutron-proton mass difference smaller than about one
third of the observed 0.14% would cause hydrogen atoms to undergo inverse beta
decay, leaving predominantly neutrons. A value somewhat larger than 0.05% would
have resulted in the Big Bang Nucleo-synthesis (BBN), producing much more
helium-4 and far less hydrogen than it did in our universe. As a result, stars
would not have ignited in the way they did. On the other hand, a value
considerably larger than 0.14% would have resulted in a much faster beta decay
for neutrons. This would have led to far fewer neutrons at the end of the BBN
epoch and would have made the burning of hydrogen in stars and the synthesis of
heavy elements more difficult. We show here that this tiny mass splitting is
the result of a subtle cancelation between electromagnetic and quark mass
difference effects.
-- In combination with astrophysical and cosmological arguments,
this figure can be used to determine how different values of these parameters
would change the content of the universe. This in turn provides an indication
of the extent to which these constants of nature must be fine-tuned to yield a
universe that resembles ours.”
1d. Theist: The first aphorism of Vedanta-sutra is Athato
brahma jijnasa: "Now it is the time for understanding what is
Brahman." The next sutra answers janmady asya yatah: "Brahman is that
from whom or from where everything emanates."
janmady asya yatah anvayad itaratas ca artheshu abhijnah
tene brahma hrida adi-kavaye muhyanti yat surayah
[SB 1.1.1]
Janma means born, birth. And sthiti means maintenance.
Janmadi. Janma sthiti and pralaya. Pralaya means dissolution. This material
world, it has got a date of its creation. Just like your body, it has got a
date of its creation. It stays for some time, and again there is a date of its
dissolution. You take the history of everything material, either you take this
body, or take this world, or take any empire. Just like your American country,
it has a date of its beginning. Now it is staying. Now it will be, some day
will come, there will be no more America. You should know it. That is nature's
law. Everything. Everything is born, it stays for some time, then there is
dissolution, it is dissolved. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita, bhutva
bhutva praliyate [Bg. 8.19]. All these things, whatever material, they
manifest, come out, and become destroyed Just like bubbles in the ocean. There are
millions and millions of bubbles created, every second coming, and next second,
it is finished. This is the manifestation of the material creation. Behind
this, the spirit is there. That spirit is Brahman.
Now, what is the nature of that Brahman? Is it impersonal or
personal? Vyasadeva says, abhijnah svarat. No. "That Supreme Truth is
cognizant. He knows." And Bhagavad-gita also confirms that, vedaham
samatitani [Bg. 7.26]. The Lord says, "I know everything." Unless
He's cognizant, unless behind this cosmic manifestation there is consciousness
how it manifests and operates. Iif there is no brain, if there is no
cognizance, how it can be made so nicely regulated, everything is working
timely? The planets are working. Do you think there is no brain behind this?
There must be. Therefore Bhagavata says yes, abhijnah. Abhijnah means He's
cognizant; He's not an imperson. Therefore He's a person. Cognizant is a
1e. “collapsing of a cloud”, collapsing is done by forces.
But behind forces, who is there? Whenever there is force, there must be one
person forceful, who is forcing. That is God.
Just like scientists make an airplane with condensing
Aerosol spraying, fly into a cloud and the cloud dissolves and rain comes down.
2a. MS: Sun was about 70% as bright as today.
2b. Theist: If an extra lamp appears in your living room,
you know: “someone” put that.
If the next day there is another bulb,
and the one of yesterday is 70% as bright as the one of today, you know
“someone” did that.
3a. MS: Our solar system is currently orbiting at around
24,000–26,000 light-years from the galactic center of the Milky Way, completing
one orbit in about 225–250 million years.
The distance of the Sun from Earth is approximately
149.6-million kilometers. At this average distance, light travels from the Sun
to Earth in about 8 minutes and 19 seconds.
3b. Theist: Exhibitions in our world of an orbiting
planetarium, solar-system or entire universal order, or computer simulations of
these are made by intelligent designers and builders.
4a. MS: 4.5 billion years: Earth
collided with a planetoid the size of Mars. Fragments orbited Earth and formed
the Moon. At this time, moon was orbiting at about 64,000 km from Earth. Earth
did not yet have water.
4b. Theist: Two cars crashing and a wheel rolling off, is
done by persons. One student astronomy explained me they make computer
simulations of such events; the original is also designed.
5a. MS: 3.9 billion years: Meteorites
bombarded Earth bringing along water and other elements. Earth’s atmosphere
became mostly carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and ammonia.
5bTheist: Don't you see how this creation is perfect? We
require water. So God has created this earth in such a way that three-fourths
of the earth is covered with water. And the water is salty. Why? The water is
preserved. Unless it is salty, it will decompose. And how the water is
distributed? There is a sun. The sun
evaporates the water, and that means the salt is made minus and the pure water
is evaporated in the sky, and that is distributed all over the world and it is
kept on the highest summits of the mountains so that it can come down by
gravitation throughout the whole year through the rivers, channel, and you can
get water. Now see—nature study—how it is perfectly made. Can you do that? No.
It is not possible. If you can make a small scale model, you prove that the
original had a maker. When there is scarcity of water on earth, you have to
only see to the sky. You have no power to do anything. Your science cannot
acquire water when there is scarcity. If there is no rain—you cannot create
rain. You have to wait for God’s mercy. So therefore everything is made by the
Lord, and that is made perfect.
6a. MS: 3.8 billion years: Surface
of Earth changed from molten to solid rock. Water started condensing in liquid
form. Earth day was 15 hours long.
6b. Theist: If the temperature in your living room goes
down, you know that “someone” has changed the thermo-state.
7a. MS: 3.6 billion years: First
simple cells, oxygen producing bacteria.
7b. Theist: All the creatures in this material world are
covered by the three modes of material nature. Therefore they cannot see God.
They cannot understand God, nor do they try to understand Him. But God is
there. In England in the morning there is mist, so you cannot see the sun
behind the fog. But does this mean that there is no sun? You cannot see it
because your eyes are covered. But if you send a telegram to another part of
the world, they will say, "Yes, the sun is here. We can see it. It is very
dazzling, full of light." So when you deny the existence of God or you
cannot ascertain your relationship with God, that means that you are lacking in
knowledge. It is not that there is no God. We are lacking. The sun is not
covered. The sun cannot be covered. The fog or the cloud or the mist does not
have the power to cover the sun. How big the sun is! It is so many times bigger
than this earth. And the clouds can cover at most ten or twenty or a hundred
miles. So how can the clouds cover the sun? No. The clouds cannot cover the
sun. They cover your eyes. When an enemy comes and a rabbit cannot defend
himself, the rabbit closes his eyes and thinks, "My enemy is now
gone." Similarly, we are covered by the external energy of God and are
thinking, "God is dead."
-- The Lord has three kinds of energies. In the Viṣṇu Purāṇa there are descriptions of
the energy of the Supreme Lord. And in the Vedas also, in the Upaniṣads, there are descriptions
of the energies of the Supreme Lord. Parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate (Svetasvatara
Upanisad 6.8 [Cc. Madhya 13.65, purport]). Sakti means "energy." The
Lord has multienergies. The Vedas say, "God has nothing to do." We
have to work because we have no other means to exist—we have to eat, we wish to
enjoy this, that—but why should God work? God does not have to work. Then how
can we say that God created this universe? Is that not work? No. Then how did
it happen? His multifarious energies are so strong that they are acting
naturally and are full of knowledge. We can see how a flower blooms and grows
and systematically displays multicolors: one side a little spot, another side a
little spot, white on one side, more white on the other side. The butterfly
also exhibits such artistic symmetry. So this is all being painted, but in such
a perfect way and so swiftly that we cannot see how. -- We cannot understand
how it is being done, but it is being done by the energy of the Lord.
-- A plastic flower or butterflies are definitely made by an
intelligent designer and manufacturer, so are the flower and butterfly of
mother nature and Father God.
-- It is due to a lack of knowledge that people say that God
is dead, that there is no God, and that we have no relationship with God. These
thoughts have been compared to the thoughts of a man haunted by a ghost. Just
as a haunted man speaks all nonsense, when we become covered by the illusory
energy of God we say that God is dead. Therefore, we need this chanting process
to cleanse our heart. Take to this simple process of chanting the Hare Krishna
mantra. In that way, in your family life, in your club, in your home, on the
road—everywhere—chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and this darkness covering your heart,
covering your real position, will be removed. Then you'll understand your real
constitutional position.
8a. MS: 3.4 billion years: Stromatolites
demonstrated photosynthesis; a process used by plants and other organisms to
convert light energy captured from the sun into chemical energy.
8b. Theist: If one day you come home from your office and on
the roof of your house you see sun-panels, and in your house you find all the
electricity is from sunlight, you know “someone” engineered the system.
2.2 billion years: Organisms
with mitochondria capable of aerobic respiration appeared.
8c. Theist: If one day you come home from your office and in
your house you find your children playing with small play cars or moving play
animals with long distance navigation, you know this is made by “someone”.
9a. MS: 2.0 billion years: Meteor
impact, 300 km crater in South Africa.
1.8 billion years: Meteor impact, 250 km crater in Ontario, Canada.
9b. Theist: If from your neighbors’ garden a big stone flies
in and damages your Buddha statue, you know “someone,” an atheist, threw it.
10a. MS: 1.6 billion years: Complex
single-cell life appeared.
billion years: Organisms with complex cells containing nucleus appeared.
billion years: Sexual reproduction appeared, increasing the rate of evolution.
billion years: Multicellular life appeared.
10b. Theist: I have seen pictures of these creatures in my
school books; the picture was made, and the original, of course, also. The
pictures and the book will never come from a Big Bang in the printer company.
11a. MS: 900 million years: Earth day was now 18 hours long.
Moon was about 350,000 km from Earth.
million years: Snowball Earth, the entire Earth was covered in ice for many
million years.
Mass extinction of 70% of dominant sea plants.
11a. Theist: If everything is going on nicely—the sun is
rising exactly in time; the moon is rising exactly in time; they are
illuminating; they are appearing, disappearing; everything is going on,
seasonal change. If things are going on nicely you cannot say that these things
are automatically happening. No. There is no such thing within your experience
which is automatically managed. We must appreciate there is some brain behind
it. Professor Einstein, the greatest scientist, he admitted that "As we
are advancing in scientific research, we are coming to the conclusion that
there is a very big brain behind all this." How you can deny that? And we
are getting direct information from Krishna, the Supreme Personality of
“ mayadhyakshena
suyate sa-caracaram
hetunanena kaunteya
jagad viparivartate
This material nature, which is one of My energies, is
working under My direction, O son of Kunti, producing all moving and nonmoving
beings. Under its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and
again.” [Bhagavad-Gita 9.10]
12a. MS: 590 million years: Meteor impact, 90 km crater in
Acraman, South Australia.
12b. Theist: All stones, bombs, any object flying within our
Earth atmosphere will be traced to a source, thrower, person. But when
something flies in from beyond our little world, we say: “Impersonal, no cause,
not gods. ” Why this double standard.
13a. MS: 580 million years: Simple, soft-bodied organisms
developed i.e. Jellyfish.
13b. The first motorcars, of the previous century, didn’t
just spontaneously change into the 1000’s of modern models. How “Nature” has no
engineers or gods.
14a. MS: The accumulation of atmospheric oxygen allowed the
formation of the ozone layer. This blocked ultraviolet radiation, permitting
the colonization of the land.
-- The ozone layer is found at approximately 20 to 30
kilometers (12 to 19 miles) above Earth, it absorbs 97–99% of the Sun’s
medium-frequency ultraviolet light which potentially damages exposed life
14b. Theist: The roofs on our houses are also built by
building companies, maybe another one then the one who made the floors and the
walls, but again craftsmen.
15a. MS: 570 million years: Arthropods appeared, ancestors
of insects.
560 million years: Earliest fungi.
530 million years: Fish appeared. Major
diversification of living things in the oceans.
443 million years: Mass extinction, 49% of
life disappeared.
434 million years: The first primitive plants
moved onto land, having evolved from green algae living along the edges of
lakes. They are accompanied by fungi, which may have aided the colonization of
land through symbiosis.
million years: Fish developed teeth and jaws.
Spiders, Centipedes appeared.
million years: Mass extinction, 70% of marine species disappeared.
million years: First amphibians, ancestors of frogs, toads, etc…
million years: Crabs appeared.
million years: Insects roamed the land and would soon take to the skies; sharks
swam the oceans as top predators, and vegetation covered the land, with
seed-bearing plants and forests soon to flourish.
million years: Diversification of amphibians.
million years: Beetles appeared.
million years Reptiles appeared.
million years: Mass extinction event, up to 95% of ocean species and 70% land
species lost.
million years: First small dinosaurs appeared.
million years: Forests dominated the land.
million years: Mass extinction, 20% of all marine species killed; caused by
oceanic anoxic event.
million years Mammals appeared.
million years: Birds appeared.
million years Flowering plants evolved
with structures that attract insects and other animals to spread pollen. This
innovation causes a major burst of animal evolution through co-evolution. First
freshwater pelomedusid turtles.
million years: Crocodiles appeared.
million years: The first bees evolved.
million years: Snakes appeared.
million years: Ants appeared.
million years: Tyrannosaurus rex, the largest terrestrial predator of North
America thrived.
65 million
years: Meteor impact, 170 km crater Chicxulub, Yucatan, Mexico.
Mass extinction of 80-90% of marine species and 85% of land
Dinosaurs became extinct.
Mammals became dominant species. Rapid diversification in
million years: Whale appeared.
million years: Bats appeared.
40 million years: Modern-type butterflies
30 million years: Pigs and Cats appeared.
25 million years: Deer appeared.
20 million years: Giraffes, Hyenas, Bears
appeared. Increase in bird diversity.
15 million years: Kangaroo appeared.
million years: The first great apes appeared.
million years: Grasslands and savannas established.
Diversity in insects, especially ants and termites.
Horses increased in body size and developed high-crowned
Major diversification in grassland mammals and snakes.
million years: First tree sloths and hippopotami, diversification of grazing
herbivores like zebras and elephants, large carnivorous mammals like lions and
dogs, burrowing rodents, kangaroos, birds, and small carnivores, vultures
increase in size, decrease in the number of perissodactyl mammals.
million years: Appearance of Ardipithecus, an early Hominin Genus.
15b. Theist: Artificial Intelligence creations of robots and
all the primitive types are made intelligent creators why the Intelligent Human
bodies are suddenly an exception. No robot is made without an intelligent
16a. MS: 4 million years: North and South America joined at
the Isthmus of Panama. Animals and plants cross the new land bridge.
Ocean currents changed in the newly isolated Atlantic Ocean.
First modern elephants, giraffes, zebras, lions, rhinos and gazelles appear in
the fossil record.
16b. Theist: The turning world globes on our desks or
schools, in all it’s forms, are ALL made by
creators. The original is also produced by an intelligent designer.
17a. MS: 3.9 million years: Appearance of Australopithecus,
Genus of Hominids.
million years: Australopithecus Hominids inhabited Eastern and Northern Africa.
million years: Evolution of Paranthropus.
million years: Homo Habilis appeared.
million years: Yellowstone super-volcanic eruption.
million years: Tool-making Humanoids emerged.
Beginning of the Stone Age, lasted several million years.
1.7 million
years: Homo Erectus first moved out of Africa.
million years: Yellowstone super-volcanic eruption.
million years: Evolution of Homo antecessor. The last members of Paranthropus
died out.
years: Human and Neanderthal lineages started to diverge genetically.
years: Yellowstone super-volcanic eruption.
years: Evolution of Homo Heidelbergensis.
years: Development of speech in Homo Heidelbergensis.
years: Hominids hunted with wooden spears and used stone cutting tools.
years: Human ancestors and Neanderthals were fully separate populations.
years: Evolution of Neanderthals.
300,000 years: Hominids used controlled
Neanderthal man spread through Europe
years: Anatomically modern humans appeared in Africa.
years: Stone age humans foraged for grass seeds such as sorghum.
years: Non-African humans interbreed with Neanderthals.
years: Oldest male ancestor of modern humans.
years: Cro-Magnon man appeared in Europe.
years: Neanderthals disappeared from fossil record.
First domestic dogs.
years: Bering land bridge between Alaska and Siberia allowed human migration to
12,000 years: Fired pottery invented.
9,000 years: Metal smelting started.
years: Invention of the wheel.
years: The Bronze Age.
years: Development of writing.
years: Pyramids of Giza.
years: The Iron Age.
years: Archimedes advanced mathematics.
250 years: Start of the Industrial Revolution.
years: Space travel.
1957: Satellites orbited Earth.
1969: Human walked on the surface of the Moon.
17b. Theist: ALL the 1000’s of types of computers have ALL,
from the first one’s to the modern types, been made by persons. Similarly, ALL
the human bodies and brains have been made by supreme personalities or gods.
The hierarchy of gods have at the top the Highest God, Krishna, The Supreme
Personality of Godhead, as our modern states have at the top of the hierarchies
the President. Krishna is the Supreme President; He has everyone serving Him
and He is enjoying in the spiritual world with Radharani, the Supreme of all
the Goddesses. Go back to the spiritual world and join Him in 5 kinds of
relationships; have Krishna as Supreme, or Master, or friend, or child, or
17c. Make this year the first steps of spiritual life.
18. Krishna is God. God exists.
The argument of the cosmic
1. One physicist writes:
"At the moment of this explosion – the Big Bang-, the universe was about a
hundred thousands million degrees Celsius and the universe was filled with
2. Another added: “The seed
of everything that has happened in the Universe was planted in that first
instant; every star, every planet and every living creature in the Universe
came into being as a result of events that were set in motion in the moment of
the cosmic explosion...The Universe flashed into being, and we cannot find out
what caused that to happen."
3. Thus there is at bottom no
design, no purpose, voidness of any rational plan or guide, no evil, no good,
nothing but pointless indifference.
4. But the effect is, to
state some:
The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly
nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's
surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the
planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free
hydrogen, like Jupiter. Earth is the only known planet equipped with an
atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human
The Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature
swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any
further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn
up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life
on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while
it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating
on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and
cooled every day.
Our moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational
pull. The moon creates important ocean tides and movement so ocean waters do
not stagnate, and yet our massive oceans are restrained from spilling over
across the continents.
Water is colorless, odorless and without taste, and yet no living thing can
survive without it. Plants, animals and human beings consist mostly of water
(about two-thirds of the human body is water).
The characteristics of water are uniquely
suited to life: It has wide margin between its boiling point and freezing
point. Water allows us to live in an environment of fluctuating temperature
changes, while keeping our bodies a steady 98.6 degrees.
Water is a universal solvent.
This property of water means that various chemicals, minerals and nutrients can
be carried throughout our bodies and into the smallest blood vessels.
Water is also chemically
neutral. Without affecting the makeup of the substances it carries, water
enables food, medicines and minerals to be absorbed and used by the body.
Water has a unique surface
tension. Water in plants can therefore flow upward against gravity, bringing
life-giving water and nutrients to the top of even the tallest trees.
Water freezes from the top
down and floats, so fish can live in the winter.
Ninety-seven percent of the
Earth's water is in the oceans. But on our Earth, there is a system designed
which removes salt from the water and then distributes that water throughout
the globe. Evaporation takes the ocean waters, leaving the salt, and forms
clouds which are easily moved by the wind to disperse water over the land, for
vegetation, animals and people. It is a system of purification and supply that
sustains life on this planet, a system of recycled and reused water.
The human brain processing more than a million messages a second. The eye can
distinguish among seven million colors. It has automatic focusing and handles
1.5 million messages -- simultaneously.
5. What caused this? The
theory of “Physical necessity” holds that there’s some unknown Theory of
Everything (TOE) that would explain the way the universe is. It had to be that
way, and there was really no chance or little chance of the universe’s not
being life-permitting. This “physical necessity” is extraordinarily implausible
because the constants and quantities are independent of the laws of nature. So,
for example, the most promising candidate for a TOE to date, super-string
theory or M-Theory, fails to predict uniquely our universe. String theory
allows a “cosmic landscape” of around 10^500 different possible universes
governed by the present laws of nature, so it does nothing to render the
observed values of the constants and quantities physically necessary. With
respect to this theory, Dawkins notes that Sir Martin Rees rejects this
explanation, and Dawkins says, “I think I agree.” (To explain these “the
constants and quantities”: when the laws of nature are expressed as
mathematical equations, you find appearing in them certain constants, like the
constant that represents the force of gravity. These constants are not
determined by the laws of nature. The laws of nature are consistent with a wide
range of values for these constants. There are certain arbitrary quantities
that are put in just as initial conditions on which the laws of nature operate,
for example, the amount of entropy or the balance between matter and
anti-matter in the universe.)
6. Another, the theory of
“blind chance”. There is a huge number of life-permitting universes lying
within the cosmic landscape – the World Ensemble or multiverse-, nevertheless
the number of life-permitting worlds will be unfathomably tiny compared to the
entire landscape, so that the existence of a life-permitting universe is
fantastically improbable. an “unparsimonious extravagance,” Richard Dawkins
states. But he retorts, “The multiverse may seem extravagant in sheer number of
universes. But if each one of those universes is simple in its fundamental
laws, we are still not postulating anything highly improbable.”
7. Theist: Each universe in
the ensemble is not simple but is characterized by a multiplicity of
independent constants and quantities. The issue is not the simplicity of the
fundamental laws, for all the universes in the ensemble are characterized by
the same laws—where they differ is in the values of the constants and
quantities. Dawkins assumes that the simplicity of the whole is a function of
the simplicity of the parts. This is a mistake.
The postulate of a World
Ensemble may still be simple if there is a simple mechanism that through a
repetitive process generates the many worlds. But mechanisms are made and
operated by persons. if the universe entities all issue from a very simple
fundamental mechanism, how this machine produces infinite, infinitely
complicated huge universes. As a factory making 1000’s of types of breads, cakes,
cookies etc. ; there is a team of managers and workers.
8. So what mechanisms does
Dawkins suggest for generating such an infinite, randomly ordered World
Ensemble? First, he suggests an oscillating model of the universe, according to
which our time and space did indeed begin in our big bang, but this was just
the latest in a long series of big bangs, each one initiated by the big crunch
that terminated the previous universe in the series. Nobody understands what
goes on in singularities such as the big bang, so it is proposed that the laws
and constants are reset to new values, each time.
9a. Theist: 1000’s of types
of breads , cakes etc from a bread factory means there is a baker.
9b. Hawking notes that the
Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems “led to the abandonment of attempts
(mainly by the Russians) to argue that there was a previous contracting phase
and a non-singular bounce into expansion. Instead almost everyone now believes
that the universe, and time itself, had a beginning at the big bang.” The
evidence of observational astronomy has been consistently against the
hypothesis that the universe will someday recontract into a Big Crunch.
Attempts to discover the mass density sufficient to generate the gravitational
attraction required to halt and reverse the expansion continually came up
short. In fact, recent observations of distant supernovae indicate that—far
from slowing down—the cosmic expansion is actually accelerating! There’s some
sort of mysterious “dark energy” in the form of either a variable energy field
(called “quintessence”) or, more probably, a positive cosmological constant or
vacuum energy that causes the expansion to proceed more rapidly.
If the dark energy does
indicate the existence of a positive cosmological constant (as the evidence
increasingly suggests), then the universe will expand forever. According to the
NASA website of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, “For the theory that
fits our data, the Universe will expand forever.” oscillatory models, the
thermodynamic properties of such models imply the very beginning of the
universe that their proponents sought to avoid. For entropy is conserved from
cycle to cycle in such models, which has the effect of generating larger and
longer oscillations with each successive cycle. As one scientific team
explains, “The effect of entropy production will be to enlarge the cosmic
scale, from cycle to cycle. . . . Thus, looking back in time, each cycle
generated less entropy, had a smaller cycle time, and had a smaller cycle
expansion factor then the cycle that followed it.” Thus, as one traces the
oscillations back in time, they become progressively smaller until one reaches
a first and smallest oscillation. Zeldovich and Novikov therefore conclude,
“The multicycle model has an infinite future, but only a finite past.”
Astronomer Joseph Silk estimates on the basis of current entropy levels that
the universe cannot have gone through more than 100 previous oscillations. This
is far from sufficient to generate the sort of serial World Ensemble imagined
by Dawkins. Even if the universe could oscillate from eternity past, such a
universe would require an infinitely precise fine-tuning of initial conditions
in order to persist through an infinite number of successive bounces. Thus, the
mechanism Dawkins envisions for generating his many worlds is not simple but
just the opposite. If the oscillations of Bang-Crunch do go on, we must
conclude that the Supreme Powerful and Lawmaker, against some laws of physics,
as cited above, wills these Expansions and Contractions to go on.
9c. Any universe in a state
of overall cosmic expansion cannot be infinite in the past. This theorem
applies to the multiverse, too. Therefore, since the multiverse’s past is
finite, only a finite number of other worlds may have been generated by now, so
there’s no guarantee that a finely-tuned world will have appeared in the
ensemble. if our universe were just a random member of a World Ensemble, then
we ought to be observing highly extraordinary events, like horses’ popping into
and out of existence by random collisions, or perpetual motion machines, since
such things are vastly more probable than all of nature’s constants and
quantities’ falling by chance into the virtually infinitesimal life-permitting
range. Observable universes like those are simply much more plenteous in the
World Ensemble than worlds like ours and, therefore, ought to be observed by
us. We do not have such observations,
9d. If
bang-expansion-contraction-crunch cycles have been going on forever like a
cosmic accordion, WHO OPERATES THE COSMIC ACcOrDiON? Each time expanding
-contracting, again and again “blind chance” does incredible magic. This is
beyond belief. Such a universe involves a fine-tuning of a very bizarre sort
since the initial conditions have to be set at minus infinity in the past. But
how could that be done if there was no beginning?
How an eternally playing
cosmic accordion is created and starts playing.
10. The other theory is
evolutionary cosmology of Smolin. He imagines a scenario, Dawkins explains,
according to which daughter universes are born of parent universes, not in a
fully fledged big crunch, but more locally in black holes. Smolin adds a form
of heredity: The fundamental constants of a daughter universe are slightly
“mutated” versions of the constants of its parent. . . . Those universes which
have what it takes to “survive” and “reproduce” come to predominate in the
multiverse. “What it takes” includes lasting long enough to “reproduce.”
Because the act of reproduction takes place in black holes, successful
universes must have what it takes to make black holes. This ability entails
various other properties. For example, the tendency of matter to condense into
clouds and then stars is a prerequisite for making black holes. Stars also . .
. are the precursors to the development of interesting chemistry, and hence
life. So, Smolin suggests, there has been a Darwinian natural selection of
universes in the multiverse, directly favouring the evolution of black hole
fecundity and indirectly favouring the production of life.
11a. Theist: Again a miracle
of fine tuning , you think it is less miracle because of copying from the
parents? How this copying is done? Who copies? Is there somewhere
consciousness, god?
11b. A fatal flaw in Smolin’s
scenario is his assumption that universes fine-tuned for black-hole production
would also be fine-tuned for the production of stable stars. In fact, the exact
opposite is true: the most proficient producers of black holes would be
universes that generate primordial black holes prior to star formation, so that
life-permitting universes would actually be weeded out by Smolin’s cosmic
evolutionary scenario. Thus, it turns out that Smolin’s scenario would actually
make the existence of a life-permitting universe even more improbable.
Speculations about the
universe’s begetting “baby universes” via black holes have been shown to
contradict quantum physics. The conjecture that black holes may be portals of
wormholes through which bubbles of false vacuum energy can tunnel to spawn new
expanding baby universes was the subject of a bet between Stephen Hawking and
John Preskill, which Hawking in 2004 finally admitted that he had lost. The
conjecture would require that information locked up in a black hole could be
utterly lost forever by escaping to another universe. One of the last holdouts,
Hawking finally came to agree that quantum theory requires that information is preserved
in black hole formation and evaporation. The implications? “There is no baby
universe branching off, as I once thought. The information remains firmly in
our universe. I’m sorry to disappoint science fiction fans, but if information
is preserved, there is no possibility of using black holes to travel to other
universes.” That means that Smolin’s scenario is physically impossible.
12. Dawkins holds out hope
that “Some kind of multiverse theory could in principle do for physics the same
explanatory work as Darwinism does for biology.” But he admits that we don’t
have it yet, nor does he deal with the formidable problems facing such an
explanation of cosmic fine-tuning. Therefore, this hope represents nothing more
than the faith of a naturalist. Dawkins insists that even in the absence of a
“strongly satisfying” explanation for the fine-tuning in physics, still the
“relatively weak” explanations we have at present are “self-evidently better
than the self-defeating . . . hypothesis of an intelligent designer.”
13. Theist: If archaeologists
digging in the earth were to discover things looking like arrowheads and
pottery shards, they would be justified in inferring that these artifacts are
not the chance result of sedimentation and metamorphosis, but products of some
unknown group of people, even though they had no explanation of who these
people were or where they came from. Similarly, if astronauts were to come upon
a pile of machinery on the back side of the moon, they would be justified in
inferring that it was the product of intelligent agents, even if they had no
idea whatsoever who these agents were or how they got there.
14. Dawkins challenges how a
single, simple Creator can be behind the universes. He confuses the simplicity
of a hypothesis with the simplicity of the entity described in the hypothesis
Positing a complex cause to explain some effect can be a very simple
hypothesis, especially when contrasted with rival hypotheses. Think, for
example, of our archaeologists’ postulating a human fabricator to explain the
arrowheads they discovered. A human being is a vastly more complex entity than
an arrowhead, but the hypothesis of a human designer is a very simple
explanation. It is certainly more simple than the hypothesis that the artifacts
were the unintended result of a stampede– sudden wild rush– of buffalo that
chipped a rock to look like an arrowhead, OR
the chance result of sedimentation and metamorphosis. Dawkins is plainly
mistaken in his assumption that a divine Designer is just as complex an entity
as the universe. As a pure, spiritual Supersoul, mind or consciousness, with a
spiritual body, without a material body, God is a remarkably simple entity. A
spiritual mind (or soul) is not a physical object composed of parts. In
contrast to the contingent and variegated universe with all its inexplicable
constants and quantities, a divine mind is amazingly simple. Dawkins protests,
“A God capable of continuously monitoring and controlling the individual status
of every particle in the universe cannot be simple.” This is just confused.
Certainly a mind may have complex ideas (it may be thinking, for example, of
the infinitesimal calculus) and may be capable of doing complex tasks (such as
controlling the trajectory of every particle in the universe), but the
spiritual mind itself is a remarkably simple, non-physical entity. Dawkins has
evidently confused a mind’s ideas and effects, which may, indeed, be complex,
with a mind itself, which is an incredibly simple entity. Therefore,
postulating a divine mind behind the universe most definitely does represent an
advance in simplicity, the simplicity of an immaterial entity. This need not
imply that this Divine Entity lacks distinct properties, like
immateriality self-consciousness,
thinking, feeling, willing, character, power, beauty etc.
15. To assume that God has an
intelligent designer gives rise to an infinite regress. In order to explain one
ordered and complex system we must postulate another. This new system, however,
will then require a further designer, and so on ad infinitum. If one ordered
and complex system requires another, then there must be an infinite number of
ordered and complex systems. Clearly this is absurd; we must stop the regress
somewhere. At some point, we must be justified in holding that an ordered and
complex system needs no explanation, that it simply exists and that is the end.
Atheists stop at the
universe. Rather than postulating a Creator God, they say, we should simply
admit that we cannot explain the origin of the universe. One atheist described
the universe as a “brute fact”, as something the existence of which must be
accepted but which needs no explanation.
“We cannot explain the
appearance of design in the circumstances of the Big Bang, or in the laws of
physics. Sometimes improbable events do occur; there is no need to postulate
design just because something odd happened.
In a lottery, for example,
there are millions of possible combinations of balls that could be drawn. Each
one of those combinations is equally likely (or unlikely). Yet one of them must
be drawn.”
16. Theist: But, who moves
the balls, who draws the balls,.
Speaking of chance: If a used
pack of cards is opened, then there are many different ways in which the cards
might be ordered. They are no less likely to be ordered in ascending value
suit-by-suit than they are to be ordered in any other way. If they are ordered
in ascending value suit-by-suit, though, then we will infer that they were
deliberately placed in that order. We do so because there’s something special
about this order. It may be no less likely than any other order, but it
suggests design where other arrangements of the cards would not.
17. It is simpler and ultimate, to postulate an
unlimited, all-pervading force or force-giving person, moving the balls or
atoms of the universe, than a limited force. If one postulates a limited force
then one is postulating two things, the force and whatever constrains it. If
one postulates an unlimited force, then one is only postulating one thing, the force;
there is, by definition, nothing that constrains an infinite force.
18. The theories of “physical
necessity” and “blind chance” all are insufficient as explanations. Why do they
talk something which is not within their experience, nobody's experience?
Because they have no such experience, why do they say something which is not
within their experience?
What is the meaning of that
talk? You cannot get more out of less. The principle of causality is violated.
19a. Just like in a
classroom, the teacher is the supreme person, amongst his students. Similarly,
in the state there is a supreme person, the president or the prime minister.
Everywhere you will find one supreme person. Without a supreme person, an
order-giving person, nothing can be managed. This is everlastingly true, and
you cannot avoid this. Even in Communist countries, they also have the supreme
person, a dictator.
19b. So, taking the whole
universal affair, nature, how things are going on; the sun is rising early in
the morning. It is setting. Then the moon is coming. Everything in this big,
big planetary system, is working very systematically. The astronomical
calculation is so perfect that, they say, one ten-thousandth part of a second
is also calculated. So accurately things are moving. Thus the material nature
is also working under somebody.
19c. Just like when you go on
the street you see red light and green light. As soon as you see red light you
stop your car. So this red light and green light is being manipulated by some
officer, and he is working under the government.
19d. Similarly, this whole
material nature is acting like red light or green light, but behind that red
light and green light there is the supreme brain. That is the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. So as a layman or as child cannot understand how the
red light and blue light, green light, is working. He sees simply and he thinks
automatically it is being done. That is foolishness. It is not being
automatically done. There is a machine and there is manipulator behind this red
light. So this is intelligence. Anyone who is concluding that “On the street
the red light and green light is working automatically; there is no brain
behind it,” he’s a rascal. Similarly, the whole material cosmic manifestation
is working, the planets are rotating in their orbits at high speeds by the
order of somebody. That is Govinda, Krishna or the Supreme Person, Bhagavan.
Bhaga means six kinds of opulences: the richest, the most powerful, the wisest,
the most beautiful, and the most influential, and the most renounced at the
same time. Renounced because, just like this whole cosmic manifestation is
created by the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but you will not
find him here. He is disinterested. Many millions of universes are working by
His will, but He is not interested. The example is just like a big capitalist.
He has got many factories, and if you go to the factory—there is a Tata
factory, iron factory—you will find huge factories going on, but Mr. Tata is
not there. But things are going on. Similarly, all cosmic manifestations are
going on under the will of Krsna. But He is not present here. That is explained
in the Bhagavad-gita, mat-sthani sarva-bhutani: “Everything is resting on Me.”
Any factory, every worker knows that the whole factory function is resting on
that supreme person. So for the universe mat-sthani sarva-bhutani naham tesu
avasthitah: “I am not there.” Bhagavan
means that. Under His will, under His power, everything is working so nicely,
systematically, but if you want to see God, Krsna, you cannot see Him. He is
not there. He is in Goloka Vrndavana, dancing, playing on His flute, loving,
but His influence is so extensive that even without His personal presence,
things are going on so nicely. This is called Bhagavan.
20. God exists.